A DIY Ribbon Speaker of a different Kind

hello your specialist, what do you think, you could synonymous drive a rubanmembran, with a normal chassis without membrane on the voice coil. would that work?

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Hello to above last two posters. A while back I made a pair of these as a kind of proof of concept to see if I like the idea of the rubanoid membrane. These were only driven by one of the exciters you can get from Dayton audio. I wish I had the access to a bunch of Neo magnets and steel and I would have taken this much further.

As a quick-and-dirty test setup they actually sounded quite well, but they did not have the overall range I was looking for and there was obviously some distortion. I think the Distortion is as wrinex alluded to above in that the cylinders are being driven by a single point instead of along the complete length from top to bottom. I tried to exciters placed along the length but the Distortion was actually a bit worse I think.

I would really like to hear how some of the people who built their diy Rubanoids are still getting on with them.
Hello to above last two posters. A while back I made a pair of these as a kind of proof of concept to see if I like the idea of the rubanoid membrane. These were only driven by one of the exciters you can get from Dayton audio. I wish I had the access to a bunch of Neo magnets and steel and I would have taken this much further.

As a quick-and-dirty test setup they actually sounded quite well, but they did not have the overall range I was looking for and there was obviously some distortion. I think the Distortion is as wrinex alluded to above in that the cylinders are being driven by a single point instead of along the complete length from top to bottom. I tried to exciters placed along the length but the Distortion was actually a bit worse I think.

I would really like to hear how some of the people who built their diy Rubanoids are still getting on with them.

Hello cubby,
My rubans are playing joitfully in this new apartment. I still have to make some proper dampening to the room. I just finished renovating this new apartment single... I still have to make some finishing touches but leave them in this new year.
The membranes didnt bend at all. I'm curious about the elastics in time because they are rubber covered in silk after all.. I still have to measure them to see how they are. :rolleyes:

I thinked about your ideea cassini (with classic driver for the motor) but for the bass only, with two 16 ohm coil drivers in parallel to get 8ohm per speaker and 1 meter high membrane made from thicker paper because you need only to move a huge amount of air in the 40-60hz region. ;)
Happy new year!


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Cassini, your perseverence is contagious. I will try this too.
But my sugestion is first, not to use the tongue that cubby used. Use only half of ruba and stick the coil former exactly to the membrane, then cut before or after a small hole in the center area where the bond has been made without damaging the bond. You can try the old patent from the 30s when the first ruban was made from a classic magnet motor. This project can be made as an "el cheapo rubanoide" new thread. Nice!
Cheers! And happy new year to all!!
Ich war beruflich in Deutschland, habe aber viele Wörter vergessen, also bitte Englisch verwenden, damit ich und jeder verstehen und helfen können.

have been in Germany for work but forgot a lot of words so please use english so that me and everyone could understand and help. Thanks.

I'm glad we inspired others to continue and improve this research. Cheers
I wouldn't say I have made any improvements but I did manage to knock this up with some speed.
I’ve been interested in this design for some time now, it seems so simple and with Joppe’s videos on youtube, I thought there was no excuse to try and give it a go myself.

Now, I’d like to make a point about my build, I don’t claim it to be true HiFi, the pre-requisites imposed on myself are generated from the comments Joppe made on his last video “How to make a simple Rubanoide tweeter” Part 6 or 7… He states that this was expensive to make compared to say an AMT or ribbon and time consuming to construct.

This seemed like a challenge to me!

What you are seeing is my interpretation of a Rubanoide, 3D printed with a cheap FDM printer.

Time taken to design with Fusion – 3hours
Time to print – 12 pieces 4 to 5 hours @ 100mm/s
Construction time in total – 1hour
Cost in total – 3.75Euros
Paper weight – 41lb (whatever that is in new money???)

Due to the lack of space at the time, this was measured at 50cm not 1m per 1watt!

