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2SC3503E & KSA1381ESTU Group Buy

That's a beautiful sight! Rochester order for the 2SC3503E arrived today.

For those that ordered 2SC3503E only, I'll get these mailed out this week.

Here are a few pics of the ones I have. Different lead frames and inscriptions, rusty to boot, not like your nice and shiny ones


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Nice work. Has anyone put these 2sc3503E through a tracer to check how they get along with the currently-but-not-for-long available KSA1381E?

I just got onto this, so if I missed out, no problem, but I'd be interested in 100/100 if you got some extras.

It might have been the Nov 12th ship date when you ordered them and not sure if Mouser would update you on a date change
The current status on the web site update, so not sure if it applies to you, hopefully not 👍
512-KSA1381ESTU On Order: 4,589 Expected 2025-02-24
Might ask Mouser to re-confirm ship date if folks are in a real hurry.
The words out, this maybe it for them. 👎
Digi-Key is not buying anymore either
Good luck everyone

I've had several people ask about this after the initial order was place. I plan on putting in an additional order with Mouser and Rochester. Cost will likely be higher for the 2nd round as Mouser has raised prices.

This 2nd round won't be quick - Mouser is showing a 2/24/2025 ship date. I'll update the first post with info for the 2nd round.

If you are interested, please let me know via PM.
I should probably place the mouser order soon to secure the February 2025 shipment. The first post is updated with everyone that has expressed interest. Please PM me if you want to be added. I'll place the mouser order this week.