CD PRO 2 - The making of a high end CD Transport

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post 100 :)


i was :radar: the digital board and found your CDpro2 project. Deeply impressed!

I plan to use this module for my own CDP and had no information if there is a complete I²S interface. Yesterday i phoned Mr Thevissen and got comprehensive info. The I²S seems to be according to specified standard. Good!
I also got the impression a suspension is really needed, But he was not too firm about that.

You phenolic compound material you mount the drive into via the milled alu sheet increases both mass an damping considerably.
What i really would like to know: does your drive sound better on spikes on a soft suspension ? I mean really soft, 2Hz resonance region.

To the DAC i intend to use for my CDP: carefully avoiding SPDIF, feeding the DAC chip by the separate signals from I²S, clocking the DAC by a precision master oscillator in close proximity to the DAC and synchronizing the drive with this clock. No galvanic connection between drive and DAC. DAC feeds transformer for I/V and tube output stagehas also an output transformer.
ThomasMayer/ManfredHuber style. I am no digital wiz, but they have the best CDPs i came across so far. And they are kind enough to help me with it.

Heck, this is what i have to ask Mr.Thevissen: is it possible to synchonize the drive to an external clock signal. Anyone knowing this answer already?

I'm glad you are interested in that project as well. I didn't compare suspension with no suspension, because the transport is not working yet. I got inspired by 47 Laboratory stuff and that's why not suspension in my project.

There is an output for an oscillator on a board, so it might work with external clock. On Nico Thevissen site there is lots of documentation to download, as well as some schematics for the transport.

I also plan to use I2S connection. The DAC will be mounted below phenolic platform. Probably no oversampling.
Using an I²S connection betwen drive and DAC ist definitely a good idea.

I'm just playing around with the actual versions of C.E.C. TL 51/DX 51 these days, they have an I²S link in addition to the conventional SPDIF jacks.

No matter what digital cable you choose - the I²S link using a cheap 9pin sub-d-stuffed computer cable is dramatically better. Much more resolution, deeper and tighter bass.
My player

Hi Peter!

I2S from CD PRO to 1541 dac chip.Did remove the original dac chip from CD PRO board, didnt like the idea of that not used one.
Also 1541 chip is powered with three SLA battery-
no filters and regulators. I am very happy with result, there is nothing compare to my Sony cdp xa
50 es with Audiocom´s 45 MHz clock upgrade...



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Time to celebrate

Not only because of a 100th post today, but also because the work is finaly done and transport is playing the music.:)

First impression, way more bass. Something is still missing at the top end thou (not enough air I guess) ;) so more tuning is in order.

Also strange behaviour with some discs, doesn't read them. The blue button "disc" on remote's not working. How do you change the display for a new disc?


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I2S buffer?

I hv a cdp which does not have a digital SPDIF out jack.
I do know the SPDIF and I2S signals are available on
some of the chips' pins. I would like to tap the
I2S signals out and buffer these, then output these
buffered I2S signals to the TDA1541 directly.
Can the standard HCMOS inverters (2 in series) work
good enough to buffer current to the external tda1541?
I plan to put the TDA1541 dac as an outboard
dac, perhaps some 2 feet away.
If the HCMOS buffers are not good enough, what
would be the recommendations?

Anybody who doubts the importance of shelf materials: I just removed phenolic board from under the transport (seen in the last picture) and placed the player directly on a sand box.

The sound improved, with more space and detail and averall less fatigue. Still, need more focus.;)

I noticed that display says "no disc" each time I put a disc with those plastic dampers attached. I never had problem with those discs before, but here they seem not playable. Any idea why? Wrong weight, or what?;)


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well i must say that is a nice cd player i pitty yu if ya have a cat that loves warm places to sit or lay since your optical block is not protected nor the top of the cd player.. are yuo going to be putting a lid on it or just as is .. and id try a weighted cd top holder to hold them cds down more firmly i bet that will solve some thing.. and make it spin more acuratly..
Well, it so happens that I have 6 cats at the moment (my female cat had the young ones recently);) but I keep them all outside.

Just for fun today I placed a bowl to cover a spinning disc - it sounded worse. I also placed blue LED close to a laser and it indeed improved the sound (more relaxed and natural). The article in Stereophile wasn't a lie.;) I'm thinking now about proper location for permanent LED.

So no cover, although I will have dust cover when not using player.
dice45 said:
i just notice the components you used. Serious stuff! The trannies look like Haufe to me, are they for output or for I/V conversion?

If you mean big ones on left and right sides of the tubestage on full player photo, then they are opt-s I had in hand and used as anode chokes.
The result with them was a little too cold (30H for 5842). Today are there Lundahl´s 100H anode chokes and I like the result much more.
For I/V I use 20 ohm Audionote tantalium resistors.

For read new TOC you have to use the red button two times to send it to sleep and it reads an new TOC when wakes up again. At the new ones now delivered the blue button works. Maybe we should ask Nico Thevissen for an Update. My one plays everydisk a own. For the wight problem:

There are some new informations on Nivos site, check out.

If you have an solution for an Update, please post.
Hi Peter,

I have worked on equipment that uses optical sensors etc and strange things can happen with light reflections. Is it possible that light is reflecting onto the laser and the laser cant find the beggining of disc or trac?
Perhaps cover it with a card board box and see if it helps? Wont look quite as classy but;)
congrats! :up:

soft suspension! no spikes! :nod:
If the sandbox improves the sound, then a soft supension should do an even better job.
One exception, if the vibration come from inside the drive, a sandbox dissipates them. But then i would put the sandbox under the drive unit itself on a soft suspension in order to cancel ground vibrations.
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