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2SC3503E & KSA1381ESTU Group Buy

I agree with @asuslover. The lower price was just a perk. The main attraction is immediate availability versus a 3 to 4 month wait. Assuming we are "allowed" to buy from them. As asuslover stated, the previous attempt with a BC560C buy didn't work out. I started the process to create and account. We'll see if I get rejected.
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Kinda figured from past experiences, that's the way it would go. Good fortune on them keeping those dates for you.
Kinda remember Newark doing the same thing to me. Show that they have something and then its gone from stock.
Covid lockdowns and after effect were challenging times getting parts.
For round 2 participants, I'll send payment info our over the next few days. I would appreciate 50% down to cover the Rochester side which I am paying for now. I placed it now to ensure we get it. They have limited stock and when its gone... it's gone!

The Mouser side won't bill to me until it ships. Which is currently Feb 2025. Though I won't be surprised it it gets pushed back further. Round 1 already got pushed back 2 months.
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