Choky Susy F3 for LU1014's

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Re: steen , my man .......

Zen Mod said:
did you had a chance to listen any of bigger Troel's spks ?

Yes, i heard a few. I even have another construction of his, myself (a set of bookshelf monitor's). All his projects does indeed sound like the needed work has been done to make them sound good.
This is a very interesting project of his, i think:
They are very Orion-like to look at, but passive.
Just wish he had used the 10" Scanspeak units for the bass-section. I could be tempted to make something like the Acapella's. Semi-OB's must be able to offer the best of two worlds. The precise soundstage of the OB's (and no boxy sound ofcourse) with enough bassoutput from a boxed woofer.

thanks for the post Steen, I havent seen that model. I would like to build one of his speakers but I could never decide wich one.
I have been thinking of buying an old pair of kef 104/2 as well.

But then again, I could stick with the ones I have and finish my other projects:)

A friend has the parts for a proac 2.5 so I hope to hear it one day.
Is this thread about an amp or a cat fight over speakers?:clown:

I am awaiting Papa's paper about OB with the AN CS12" to be revealed. I am here to find out about the SUSY. I need an amp to drive the Audio Nirvana Dast Super 12" anf I believe the best control for it is an F1. I am looking for F1 transconductance like control with SET like distortion characteristics. Is the Choky SUSY the amp for me?
khundude said:
Is this thread about an amp or a cat fight over speakers?:clown:

Is the Choky SUSY the amp for me?

Nope, you got it all wrong.
This thread is all about alcohol and sausages, just like all the other threads, that you see these familiar faces in:D

If this is the amp for you, well, build one and see what you think.
I'd go as far as claiming, that it can be tailored to just about any taste and speaker, it's just a matter of how far you're willing to go.

Magura :)
It seems I have to do everything myself :bawling:

Magura :)


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