Studio Reference Amplifier

hi mr mile:)
i want build sr100 ampli version john bali
he use 1k resistors instead 2.2k in his pcb
which one is correct?(2.2k or 1k?)
please attention to red circles in photos
my traffo is 2*33v ac



APEX SR100 Sch.jpg
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Hi Apex !

Refer to POWER OUTPUT. What will be the difference betwen B500 with 4 pairs transistor and this SR250 with 4 pairs fo transistor too ?

1. Will they ( SR250 and B500) give the same power output ?
2. Will they give the same quality sounds ?

SR250 can work maximum with +/-60V DC rail, B500 with +/-80V DC. With same rail voltage power will be same but sound must be different. SR250 use folded cascode VFA topology, B500 use OP amp and CFA topology...