Magnets FEMM v5.jpg

Rub Cross Section.jpg

Rubanoid 3D printed speaker1.jpg

Rub Mag 6.jpg

Rubanoid 3D printed speaker Dist.jpg
"...perseverance is contagious..." Yup... ;)


(Sorry...Had to 'go there'. *smirk*)

Hi, y'all...and Greetings, Sparrowlegs! Been forever in 'net time...^5's

Well, 'speed' Is an improvement, after all and at the end of the day. *G* Right?
Running plots on your 'knock up' certainly qualifies in my book. For your next 'cheap FDM' (Euro or pounds? *tease*), take a crack @ an IID (Infinite Improbability Drive); we need to get off this planet ASAP. And I, for one, am quite ready to put it to chance... ;)

Actually, I'm impressed by the output of your tilt at the windmill in your given time frame, wish I could bang things out that quick. Plots notwithstanding, I noticed you've not stated what 'IT' sounds like. IMHExperience, anything 'simple' generally isn't. If IT ends up sounding like a cat being turned outside in tail first, it's back to the drawing board....or Fusion in your case.

(...considering the cats' attitude about the above process noted: I'm not 'going rude' on you...just jealous, and infusing levity into what's been an ongoing project 'n process for y'all. Rubanoids have been around nearly forever but haven't gotten much traction in the dipole division...again, IMHO...and what I've seen put out in the public, i.e. commercial, 'for sale' sphere...)

Extrapolating from my trials 'n tribulations with making a Walsh work, there seems to be a 'sweet spot' between size and performance that's difficult to identify and 'hit' with some confidence on success.

The larger the radiating element(s), the increased difficulty in controlling these elements of whatever material employed. Bigger magnets yield more 'input' and more oscillation. More damping of that yields more input. Heavier elements tend to stay in motion. Larger/smaller 'driven component' (the 'voice coil', now similar to the element of a planar, amt, or the like just adds another layer to the onion....

One either ends up with something the size of your fist....or the mass of a pickup truck, driven by a cell phone or an amp with the amps of something one would use to weld plate steel. Efficiency always seems to be at the end of the rainbow, just over the next hill...

Honestly...and not trivializing y'alls' efforts, time, and treasure in the pursuit...

Look for that 'sweet spot'. Take That, and go forth with That, and find what mates with it for what it can't do.

I think (IMHO) that I'm on the threshold of that with my Walshs'. Within that 'envelope', if I want more sheer db, I add 'more of same'. The fq that the Walsh can't do well (the lower fq's, which is just exciting' large masses of air), I pass off to a sub.

That seems to be the bottom line for speakers, as much as it is for cars: PWR. Power to Weight Ratios. You can't expect a Lotus Elise to act like a Bentley or a Rolls, or vice-versa.

I've always held that opinion re the 'single driver' fans regarding speakers, not that I'm interested in getting into a extended 'discussion' about it. Nor how 'wrong-headed' I am for such a heresy. I wouldn't expect a dinosaur to act like a bird, although they share an ancestry that can be demonstrated in their DNA.


Y'all tilt your windmill, I'll tilt mine. *S*

BTW, Sparrow....Friend. As for '41 lbs.'; or English pounds, for that matter...what do you think of Banksy's Parliament painting getting 12.2mil$?
I wonder what he'd come up with if he took a crack at our gov't.? Wanna trade twits? Why are our gov's all acting like they admire '3rd world' agencies, regarding their populations like a cow that should be sucked dry while ignoring the cow is getting somewhat pissed about the situation?

Not to get all 'political' in this 'gentile forum'....But....*sigh*

An IID....make a 'Really HOT cup of tea'. Quadruple Espresso level, at minimum. ;)
Great idea to 3D print all the mechanics.
Can you share more details concerning the motor and the coil?

Have you considered to print the membrane in vase mode?
Let's say with a 0.25 m nozzle.

As you can imagine, you can't print a pole piece with an FDM Printer. As per my femm diag, I just arranged the magnets to get the max Tesla possible. However using 0.125cm3 magnets, only give me a 5mm width, so I've opted for an underhung VC.

I've used 58 magnets in total, (yes theres only 9 magnets in the middle as I need to space them to lock them in, if that make sense), so their 5cm high.

The VC is using 0.1mm diameter copper, which I wound by hand. This version, is 3.6ohms.

I will admit there was a mistake, I have realised holes in the diaphragm for the elastic band (for the suspension), are to close together, so I think it touches the frame at maximum amplitude.

I was planning to make the VC by etching aluminium but due to the width required, I abandoned this idea.

RE printing the membrane, I did think of this but my gap is a fraction over 1mm. I can print with a 0.2mm nozzle, but it will take 3hours, which make the point about speed pointless. (Printing paper and cutting is quick).

