Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

As a followup to my previous report on r26-tr1, I've now tried it on a new RPi 3 with the same HiFiBerry DAC+. Works great, as I've come to expect.

Two nitpicks -

1) It occurred to me this time around that the final step in the initial setup, 5. VERIFY AUDIO PLAYBACK, ought to fail if one gets this far setting up in AP mode. Until the Moode Player is configured for WiFi connection (a later step), it won't be able to reach the Internet and, hence, any streaming-radio source chosen in this step. Your new Stereo Test Sound will work at this point, of course, and a radio station will if setting up in Ethernet mode (assuming there is a route to the real world!).

2) When I go through the network configuration and hit "Apply", I get a pop-up pane in the upper right corner which reads "Network config updated" preceded by a check mark and followed by "play/pause" and "exit" icons. These latter seem out of place.


Hi Kent,

- Thanks, the readme does need to be tuned up a bit.
- I'll have to look at the "pnotify" plugin to see if its possible to disable the play/pause controls.

Btw, on your Pi 3 + HiFiberry DAC+ play a 16/44.1 track and listen for spontaneous L/R channel swapping.

Hi Kent,

- Thanks, the readme does need to be tuned up a bit.
- I'll have to look at the "pnotify" plugin to see if its possible to disable the play/pause controls.

Btw, on your Pi 3 + HiFiberry DAC+ play a 16/44.1 track and listen for spontaneous L/R channel swapping.


That's interesting. I've had the PI 3 for only 12 hours and haven't listened to this new lashup long enough yet to notice subtle sound issues ... been too busy ripping CDs.

Does this swapping happen frequently? If not, I'm not sure I have the attention span to wait for it.

Thinking about this, an easy way to notice might be to create a file with only L or R material and play it back with the opposite channel muted. Then the swap would result in sudden silence. Does this sound like a plan?

That's interesting. I've had the PI 3 for only 12 hours and haven't listened to this new lashup long enough yet to notice subtle sound issues ... been too busy ripping CDs.

Does this swapping happen frequently? If not, I'm not sure I have the attention span to wait for it.

Thinking about this, an easy way to notice might be to create a file with only L or R material and play it back with the opposite channel muted. Then the swap would result in sudden silence. Does this sound like a plan?


Hi Kent,

Its noticeable and usually happens after about 30 secs.

Hi Kent,

- Thanks, the readme does need to be tuned up a bit.
- I'll have to look at the "pnotify" plugin to see if its possible to disable the play/pause controls.

Btw, on your Pi 3 + HiFiberry DAC+ play a 16/44.1 track and listen for spontaneous L/R channel swapping.


Oh, since I changed USB DAC to HIFIBERRY DAC+ on my PI2, I never doubt that it is the problem of system when I listen a strange phenomenon that seems the orchestra's location changes. I may go for VOLUMIO2 to check whether the cause is PI's system.

Why the value is different from the fix proposed by Tim "Audio glitches with certain USB High Speed (UAC2) audio devices.
Cause: USB driver bug in Linux 3.18 and 4.1 kernels
Fix: Add dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x3 to the beginning of line in /boot/cmdline.txt" ?

I tried to understand and did not really succeed in understanding the differences between values :confused:

Hi all

I was too fast, careful listening on piano shows that I still have strong pops every 10 to 20 seconds, and that for every fiq_fsm_mask value in the list

My cmdline.txt is as follows :

"dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_enable=1 dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0xf dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=noop rootwait"

Any suggestion ?

Would going to RPI3 and/or Moode 2.6 fix that problem which is I believe linked to the PI USB implementation. My USB device is WAVEIO XMOS but I do not know if it is UAC2


^G Get Help^O WriteOut^R Read Fil^Y Prev Pag^K Cut Text^C Cur Pos
^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is^V Next Pag^U UnCut Te^T To Spell
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Oh, since I changed USB DAC to HIFIBERRY DAC+ on my PI2, I never doubt that it is the problem of system when I listen a strange phenomenon that seems the orchestra's location changes. I may go for VOLUMIO2 to check whether the cause is PI's system.

So you hear this channel swapping on a PI2 as well? I have to confess that I've been using my PI2B-based Moode system as an Internet radio playing in the background while I work. Only now that I'm ripping CDs am I starting to listen more critically. I guess I have to test using both boards. The only audio converter I have is the DAC+ so the testing can't be very extensive.

Hi Kent,


Btw, on your Pi 3 + HiFiberry DAC+ play a 16/44.1 track and listen for spontaneous L/R channel swapping.


Yep. Used Audacity to remove the right track from a file I'd just ripped and played the result on my RPI3 + HiFiBerry DAC+, listening to just the left channel. At about 24 seconds into the piece, silence. The channels had swapped.

I'm on my way out the door now. I can do more tests later if you wish.

Yep. Used Audacity to remove the right track from a file I'd just ripped and played the result on my RPI3 + HiFiBerry DAC+, listening to just the left channel. At about 24 seconds into the piece, silence. The channels had swapped.

