TPA3116D2 Amp

1) The chip has differential input so all 4 input caps must be identical. Also the ones connected to ground.
Ok, Will change that...
2) There should not be connections under chip other than GND connections to the GND pad.
Those connections are GND and Will be conected to the GND pad

3) Bootstrap capacitors should not be polypropylene or similar. It must be ceramic or tantalum and must be as close to the chip as possible. No more than 5mm maximum.
My own choice are 0603 ceramic cap like in the TI EVM

4) Filter inductor should either be grouped 1x4 or 2x2. If space does not permit that then should be placed so they are a little apart from eachother and grouped around the chip.
Thats its what I tried, I Will try to make a 1x4...

5) Filter output GND should be connected directly to the GND pin associated with that particular output and then to the GND pad.

6) All analog GND should be connected directly to the analog GND pin and then to the GND pad

Once the GND pad its done it Will be like that...

Thanks a lot for your comments I wont be able to do much this week, but I Will keep posting the advances...
That's exactly what I was going to do, use two boards for 2 channels. My current speakers are too insensitive. I was going to buy that from China but then it suddenly disappeared.

Can you elaborate on
"the sound from the tpa3116 is very weak from 20 to 700Hz" as comapre to the tk2050.


Yes, that's the way to go. My plan is to bi or tri amp with these amplifiers if I can ever get these to sound the way I want .

I have been listening to both amplifiers for some days now and still the bass on the TPA3116 is not bad sounding but is shy, lacking on level. midbass is more detailed on the TPA but also congested, less transparent and that's pretty evident on male vocals like Bob Dylan. The treble on the TPA is definitly better than the ones I hane on the Tk2050.

My config is two TPA3116 running on pbtl, one meanwell S60 per amp, voltage set to 20.1V gain set to 20dB and I am currently doing the listening with a three way design consisting of usher 8945A, Neo8-S and Neo3 PDR.

Anyone was able to set these yuangjing boards dead quiet, out of hiss ? How ?

On sidenote I have purchased the 2.1 TPA3116 yuanjing amplifier and it is a waste of money.

Yes, that's the way to go. My plan is to bi or tri amp with these amplifiers if I can ever get these to sound the way I want .

I have been listening to both amplifiers for some days now and still the bass on the TPA3116 is not bad sounding but is shy, lacking on level. midbass is more detailed on the TPA but also congested, less transparent and that's pretty evident on male vocals like Bob Dylan. The treble on the TPA is definitly better than the ones I hane on the Tk2050.

My config is two TPA3116 running on pbtl, one meanwell S60 per amp, voltage set to 20.1V gain set to 20dB and I am currently doing the listening with a three way design consisting of usher 8945A, Neo8-S and Neo3 PDR.

Anyone was able to set these yuangjing boards dead quiet, out of hiss ? How ?

On sidenote I have purchased the 2.1 TPA3116 yuanjing amplifier and it is a waste of money.


I have no such experience with the bass. The bass should not be shy, bashful, demure, reluctant or anything else. There is something else going on. Especially if you use the recommended input cap value on TI datasheet vs. 1uf on the YJ board. Increase the input cap value to TI recommended and compare.
I have no such experience with the bass. The bass should not be shy, bashful, demure, reluctant or anything else. There is something else going on. Especially if you use the recommended input cap value on TI datasheet vs. 1uf on the YJ board. Increase the input cap value to TI recommended and compare.

Yes, that's the first thing I have done since I have received these boards. Previously I had the cut at 1.3Hz and the bass was shy, now I have set the gain to 20dB and the cut is at 2.65Hz but it is definitly not a big difference and on my Tk2050 boards I have the hp cut set to 1.9Hz. I must be missing something or maybe I should give try on another tpa3116 based board.

Anyone had a go with the other, tiny green tpa3116 board already ?

Saturnus you have a PM .


  • 2.65Hz m_graph.png
    2.65Hz m_graph.png
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  • 1.3hz 26dbim_grph.png
    1.3hz 26dbim_grph.png
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On sidenote I have purchased the 2.1 TPA3116 yuanjing amplifier and it is a waste of money.[]'s

You're calling a 3 channel power amp for $22 a waste of money? Really?

As I have mentioned several times in this thread, I don't think the Yuan-Jing design is particularly good and I wouldn't buy it myself as I think they require modding of too vital many parts to live up to the chip's full potential. They are cheap though, so cheap in fact that they are less than what a large pizza from Domino's costs here.

I like the looks of the Feixiang (sp?) design much better, as I see it they require minimal, if any, modding and aren't much more expensive, just less readily available (for the time being).
You're calling a 3 channel power amp for $22 a waste of money? Really?

As I have mentioned several times in this thread, I don't think the Yuan-Jing design is particularly good and I wouldn't buy it myself as I think they require modding of too vital many parts to live up to the chip's full potential. They are cheap though, so cheap in fact that they are less than what a large pizza from Domino's costs here.

I like the looks of the Feixiang (sp?) design much better, as I see it they require minimal, if any, modding and aren't much more expensive, just less readily available (for the time being).

I am sorry, let me explain myself.
I based my comment on the fact that you and TI have already stressed the fact that components should be located as close as possible to the chip and the 2.1 board has more than 3 times the area of a 2x50 yuanjing board that happens to be already too big.
Also I have purchased the finished version of the 2.1 board, with pots, case and stuff. I regret that I had purchase the 2.1 and the 2x50W yuanjing board at the same time, without paying proper attention to anything other than the comments on it's IC quality. I am just trying to get people aware that the 2.1 board is not the best bang for the buck and sure it is not the best TPA3116 performer.

I also may add to my previous statements concerning the TPA3116 sound quality by saying that the tripath boards I am using for comparison have been modded and are the result of a a big amount of time and money to get the Tk2050 to deliver the kind of performance I can get today. You have precisely resumed the problem with most of the Class D designs "They require modding of too many vital parts to live up to the chip's full potential". That was true with tripath and is true with the TPA3116.

Right out of the package, without mods I find the 2x50W yuanjing TPA3116 to outperform the stock hifimediy and sure tk2050 based amps in many aspects but I can't say the same about the 2.1 board.
Got my board prototypes yesterday :) My own layout based on the EVM schematic for PBTL, measures 69x39mm. Not tested yet and it will be a week or so before I have time to do that, but hopefully it will work. I already realise that the 220nF caps on the output should be SMD and not leaded, but hopefully it will work anyway and then I'll correct that (and any other issues found) in v1.1 :D


danzz and LVL,

Please be encourage for your fine efforts. Thank God for Saturnus' sage advice. I do not have skills or the patience to design compact circuit boards like these. I am sure that there are many others like me watching this thread cheering you on silently that a great PCB design will result, and that we can all share the fruits of your labors.

What is the advantage of using the 'mute' function instead of turning of the power?

Possibly nothing. Possibly avoiding some unwanted pops in the speakers compared to when you "force" the power off. Also potentially just being able to use a smaller type switch or an active circuit (transistor) to cut the sound, which would be a bit more difficult if it was to cut the power.

danzz and LVL,

Please be encourage for your fine efforts. Thank God for Saturnus' sage advice. I do not have skills or the patience to design compact circuit boards like these. I am sure that there are many others like me watching this thread cheering you on silently that a great PCB design will result, and that we can all share the fruits of your labors.

and +1 from me.