The one trick I have learned, I can print the VC. I have been playing with passing the 0.1m copper with PLA plastic. Its prints, though I have an issue with curling.... However, with a bit of fettling, this maybe a game changer!)

(Sorry...Had to 'go there'. *smirk*)

Hi, y'all...and Greetings, Sparrowlegs! Been forever in 'net time...^5's

Well, 'speed' Is an improvement, after all and at the end of the day. *G* Right?
Running plots on your 'knock up' certainly qualifies in my book. For your next 'cheap FDM' (Euro or pounds? *tease*), take a crack @ an IID (Infinite Improbability Drive); we need to get off this planet ASAP. And I, for one, am quite ready to put it to chance... ;)

Actually, I'm impressed by the output of your tilt at the windmill in your given time frame, wish I could bang things out that quick. Plots notwithstanding, I noticed you've not stated what 'IT' sounds like. IMHExperience, anything 'simple' generally isn't. If IT ends up sounding like a cat being turned outside in tail first, it's back to the drawing board....or Fusion in your case.

(...considering the cats' attitude about the above process noted: I'm not 'going rude' on you...just jealous, and infusing levity into what's been an ongoing project 'n process for y'all. Rubanoids have been around nearly forever but haven't gotten much traction in the dipole division...again, IMHO...and what I've seen put out in the public, i.e. commercial, 'for sale' sphere...)

Extrapolating from my trials 'n tribulations with making a Walsh work, there seems to be a 'sweet spot' between size and performance that's difficult to identify and 'hit' with some confidence on success.

The larger the radiating element(s), the increased difficulty in controlling these elements of whatever material employed. Bigger magnets yield more 'input' and more oscillation. More damping of that yields more input. Heavier elements tend to stay in motion. Larger/smaller 'driven component' (the 'voice coil', now similar to the element of a planar, amt, or the like just adds another layer to the onion....

One either ends up with something the size of your fist....or the mass of a pickup truck, driven by a cell phone or an amp with the amps of something one would use to weld plate steel. Efficiency always seems to be at the end of the rainbow, just over the next hill...

Honestly...and not trivializing y'alls' efforts, time, and treasure in the pursuit...

Look for that 'sweet spot'. Take That, and go forth with That, and find what mates with it for what it can't do.

I think (IMHO) that I'm on the threshold of that with my Walshs'. Within that 'envelope', if I want more sheer db, I add 'more of same'. The fq that the Walsh can't do well (the lower fq's, which is just exciting' large masses of air), I pass off to a sub.

That seems to be the bottom line for speakers, as much as it is for cars: PWR. Power to Weight Ratios. You can't expect a Lotus Elise to act like a Bentley or a Rolls, or vice-versa.

I've always held that opinion re the 'single driver' fans regarding speakers, not that I'm interested in getting into a extended 'discussion' about it. Nor how 'wrong-headed' I am for such a heresy. I wouldn't expect a dinosaur to act like a bird, although they share an ancestry that can be demonstrated in their DNA.


Y'all tilt your windmill, I'll tilt mine. *S*

BTW, Sparrow....Friend. As for '41 lbs.'; or English pounds, for that matter...what do you think of Banksy's Parliament painting getting 12.2mil$?
I wonder what he'd come up with if he took a crack at our gov't.? Wanna trade twits? Why are our gov's all acting like they admire '3rd world' agencies, regarding their populations like a cow that should be sucked dry while ignoring the cow is getting somewhat pissed about the situation?

Not to get all 'political' in this 'gentile forum'....But....*sigh*

An IID....make a 'Really HOT cup of tea'. Quadruple Espresso level, at minimum. ;)

Yes, I've noticed your comments in the Walsh driver section. ;) It's something I haven't investigated, though I have made bucket loads of radialstrahler speakers.

Speed is a part of good design, especially in audio. Now that the core design is done and working, its now very easy to alter the design and print again.

Regarding sound, I'll haven't really assessed them, I did this a few weeks back and since been quite ill. Yesterday was the first time I've been able to move around for quite some time! also Ive only played it from 1k hz and upwards, so I need to match it to a woofer, make a pair, etc... (I have bigger project waiting for my attention), so this will take a while before I get to properly audition it correctly.

RE Banksy, he's no "Blek Le Rat" ;)