I'm on my way out the door now. I can do more tests later if you wish.


Hi Kent,

No need for further testing on 4.1.19 kernel, confirms my own tests with HiFiBerry and IQaudIO DAC's and also jives with the Linux bug report.

When you get a chance, update to 4.4.8 kernel and run test file. The channel swap fix is supposed to be in this kernel.

df (b around 85% used or less on /dev/root)

sudo apt-get install rpi-update
sudo apt-get clean
sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot

- remove old kernal
sudo rm -rf /lib/modules.bak
sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/4.1.19+
sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/4.1.19-v7+

Is Audio Info tab correct in TR1?


A minor point, I have installed BBC HLS streams at 320kbps ( I am in UK), on Moode TR1. using minimum server etc as per Rune docs. The HLS streams appear to work well.

However when I glanced at the Audio info tab, I was a bit perplexed,

The figures given for an ordinary "low def" BBC3 stream are:-

Input Processing
Encoded at: VBR compression
Decoded to: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 128 kbps
DSP Operations
Resampling: off
Chip options: none
Volume: Hardware, Linear, Max 100%
Output Stream
Format: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 2.117 mbps

and with the BBC3 HLS stream:-

Input Processing
Encoded at: VBR compression
Decoded to: 16 bit, 48 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 330 kbps
DSP Operations
Resampling: off
Chip options: none
Volume: Hardware, Linear, Max 100%
Output Stream
Format: 16 bit, 48 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 1.536 mbps

You wil see the 128kbs stream is reported as decoding to 24 bit 44.1khz stereo @ 2.117 mbps rate

WHILST the BBC3 HLS 330kbps stream is reported as 16bit 48khz @ 1.535 mbps.

Surely the ordinary 128kbs stream decodes to 16bit not 24bit, or is something magic happening in Moode Player?

Surely the BBC3 HLS stream at 330kbps should be at a higher rate than the 128kbs tream?

This is playing through a PlainAMp integrated Dac/amp



A minor point, I have installed BBC HLS streams at 320kbps ( I am in UK), on Moode TR1. using minimum server etc as per Rune docs. The HLS streams appear to work well.

However when I glanced at the Audio info tab, I was a bit perplexed,

The figures given for an ordinary "low def" BBC3 stream are:-

Input Processing
Encoded at: VBR compression
Decoded to: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 128 kbps
DSP Operations
Resampling: off
Chip options: none
Volume: Hardware, Linear, Max 100%
Output Stream
Format: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 2.117 mbps

and with the BBC3 HLS stream:-

Input Processing
Encoded at: VBR compression
Decoded to: 16 bit, 48 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 330 kbps
DSP Operations
Resampling: off
Chip options: none
Volume: Hardware, Linear, Max 100%
Output Stream
Format: 16 bit, 48 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 1.536 mbps

You wil see the 128kbs stream is reported as decoding to 24 bit 44.1khz stereo @ 2.117 mbps rate

WHILST the BBC3 HLS 330kbps stream is reported as 16bit 48khz @ 1.535 mbps.

Surely the ordinary 128kbs stream decodes to 16bit not 24bit, or is something magic happening in Moode Player?

Surely the BBC3 HLS stream at 330kbps should be at a higher rate than the 128kbs tream?

This is playing through a PlainAMp integrated Dac/amp



Hi Patrick,

Some codecs that MPD uses always output 24 or 32 bits during decode and zero-pad of necessary. Here is how Max, one of the main MPD dev's explained it to me.

(1) MP3: The property of bit depth does not exist in compressed file formats until they are decoded back to PCM. MPD uses libmad plugin to decode MP3 format and libmad outputs 28/44.1 PCM of which 24 bits are used by MPD.

(2) WAV: The libsndfile plugin is used by MPD to decode WAV format files and this decoder always outputs a bit depth of 32 bits.

(3) HW_PARAMS: This is the bit depth reported by ALSA and is what is actually sent to the audio device. If its lower than the MPD decoded bit depth, it reflects MPD falling back to a PCM bit depth that the audio hardware indicates it can support.

Hi Tim,

one problems with 2.6 TR1:

Can not set a static IP, after setting and reboot, moode has the old ip (wich came from dhcp)

Everything with Soekris R2R DAC via I2S is fine ;)


Hi Daniel,

Static for eth0 or wlan0?

After setting static address but before u reboot, take a look at /etc/network/interfaces file. It should contain the static address.

I'll test this later today.

Moode 2.6 TR1

Hi, noob here.

Just to say nice interface with Moode 2.6 TR1 running smoothly on RPi3 and Official 7" touch screen, followed this chaps procedure for the touch part

Only problem I got stuck with was I use an AZERTY keyboard so A and Q are swapped but found your explanation about "/etc/default/keyboard" and change to my local ie "be" rather than "gb".

A question, I can add my own radio streams but how to add cover art ? I found them located in /var/www/images/radio-logos but unable to copy over my own using FileZilla maybe not possible with the "pi" user.