Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I am configuring wifi as normal mode, not AP. Though I am not sure the problem is related to the wifi and power consumption.

I tried setting up the moode with a connected touch screen, so I was trying to install xwindows etc. While apt-get was running, I was getting ext4 corruption messages.

I can do more testing if Tim knows what he needs tested.
I am configuring wifi as normal mode, not AP. Though I am not sure the problem is related to the wifi and power consumption.

I tried setting up the moode with a connected touch screen, so I was trying to install xwindows etc. While apt-get was running, I was getting ext4 corruption messages.

I can do more testing if Tim knows what he needs tested.

The symptoms including under-voltage errors and SD card corruption suggest something external to Moode software.


Moode 2.6 Test Release 2 (TR2) is available for download at under the TEST CODE button.

This TR is primarily a bug fix release to address issues reported in TR1 but it does include some some great new commercial-free, listener-supported radio stations and the addition of sample/bit rate displayed on Playback panel as part of the extra metadata.

Like the previous test release, TR2 includes support for the new Raspberry Pi 3 and is built on moodeOS 1.0 the new J-Lite based operating system for Moode Audio Player. Features included in TR2 are listed below. Refer to the release notes for details.

- NEW: WiFi automatic Access Point (AP) mode
- NEW: Airplay metadata and cover art
- NEW: USB storage devices auto-mounted by disk label
- NEW: Network configuration system
- NEW: Auto-configuration system
- UPD: bump to Linux kernel 4.4.8

1) Fixes to bugs reported for TR1:

- FIX: NFS mount fails because rpcbind not enabled at boot
- FIX: Ext4 file system fails to auto-mount
- FIX: Channel swap can occur when Pi 3 + I2S + 16 bit audio

2) Moode users have reported the following adapters work in AP mode.

- Raspberry Pi 3 integrated WiFi adapter
- Canakit WiFi Adapter
- Raspberry Pi USB WiFi Dongle
- WiFi adapters based on RTL RT5370 chipset

3) Console login userid=pi, password=raspberry. Preface all cmds with sudo.

4) I'm specifically looking for feedback on whether the USB(UAC2) issues are fixed in Linux kernel 4.4.8

Be sure to read the updated Setup instructions to learn how to make use of the new capabilities.




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I just popped tr2 into an RPi2B with a USB headset for output device.It came up smartly. I'll replace tr1 on my RPi3 with HiFiBerry DAC+ later.

Question - I have five different WiFi adapters at hand. I don't know what changes occur during initialization that might affect testing them. I started up tr2 with the CanaKit adapter we already know works in AP mode. (fyi, lsusb reports it as "ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter".) Should I reimage the system before testing each adapter or can I simply replace one for another to test if it can/will initialize in AP mode?

Seeing the additional stations on the list, I feel compelled to follow up on my message some months ago about some of my favorite "Rust Belt" stations. I'm sending you an email with a tar file of seven .pls files and matching .png files (which I crudely created using the usual graphics tools by massaging whatever logo images I could find on the respective sites). The stations are WBJC/Baltimore, WCLV/Cleveland, WCRB/Boston, WFMT/Chicago, WQED/Pittsburgh, WRTI/Philadelphia (WRTI twice---one classical and the other jazz). Your announcement states that the stations you added to tr2 are commercial free. WFMT is a commercial station, but I listened to it for 15 years while I lived in Chicago and can't not propose it :) All commercials are read by their on-air talent so it's not as jarring as you might think.

I can only echo the rest of your admiring followers ... Thank you for Moode (or is it MoOde?) Player and for your continuing efforts to improve it.


I just popped tr2 into an RPi2B with a USB headset for output device.It came up smartly. I'll replace tr1 on my RPi3 with HiFiBerry DAC+ later.

Question - I have five different WiFi adapters at hand. I don't know what changes occur during initialization that might affect testing them. I started up tr2 with the CanaKit adapter we already know works in AP mode. (fyi, lsusb reports it as "ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter".) Should I reimage the system before testing each adapter or can I simply replace one for another to test if it can/will initialize in AP mode?

Seeing the additional stations on the list, I feel compelled to follow up on my message some months ago about some of my favorite "Rust Belt" stations. I'm sending you an email with a tar file of seven .pls files and matching .png files (which I crudely created using the usual graphics tools by massaging whatever logo images I could find on the respective sites). The stations are WBJC/Baltimore, WCLV/Cleveland, WCRB/Boston, WFMT/Chicago, WQED/Pittsburgh, WRTI/Philadelphia (WRTI twice---one classical and the other jazz). Your announcement states that the stations you added to tr2 are commercial free. WFMT is a commercial station, but I listened to it for 15 years while I lived in Chicago and can't not propose it :) All commercials are read by their on-air talent so it's not as jarring as you might think.

I can only echo the rest of your admiring followers ... Thank you for Moode (or is it MoOde?) Player and for your continuing efforts to improve it.


Hi Kent,

Thanks for the stations, I'll check them out :)

No need to re-image when testing WiFi adapters, just a reboot.

I'm having some slowness issues with the interface when running 2.6TR1 on the Pi3. It can take real seconds for the screen to update and the volume to change after changing the volume level, for example.

This is playing FLAC files from a network server through to MoOde on a Pi3. I've also lost the volume or time rings on occasion too.

Pi3 running MoOde 2.6 TR1, connected wirelessly to......
Cubietruck serving files via SMB ...and....
Nexus 4 running Google Chrome browser for the interface.

Safari IOS on IPad Air. Also none of the green i information buttons are working for me.



Hi Steve,

Earlier test was on my iPhone but testing on iPad Mini no issues.

