DIY Sony VFET lottery discussion

There was something like 1500 entries correct? So that means if 90% of people went through with it and purchased it (if that was even possible), that would be 2,700 Vfets correct? That is a lot of Vfets! I am curious to see what the 2nd run of the lottery thread brings...

There's only 90 first batch kits ( P channel VFET) offered to purchase. 90 N channel in a couple of months.

DIY Sony VFET Store Information Page – diyAudio Store
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Out of curiosity I scrolled through a few pages of entries. It was fun to see some of the members I've met at BAF throughout the years.

It was also interesting to see so many avatars with references to tubes in a lottery for a solid state amp!

Great job Jason!!!

Joined 2014
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Hmmm....Convert entries to petition letter to Sony?

Imagine what would have happened to the DIYaudio server if the lottery an option to buy the amp or just a pair of Vfets! May need a fire extinguisher close by... Lol. I remember reading that the minimum order of Vfets was a ridiculous number. Who knows... I am just happy that some of us will get the opportunity to purchase these amps.
Joined 2000
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Got the server overloaded page and was directed to the alternate entry site, fingers crossed.

You are listed in this post which is all the members who submitted off-site after seeing the server overloaded page. All good :)

DIY Sony VFET lottery entry

Sorry if I missed this. Assume you will not get an extra entry for staying up for the second opening for other people on the other side of the world?

1 entry per member, 1 amp max, for the whole offering.

Is this a new high-water mark for the number of members logged in at one time?? I'm seeing north of 3570 users on the main page...

I believe so. We used to have a high of 20k but I'm sure that was just from a bot or spider spamming the sever.

The server held up! :D

But, now a lot of folks are probably thinking: "nearly 1400 entries... and that's only part 1 of 2... the odds don't seem so great now" lol

@Jason, can you clarify that while those with more history and posts will have more "entries", it's still entirely possible (tho, less likely) for someone with even only 1 "entry" to win?

I confirm, yes, it's possible.

I experienced a server overload and filled out a google form for entry
Is my entry valid?

Yes, see the link above.

Can someone inject me with some sanity? Sometimes my entry appears as post #101, sometimes it doesn't appear at all. User Murdoc sometimes is #99 other times #101.

Caching, pruning, mod queue approvals all possibilities. Probably caching.

Jason, incredible job on the lottery organization! Not a hiccup from the servers! All fluent, and if you waited for the 'distribution page' to send you in, all went perfectly smooth.

A great success. Good luck to everyone that is looking to build this generous offer from Mr. Pass and all the folks at DIYAudio.

Good luck!

It was definitely nerve-wracking. I am sitting here in front of an iMac with two laptops either side showing New Relic server performance metrics, so I could see exactly how the server responded, which was "admirably". We did hit our max connections limit, which was a healthy way to keep the server itself from being overloaded.

I note at least one person appeared to have a problem with the Javascript powered page not redirecting. That will have to be investigated. If it happened to you please take a screenshot if it's still open, and contact the helpdesk.

Ya, I feel like a bonehead for sitting at the gateway, to keep the load down on the server, anyone who did that was out of the running before they started. Anyone that waited as they were told actually get into the first 18 pages? That's the cut-off by the way.

There was a random 1-6 minute delay, but yes an eyebrow raised to anyone who posted in that first minute :)

Thanks for doing the right thing.

Seriously though guys, with all the spam from the reply too, which must have been one hell of a load, and all the new traffic, you guys must have really nailed down the server side. As I said, I run several and that's no small task, well done!

We offloaded our email heavy-lifting to Sparkpost a while back. They handled the 40k without batting an eyelid or rejecting any of our connections. Wonder if we're now in some spam blacklists though...

Did notice a number of Apr 2021 join dates.

Tsk tsk... they will be removed from the entries.

Jason, as I said dude, the server performed very well with that kind of load, give yourself and the staff an Attaboy.

I'm glad it worked out, and I'm glad I planned for the worst.


i receive this after regitry on the lottery page :
DIY Sony VFET Lottery Entry
You have enter the DIY Sony VFET lottery. This entry is valid for batch 1 as well as batch2.

And i receive a mail "DIY Sony VFET Lottery Entry" with Authentication Code

=> you tell that I have not succeed "These 223 members were unable to post due to the server being "full", and the door man took their details (pending verification)"

I don't understand what could have happened ...

Thanks again for this lottery

There were a few off-site submissions that were apparently not entered correctly. Please contact the helpdesk with the username and email you used. We can verify your entry by looking at the verification code and those details.

I am not sure about my submit as well. Because I can't find my post and didn't received any email about lottery. I did screen capture only that showing I am entering in lottery process.

See the link above. Your off-site entry was recorded.

Thread posts also don't match the enhanced print view posts - see #99-#101. I show up correctly on the print view, but am missing completely from the thread. But I do see my post in my profile/statistics page.

Caching, probably, or pruned posts.


Thanks for the fun!

I followed the instructions, posted once redirected, and was fairly early in the lottery thread. Unfortunately I never received an acknowledgement or lottery entry code. Is there something else I need to do? I notice some posters on this thread posted about receiving an acknowledgement with a code of some sort.

For the record, my post is on page 4 @ 1:02 pm. I did edit it to add the thank you just after posting it. Did I screw it up?

Any guidance would be much appreciated.



No emails were sent out in response to posting in the thread, only for off-site submission (where you have no other way to know your details were registered). If it was mentioned anywhere that an email reply would go out as a result of posting in the thread please let me know so I can update the information, or clarify it.

Lol. -and- :crying: ... posted, but no notification. Checked email... was ancient.
Now updated, but ... sigh. Oh well. Good luck to all.


Pano confirmed I’m on the list but I received no notification. Not sure what effect this may have going forward but I feel inclined to mention it here.

See above. The thread works just like a normal forum thread, there is no hook in it to send out a special email. If I can clarify that in the lottery rules / info somewhere let me know.
..And also thanks to so many of the people here who go out of their way to help, educate, and encourage others who are in need of a little're all wonderful examples of what mankind can achieve!!

GnuB you are nice Greedy Boy :cheers: Thanks for friendly vibes :D

Congratulations to the Vfet kits Diyers Winners Haha was intense at the "speed of light" :spin:
+3K5 Peoples at the end of the Lottery today


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There is another entry window 12 hours from the first. A lot of work to do once ll the individual accounts are vetted, multiplied by various factors, and the lucky winners chosen.

Not sure how much of that is automated. I’m also sure there will be a true up of entries as errors are reported, and looked into.