ChatGPT ideas about amplifier design

Hi Jan technology has advanced a lot , chatgpt is like a single celled amoeba, there's tech out there that has no problem what you feed it. You just need to feed it core principles and it can ingest all the garbage out here and produce gold. More advanced systems don't care what it ingests , it will produce the truth from the mess(y)
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Lets imagine for a moment you are mentally or physically disabled or are old and need assisted living, under these conditions it makes sense to externalize intelligence and processes. Take Japan or dessert Arab countries with the money or the tech or both for example , this could be a great place to setup prototypes for automated farming. Self running sustainable farms could ensure a year round food supply. Maintenance and building robots could work with mining and processing robots to build and maintain our infrastructure. These prototype cities could meet the basic needs of food, shelter/clothing. We will be one step closer to eliminating poverty. In doing so we also create other problems for the enabled populace , health issues, obesity etc so we may need the enabled populace to workout to get food and shelter. Money fosters world peace and social interaction, as you get to talk and deal with people who you might have ignored were there not the exchange of money its like a bull ring with it you get a hook to train any beast. Our imagination is the limiting factor
There are pros and cons to everything. We use many things we cant make or understand how they work. So yes tech can make our brains and personal capabilities weaker without them. But these tools can enable an expert even further depending on how they are used, if your really an expert there are areas where these tools can hamper you. Looks like one might not be able to have it both ways. Your mind is intelligent so you can coexist with other intelligent systems or externalize the intelligence. There are many people not happy with tools like chatgpt because they tried to use it as a walking stick and it buckled on them but its improving daily. While chatgpt can give you the basics to starting , running and completing your amplifier build, it will not be as smooth as honey, however its much better than having no guidance. I did try chatgpt on another task that had taken me three days to complete, with chatgpt it took me a week as I also had to address the kinks with gpt3.5.
It can't perceive what it can't steal from us. It would take a whole freakin' server farm to match my fart. they need to go full quantum to get anywhere
near what a devoted organic can do. F AI !!
If it was up to me , I would outlaw this tech - death as a penalty. Because organics can't be trusted with it .... at our present level.
ChatGPT and its breathern are not smart enough to know when people post and write stuff that's nonsense, clearly wrong or ignorant.
So when it quotes something that's wrong, who's to blame?
Look at forums like these. There's so much BS and nonsense posted, how do you expect an AI to sort through that?

See for yourself:

v3.5 can be fed back that it responded badly when it does.

v4 is more advanced and can access plugins and updated Web info.

There are even more advanced versions. It is possible to teach them on curated, more accurate documents as well.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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See for yourself:

v3.5 can be fed back that it responded badly when it does.

v4 is more advanced and can access plugins and updated Web info.

There are even more advanced versions. It is possible to teach them on curated, more accurate documents as well.
So I could feed back to it that the theory of a flat earth is the only correct earth theory and that the globe theory is a sham?

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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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You could, but you'd be wrong to think your feedback isn't further verified for correctness before it is actually used for enhancement.

Even this can be automated... using ChatGPT 4...
You miss the point. Who will decide what is right and what is wrong? You find something that's 'right' according to you, and I'll get you someone who proves the opposite.

Joined 2003
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Humans have always adapted to new technologies, from the stone age till today.
Academics, scientists and big tech involved in the creation of AI are really the guys who know to some extend what AI is capable of and ask for regulation, for they know that this technology outsmarts them and they seem to loose their grip on it. Never before has something being created that has the potential to dominate us on all fronts. In all our existence we never had a technologie smarter than combined humanity, or at the very least combines all human knowledge.

I wonder if someone build an amplifier with AI schematics :)
Agree. We had a civil service that used AI to get an answer for an application - the rules were difficult and there was quite some 'grandfathering' (a public service term) so humans did take a lot of time.
But then - there was a law suit, and nobody could explain the outcome. And that AI program was within a fixed domain, only fed with past cases in the field.

Like someone said above, the big problem is first to train ChatGPT in our domain. The one who does that will NOT trust the outcome, I'm sure. But many will admire it. And others 🤑 the bucks that the new garbage generates.
Agree. We had a civil service that used AI to get an answer for an application - the rules were difficult and there was quite some 'grandfathering' (a public service term) so humans did take a lot of time.
But then - there was a law suit, and nobody could explain the outcome. And that AI program was within a fixed domain, only fed with past cases in the field.

Like someone said above, the big problem is first to train ChatGPT in our domain. The one who does that will NOT trust the outcome, I'm sure. But many will admire it. And others 🤑 the bucks that the new garbage generates.
Did you use a home-grown AI to write sentences like this? Just curious :ROFLMAO:
I wonder if someone build an amplifier with AI schematics :)
I did a few tests for power circuits. It can revise versioned file formats, but the contents so far aren't usable. Take into account these were early tests with no fine-tuning or encoding of example files and descriptions, so prompting might have been lacking in the first place.

I'd say it is a promising avenue.

The way forward will be acting on curated information from a LLM base.