Actions for the green info button and show/hide for the static ip address fields are handled by a single javascript module. The symptoms suggest that the js module is not being loaded or is loaded but corrupt in the Browsers cache.

Try clearing the Browser cache and then rebooting iPad.

I'm having some slowness issues with the interface when running 2.6TR1 on the Pi3. It can take real seconds for the screen to update and the volume to change after changing the volume level, for example.

This is playing FLAC files from a network server through to MoOde on a Pi3. I've also lost the volume or time rings on occasion too.

Pi3 running MoOde 2.6 TR1, connected wirelessly to......
Cubietruck serving files via SMB ...and....
Nexus 4 running Google Chrome browser for the interface.


Hi J,

Very odd. Assuming solid network, UI response should be excellent on Pi3.

Couple suggestions:

1) Update to TR2 and use a different sd card.
2) Clear Chrome Browser cache and then reboot Nexus.

TR2 - Pi3 and USB Audio!

It could be the USB(UAC2) bug(s) in Linux USB driver. There is a work around listed under PLAYER FIXES at that may help.

TR2 will be using Linux 4.4.8 kernel which may have newer, fixed USB driver.



Moode 2.6 Test Release 2 (TR2) is available for download at under the TEST CODE button.

This TR is primarily a bug fix release to address issues reported in TR1 but it does include some some great new commercial-free, listener-supported radio stations and the addition of sample/bit rate displayed on Playback panel as part of the extra metadata.

Like the previous test release, TR2 includes support for the new Raspberry Pi 3 and is built on moodeOS 1.0 the new J-Lite based operating system for Moode Audio Player. Features included in TR2 are listed below. Refer to the release notes for details.

- NEW: WiFi automatic Access Point (AP) mode
- NEW: Airplay metadata and cover art
- NEW: USB storage devices auto-mounted by disk label
- NEW: Network configuration system
- NEW: Auto-configuration system
- UPD: bump to Linux kernel 4.4.8

1) Fixes to bugs reported for TR1:

- FIX: NFS mount fails because rpcbind not enabled at boot
- FIX: Ext4 file system fails to auto-mount
- FIX: Channel swap can occur when Pi 3 + I2S + 16 bit audio

2) Moode users have reported the following adapters work in AP mode.

- Raspberry Pi 3 integrated WiFi adapter
- Canakit WiFi Adapter
- Raspberry Pi USB WiFi Dongle
- WiFi adapters based on RTL RT5370 chipset

3) Console login userid=pi, password=raspberry. Preface all cmds with sudo.

4) I'm specifically looking for feedback on whether the USB(UAC2) issues are fixed in Linux kernel 4.4.8

Be sure to read the updated Setup instructions to learn how to make use of the new capabilities.



TR2 didn't fix the USB issues for me, I'm using a Schiit Bifrost - Multibit DAC. I had to implement the fix from the page:
"Audio glitches with certain USB High Speed (UAC2) audio devices. Cause: USB driver bug in Linux 3.18 and 4.1 kernels
Fix: Add dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x3 to the beginning of line in /boot/cmdline.txt"

Everything seems to working well the above fix.
Hi Steve,

Try with a different SD card, fresh Moode image and boot up without the USB DAC connected. Then plug it in and post back the output from cmds below:

1) lsusb
2) play -l


Hi Tim,

lsusb produced output below;-

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 20b1:0002 XMOS Ltd
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

play -l
-bash: play: command not found

I now have fixed IP address by using a windows computer. NFS working in TR2. Database loaded quickly. Tried to play my first FLAC file and player hangs and doesn't play the file.

I have noticed with on board audio device everything works reasonably well. When I change to USB audio device is when the playback issues start.

Any more information you need let me know.


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Hi Tim,

lsusb produced output below;-

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 20b1:0002 XMOS Ltd
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

play -l
-bash: play: command not found

I now have fixed IP address by using a windows computer. NFS working in TR2. Database loaded quickly. Tried to play my first FLAC file and player hangs and doesn't play the file.

I have noticed with on board audio device everything works reasonably well. When I change to USB audio device is when the playback issues start.

Any more information you need let me know.



Hi Steve,

Can u clarify "I now have fixed IP address by using a windows computer.". Does this mean that u were able to set fixed ip address with Moode Network config screen using the Browser on Windows?

lsusb cmd shows "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 20b1:0002 XMOS Ltd" which means Linux has identified the USB device.

The command is: aplay -l

This will show whether Linux audio subsystem has been able to assign the USB audio device to a card.

Hi Steve,

Can u clarify "I now have fixed IP address by using a windows computer.". Does this mean that u were able to set fixed ip address with Moode Network config screen using the Browser on Windows?

lsusb cmd shows "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 20b1:0002 XMOS Ltd" which means Linux has identified the USB device.

The command is: aplay -l

This will show whether Linux audio subsystem has been able to assign the USB audio device to a card.


Yes fixed ip through chrome on a windows browser. Here is the aplay -l output;-

aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]
Subdevices: 8/8
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
Subdevice #7: subdevice #7
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: M20 [Meitner USB Audio 2.0], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0



I am having issues similar to Jerms. Long hangups and stuff just doesn't work like it should. I think my earlier problem with the i2s not being available in the settings is one example. Another is the problem shown below, I selected 24 bit but it is resampling to 32. Earlier it was working fine, I was doing some experimenting with the sample rates (which almost always leads to having to unplug the Pi as it hangs on the MPD reboot) and when I moved it back to 192/24 it selects 192/32. Both windows and android chrome were used, android seems to be quite a bit worse.

It is bad enough in the usability department that I am going back to 2.5 and a Pi 2 (which were pretty rock solid for me) for the time being.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.