Paradise Builders

The Calvin Buffer is a top upgrade to the paradise. First impression: punchier and more
dynamic without downsides.

Last but not least - now my paradise is totally quiet. Before I've had some troubles and
need to install the compensation-caps in the ps (rev. 3.0). Without them the hiss/noise was not tolerable.

With the calvin (due to the offset trimmer) the servo has to do less work too. before calvin pin 6 was ~ 3V - now it is ~100mV.

Many thanks @calvin for the fanatastic buffer and @hesener for the groupbuy!


p.s. I matched the jfets
pp.s One advice for new paradise builders: Don't solder the smd-caps in before you have

tested the regulator and the riaa-amp. These little suckers cost me a lot of time ;-)
About the Paradise PSU when using Calvin buffers

When using Calvin buffers in combination with the Paradise RIAA the preamp is going to need a bit more power than originally planned. The Paradise RIAA needs about 80mA and the Calvin buffer needs an additional 30mA.

For the shunt to function it needs to consume a few mA’s (30mA is the design value, actual values from 25 up to 50mA are acceptable). This results in 30ma x 18V = 540mW and 110mA x 8V = 880mW constant power consumption in the voltage regulator (Shunt, CVS and CCS), the total power supply consumption is:
2 x ((30mA 18V) + (110mA 8V (26Vin – 18Vout))) = 2.8Watt

When connecting the Calvin buffer an additional 30mA needs to be supplied, the CCS setting needs to be changed from 110mA to 140mA, this can be done by changing the 10 Ohm resistors to 7.5 Ohm resistors. See the attached JPG (The attached screen shows the CCS current in the PSU for (E24) resistors from 4.7 to 10 Ohm (currents from 240…105mA (give or take a few mA’s)).

The ‘normal’ power supply dissipation now changes to:
2 x ((30mA 18V) + (140mA 8V (26Vin – 18Vout))) = 3.4Watt

This should not be a problem with the supplied heat sink, but care should be taken to ventilate the area surrounding the PSU heat sink.

When testing the PSU (with the RIAA and buffer disconnected) the total power consumption in the PSU will be 140mA x 26V = 7.3Watt. If the PSU is not placed in a closed box this should not be a problem, the heat sink may get hot (up to 70C or so) and should not be touched (but you will know :) (as a regular soldering iron user)).

As ever, be sure that the final enclosure is well ventilated (especially around the PSU).


These are the most important/relevant messages regarding PSU and Pre-Reg.
  1. Mpp #4375 PSU-pre-regulator.
  2. Mpp #4610 V2 Schemas UPS and Amp.
  3. Mpp #6506 CCS fine-tuning.
  4. Mpp #6462 PSU with my notes.
  5. Mpp #6809 Do not try to feed the CVS of the CCS of the shunt with a regulated power supply.
  6. Mpp #7127 More about transformer selection.
  7. Mpp #7635 Single and dual transformer wiring (also corrected drawing) (See also #7733).
  8. Mpp #7733 Grounding (PSU, RIAA and Player).
  9. Mpp #7810 35V PSU for the CroMagnon.
  10. Mpp #7830 The PSU explained.
  11. Mpp #8386 My resistor recommendation’s.
  12. My Paradise #56 PSU Noise.
  13. Masterpiece #951 That's not a PSRR test (it's a CIR test) :)
  14. PradiseBuilders #13 Schema's and assembly guide.
  15. PradiseBuilders #155 Vdc input voltage minimum simulated.
  16. PradiseBuilders #970 PSU oscillates; posible solutions?
  17. PradiseBuilders #983 Compensating the PSU for oscillations.
  18. PradiseBuilders #1173 Fixing oscillations (up to #1182).
  19. PradiseBuilders #1322 Fuse :).
  20. PradiseBuilders #1387 Updated Paradise R3 assembly guide (Also German).
  21. PradiseBuilders #1403 Capacitors bad vs good.
  22. PradiseBuilders #1593 PSU Power Transistor selection.
  23. PradiseBuilders #1644 PSU Output Impedance.
  24. PradiseBuilders #1680 PSU Power Supply Suppression Ratio(PSSR).
  25. PradiseBuilders #1772 NJF selection for the PSU.
  26. PradiseBuilders #1887 Empirical NJF Rgs determination.
  27. PradiseBuilders #2127 More about the PSU fets (J113's etc).
  28. PradiseBuilders #2969 About the Paradise PSU using Calvin buffers.
Have a look at these and their following messages.


  • Paradise PSU adjustment for Calvin buffers.PNG
    Paradise PSU adjustment for Calvin buffers.PNG
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
When using Calvin buffers in combination with the Paradise RIAA the preamp is going to need a bit more power than originally planned. The Paradise RIAA needs about 80mA and the Calvin buffer needs an additional 30mA.

