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2SC3503E & KSA1381ESTU Group Buy

We have good participation for round two. The more we get, the lower the price will be with Mouser. We're already at the lowest price with Rochester.

Regarding payment... Mouser (KSA1381E) will not charge me until the order ships. However, Rochester (2SC3503E) is in stock and I will place the order at the same time as Mouser - they will charge me then. I'll order with Rochester when I place the Mouser order (rather than wait till Feb for Rochester) to ensure we secure our quantity with them. I will be asking participants for a 50% payment at this time to cover the Rochester side. I'll send out PMs with details when I place the order. The remaining 50% will be due once the Mouser order ships in later February.

I can split ship on request (23C3503E in Nov, KSA1381E in Feb), but the shipping cost will be double.
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Hi @brian92fs just to let you know that same thing happened to me. I also ordered some KSAs a month back. Until yesterday all was fine with shipping date of 12. Nov 2024 and today status quietly changed to Production in Process / Will advise. Maybe the batch got delayed or we got pushed back by some VIP customer? ;-)
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Interesting. Thank you for the info. I checked onsemi's authorized distributor list and they are listed (as you indicated).

They are cheaper than Mouser but have a $500 minimum. With our round 1 & quantities, we have this covered. Assuming I can cancel the Mouser order from round 1.

For those participating in the buy, I can pivot to purchasing from Flip unless anyone has concerns. You can voice them here or via PM. If we use Flip, I can refund a portion of the payment for those that have already paid. I think I can drop from $30 to $25 per 100 for KSA1381E. This price covers the purchase, my taxes, shipping to me and my cost to repackage for shipping.

I'll need to make a decision soon so I can cancel the Mouser order. I'll make sure to secure the Flip order first before canceling with Mouser.
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Wait until you have confirmations from Flip and Mouser.
It is a little bit difficult to communicate with flipelectronics,
I remember I tried to buy some bc560C transistors from them and I just could not do that.
I believe my order was not large enough or who knows.
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I suppose it also depends on what Mouser says for the updated ship date for round 1. If we're now pushed out a month or so, it might be worth changing for Round 1.

I'll wait for a reply from Mouser before any further actions.