Bybee Quantum Purifier Measurement and Analysis

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Joined 2004
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Hi DF96,
Well, if Fourier doesn't do it for anyone, then there are tone bursts and high mark - space ratio DC pulses that can get their motor running.

I suspect that odd signals seem to offer an easier mechanism to uncover problems. Everything I have seen so far over 30 + years are covered by the lowly sine wave.
Hi DF96,
Well, if Fourier doesn't do it for anyone, then there are tone bursts and high mark - space ratio DC pulses that can get their motor running.

I suspect that odd signals seem to offer an easier mechanism to uncover problems. Everything I have seen so far over 30 + years are covered by the lowly sine wave.

Actually there are things in audio that show up with more than an FFT. But I suspect you haven't run into those cases with what you do!
I think there were a couple other people willing to run tests on these devices, we'll see.

I had offered to run RF parametric measurements on them since some of the early claims kept referring to magical properties in the several GHz range that influenced the sound. It now appears that those measurements are not needed, but I can still do them if needed.

Still, a valid test. One that can be accomplished by using a square wave, or a pulse generator if you want to use a very small duty cycle, or large mark - space ratio.

I have a fancy high level pulse generator in my lab at work also. It is an HP unit, I don't remember the number or specs since I haven't used it in about 4 years. I know from experience that it can shock the %&#* out of you and it can source considerable current. I was using it to control a high side mosfet switch on a 48 volt line at 2 MHz, so I know it can make 60 volt pulses.
Maybe BB effect is out of audio band ?...

Ferrite clip-on cable filters response graphs show no noise attenuation at audio frequencies, yet in my experience these change the sound of a system when clipped on a line level audio cable.
How about repeating Stuarts testing with a ferrite filter fitted around a wire, and fitted around the RR and see if the 1kHz sine test gets a result ?.

Ferrite clip-on cable filters response graphs show no noise attenuation at audio frequencies, yet in my experience these change the sound of a system when clipped on a line level audio cable.
How about repeating Stuarts testing with a ferrite filter fitted around a wire, and fitted around the RR and see if the 1kHz sine test gets a result ?.


How about you give a little more info on the conditions of said experience?
So when you ride up the hill do you do it at exactly the same time of day every time and make the various allowances for temperature, wind speed and direction, traffic, whether you are riding alone or with others, what you ate in the last 24 hours, the tyre pressure, and what you happen to be wearing?

Or do you just get home, check the time (kinda remembering what time you left) and think "wow - I AM getting better?"

If the latter, that's what I do. Its great for my ego, but it ain't science.

A/B testing? Nah, I go with what I measure (not too accurately, but ok enough) and what I like the sound of.

Doesn't mean I can't recognise poor logic when I see it.
At this stage it walks, squawks and smells like a duck - It certainly contains a duck, although someone has painted it to look like a swan.

I think its safe to say its a duck.

If you think a test of its cellular makeup and genetic probing may disclose its a new form of swan, you should feel free to go ahead.
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