For the shunt to function it needs to consume a few mA’s (30mA is the design value, actual values from 25 up to 50mA are acceptable). This results in 30ma x 18V = 540mW and 110mA x 8V = 880mW constant power consumption in the voltage regulator (Shunt, CVS and CCS), the total power supply consumption is:
2 x ((30mA 18V) + (110mA 8V (26Vin – 18Vout))) = 2.8Watt

When connecting the Calvin buffer an additional 30mA needs to be supplied, the CCS setting needs to be changed from 110mA to 140mA, this can be done by changing the 10 Ohm resistors to 7.5 Ohm resistors. See the attached JPG (The attached screen shows the CCS current in the PSU for (E24) resistors from 4.7 to 10 Ohm (currents from 240…105mA (give or take a few mA’s)).

The ‘normal’ power supply dissipation now changes to:
2 x ((30mA 18V) + (140mA 8V (26Vin – 18Vout))) = 3.4Watt

This should not be a problem with the supplied heat sink, but care should be taken to ventilate the area surrounding the PSU heat sink.

When testing the PSU (with the RIAA and buffer disconnected) the total power consumption in the PSU will be 140mA x 26V = 7.3Watt. If the PSU is not placed in a closed box this should not be a problem, the heat sink may get hot (up to 70C or so) and should not be touched (but you will know :) (as a regular soldering iron user)).

As ever, be sure that the final enclosure is well ventilated (especially around the PSU).


These are the most important/relevant messages regarding PSU and Pre-Reg.
  1. Mpp #4375 PSU-pre-regulator.
  2. Mpp #4610 V2 Schemas UPS and Amp.
  3. Mpp #6506 CCS fine-tuning.
  4. Mpp #6462 PSU with my notes.
  5. Mpp #6809 Do not try to feed the CVS of the CCS of the shunt with a regulated power supply.
  6. Mpp #7127 More about transformer selection.
  7. Mpp #7635 Single and dual transformer wiring (also corrected drawing) (See also #7733).
  8. Mpp #7733 Grounding (PSU, RIAA and Player).
  9. Mpp #7810 35V PSU for the CroMagnon.
  10. Mpp #7830 The PSU explained.
  11. Mpp #8386 My resistor recommendation’s.
  12. My Paradise #56 PSU Noise.
  13. Masterpiece #951 That's not a PSRR test (it's a CIR test) :)
  14. PradiseBuilders #13 Schema's and assembly guide.
  15. PradiseBuilders #155 Vdc input voltage minimum simulated.
  16. PradiseBuilders #970 PSU oscillates; posible solutions?
  17. PradiseBuilders #983 Compensating the PSU for oscillations.
  18. PradiseBuilders #1173 Fixing oscillations (up to #1182).
  19. PradiseBuilders #1322 Fuse :).
  20. PradiseBuilders #1387 Updated Paradise R3 assembly guide (Also German).
  21. PradiseBuilders #1403 Capacitors bad vs good.
  22. PradiseBuilders #1593 PSU Power Transistor selection.
  23. PradiseBuilders #1644 PSU Output Impedance.
  24. PradiseBuilders #1680 PSU Power Supply Suppression Ratio(PSSR).
  25. PradiseBuilders #1772 NJF selection for the PSU.
  26. PradiseBuilders #1887 Empirical NJF Rgs determination.
  27. PradiseBuilders #2127 More about the PSU fets (J113's etc).
  28. PradiseBuilders #2969 About the Paradise PSU using Calvin buffers.
Have a look at these and their following messages.

Thank you so much Frans.
Frans: do you really need 30mA EXTRA? since the original output-stage is removed and the calvin does need 30mA - shouldn't it really be 30mA minus the original ops-usage? and then the next question is: how many mA did the original stage use approx?

To be on the save side, you could go and measure, then add 30mA for the shunt and 'there you go!' :). I do not think that you are going to use any thing other then the 'predicted' 7.5 Ohm current-setting-resistor (but I could be wrong (I have been known to be wrong) but not by a mile (or country mile)) (Better first check these calculations :)).
Joined 2005
Paid Member
Frans: do you really need 30mA EXTRA? since the original output-stage is removed and the calvin does need 30mA - shouldn't it really be 30mA minus the original ops-usage? and then the next question is: how many mA did the original stage use approx?

It used 6mA, so the delta really is 24mA. Frans and myself had a good conversation around this topic, and the value Frans is suggesting is absolutely fine IMHO.

It kinda becomes a topic of taste - people say that the shunt should absorb as much current as the load, to be in its "sweet spot", but I would say that the "best" shunt current really is determined by the design of the shunt, and at which bias point it operates best. This shunt (especially with the powerful MOSFETs) is probably happier on the slightly higher current side of life :D