Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Hi Marcel

Can you give my a hint with exporting the surface to Fusion360?
The .STL file looks fine. I can also import the ESP shape into fusion without any problems.

I have copied the code from the .pdf file, but I am not certain about the parameters:

Rollback = 1
Rollback.StartAt = 0.4
Rollback.Angle = 180 ; [deg]
Rollback.Exp = 1.5
Mesh.AngularSegments = 32
Mesh.LengthSegments = 60
Mesh.SubdomainSlices =
Mesh.WallThickness = 4 ; [mm]
Mesh.ZMapPoints = 0.5,0.4,0.5,0.98
ABEC.SimType = 2
ABEC.SimProfile = 0
ABEC.f1 = 200 ; [Hz]
ABEC.f2 = 20000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.NumFrequencies = 100
ABEC.MeshFrequency = 42000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.Polars:SPL = {
 MapAngleRange = 0,180,37

GridExport: = {
 ProfileRange = 0,32
 SliceRange = 0,32
 ExportProfiles = 1; 0|1
 ExportSlices = 1; 0|1
 Scale = 1.0
 Delimiter = ";"
 FileExtension = "csv"
 SeparateFiles = 1 ;0|1

In this configuration I get 32 separate .csv files with 33x3 values and an empty one, if I set SeparateFiles = 1.
When I set it SeparateFiles = 0 then I get one big file with +900 lines, where it seems like the last section is incomplete.
If I use the ath4_CurvesImport script in Fusion360 on the large file, then I get the profiles, or at least most of them:

But, when I try to use ath4_SurfaceImport on the same file it doesn't work.
So what should my ProfileRange and SliceRange be?
Should ProfileRange be smaller than Mesh.AngularSegments?

Looks like it works with importing the surface, but I'm not sure if I have exported the whole thing. I have set SliceRange = MeshLengthSegments - 1, I guess there can't be overlap in the mesh

I'll keep on trying :)


Great succes
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Joined 2004
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Yeah, that was the easy part :)
Somewhat more difficult is to print it and (at least for me!) a lot more demanding to actually test it - I have already so many things waiting in the cupboard to be measured that I don't think I will be ever able to finish it. Some day I just might throw it all away...

So I wish you a good luck. I think this could well be the future - at least for DIY.
Morph.CornerRadius = 1.5 Corner radius for a rectangular outline [mm]

What I am after is the most simplistic waveguide, consisting of two profiles only. I cannot achieve this atm. The walls have a curvature which is variable across their depth. This inhibits to create a waveguide from two splines, simulate it and then build it with.

How can I enforce two simple splines?

Throat.Diameter = 25.4
Throat.Angle = 10.08
Throat.Profile = 1
Length = 100

Coverage.Angle = 50
Term.s = 0.7
Term.n = 3.7
Term.q = 0.995

Morph.TargetShape = 1
Morph.FixedPart = 0
Morph.Rate = 1.01
Morph.CornerRadius = 1

Source.Shape = 1
Source.Curv = 0
Source.Radius = -1
Source.Velocity = 1


Mesh.AngularSegments = 60
Mesh.DepthSegments = 20
Mesh.CornerSegments = 5

Mesh.ThroatResolution = 4.0
Mesh.InterfaceResolution = 9.0
Mesh.InterfaceOffset = 5.0

curvature2.jpg curvature.jpg
How can I enforce two simple splines?
I don't know exactly what you want but there has to be interpolation between the two splines somewhere to have them meet.

This is a quick sketch of two spline profiles lofted between a circle to a rectangle. If you want the shape to be more specific then you need more guide rails to constrain the loft.


  • 2 Spline Loft.png
    2 Spline Loft.png
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  • 2 Spline Sketch.png
    2 Spline Sketch.png
    42.6 KB · Views: 81


Joined 2003
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I see now that I probably want to use the ST260-30 with BMS 5530ND... the download has a .step but not a .stl file. Is there any difference when sending this to a printer? JLCPCB accepts both. Viewing the 3D models using JLCPCBs, the step looks coarser...



  • 260_30_stlJ.png
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  • 260_30_stepJ.png
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Joined 2004
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The STEP file is in fact independent of resolution - it's an ideal description of the object, and contrary to the STL file it's intended for a further work in a CAD (which then can result in a STL file of some fixed output resolution). To print or visualize a STEP file, it must first be interpreted in finite element terms (as is the STL file a set of triangles). That's what you are looking at and it's a question how they (JLCPCB) do that and whether the visualization matches the actual printed model. I would assume the printed model would be much smoother in the end but you should check (or make your own STL file from the STEP file - e.g. the mounting holes are still missing).
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