Bybee Quantum Purifier Measurement and Analysis

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Again I have to ask why this wonderful! device is only available in Audio circles (or should I say from a limited numer of purveyors in avant garde audio add ons). Why is it not available in other realms of electronics.
Of course the basic part in its unclothed version is available en mass, but when it gets its emperors cloak it seems to disapear from mainstream electronic!:)
Sweep them? Network analyse them? So far not enough detail to get a handle on what might be seen...

Myself I have a hypothesis that they might be RF absorbers at very low levels of signal, a bit like ferrites. But I haven't much of a clue how to verify that. Which is why I asked you....:) So far, seems you haven't either. Never mind.

I just stumbled onto this thread.
What were the results of the measurements?
I am hitching to buy this product or the nuforce.
Would you know if the carpet cleaner 1001 is still available? I think it is best to re-orient the carper fibers before laying speaker cable and ByBee or nuforce on it. :D

Aaah! the improvement of snake oil through magnetic fields.


I mean sweep them to look for absorption and/or resonances.
A network analyzer to discern RLC values.


Which would tell you what, exactly? Compared to what, exactly?

Instead of throwing out vague speculations with no connection to any evidence or well-established phenomena, get off your lazy butt, lay out your own money, and do some actual research. If you think that gigahertz stuff is important for audio and that these vinyl-dipped resistors have some measurable or verifiable audible effect, go get some evidence. Otherwise, you're just blowing the same smoke as Curl.

The last time you were making wild claims about things you could hear (cable directionality), you disappeared when it came time to put your claims to the test, after Steve Eddy went to the trouble and expense of preparing samples for you. Can you man up and do some actual work this time? At your expense, of course.
I disappeared because of a fractured vertebra, no other reason Stuart.
I had offered to run RF parametric measurements on them since some of the early claims kept referring to magical properties in the several GHz range that influenced the sound. It now appears that those measurements are not needed, but I can still do them if needed.

We have a very gracious offer here so why not take advantage of this offer and see if the BB's do behave differently to the internal resistor on it's own....what's to lose ?.

I understand that scanning and posting aren't things you can do (that's OK, there's a whole 'nother thread on my computer stupidness, we're old), but could you verbally summarize the test setup and conditions, and then the differences between your measurements of the Bybee and a normal COTS resistor?

Also, since your measurements are 15 years old and the devices seem to have changed since then, do you believe that your measurements are at least qualitatively representative of the Bybees as currently produced and sold?
Quote without comment:
'Graph #2 - Indicates the amount of phase shift caused by the filter. NONE. We tested phase shifting out to 1 megahertz, the results, NONE. The filter is outstanding when used to filter power supplied of D to A converters.'
'Graph #4 - Impedance magnitude into .5 ohm load using a different piece of test equipment (HP6532B FFT analyzer), the results were the same.'
'Graph #5 - Complex impedance graph, same .48 ohm at 25 kHz.'
'Graph #6 - Test for amount of any excessive phase shifting into an average 8 ohm load.'
'Graph #7 - Nyquist plot indicates that filters are almost totally linear and only .1 degree of phase shift.'
'P. S. : Equipment used in design and testing
1) Cray YBL Supercomputer
2) 8800 BMI AC Analyzer
3) HP 8512 Network Analyzer
4) HP 6532B Spectrum Analyzer
5) MLSSA '

From a letter written and signed by Jack Bybee, in 1995.
Wheres the energy stored it converts to heat, or do you mean it resists the flow of current going through, the effect of it resisting this current flow is the generation of heat.
Cable directivity!!!!!!:D that still a belief.
Again why is this wonderful device only available to the esoteric audio fraternity.
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