Where are the DIY cables?

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I don't want waste my time arguing with anyone here,So anyone has a contradictory view point may please move on or ignore this completely !

I Am a firm believer of cables and it's effects in your chain,And to that effect have done tonnes of cables in various ways,My braided cables are the one's I swear by !

I usually use Silver coated copper with PTFE Di-Electric,That is the best I have experienced (have heard my share of all the exotic cables).

This is the braided Speaker Cable I did many moons ago which is the basis of all my cables which has since evolved to a different level altogether.

DIY Speaker Cable

I can post the pics of my new cables if there's enough interest or if there's no mud slinging !

Joined 2011
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A gent named Allen Wright sells a book he wrote, entitled The SuperCables CookBook (link) It gives his recipes for making various kinds of speaker cables, interconnect cables, video interconnect cables, and AC mains power cables. Along with his listening notes and numerical rating of the sound quality. I purchased a copy of this book and feel it was not a good value for money at EUR 40,00 . However, other DIYers may have other opinions.
A gent named Allen Wright sells a book he wrote, entitled The SuperCables CookBook (link) It gives his recipes for making various kinds of speaker cables, interconnect cables, video interconnect cables, and AC mains power cables. Along with his listening notes and numerical rating of the sound quality. I purchased a copy of this book and feel it was not a good value for money at EUR 40,00 . However, other DIYers may have other opinions.

Well, actually that'd be late gentleman - Allen passed away in 2011.

The Cable Cookbook was only part of his contribution to the audio community. I think it's fair to say that his pre and power amp designs don't have any of the "voodoo" aspect that many want to attribute to the more esoteric material and construction techniques described in the aforementioned.
I had the privilege of hearing a pair of the DPA300B at a Bottlehead sponsored VSAC show back in 2003, and it sounded pretty damned fine to me when fronted by a Stellavox playing master quality tapes and powering a pair of Terry Cain's Abby speakers (FF165Ks I think it was?)
I don't want waste my time arguing with anyone here,So anyone has a contradictory view point may please move on or ignore this completely !
I Am a firm believer of cables and it's effects in your chain,And to that effect have done tonnes of cables in various ways,My braided cables are the one's I swear by !
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is the wrong forum for a post like that.

If you write 'I prefer apple pie to cherry pie, that's good.
If you write 'I prefer this cable to that cable, that too is OK.

Only when you write 'this cable sounds better than that cable' do we start to have problems.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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I don't want waste my time arguing with anyone here,So anyone has a contradictory view point may please move on or ignore this completely !

I wasn't sure about the meaning of this so I ran it through the online Geegle translator. The translator came back unsure about the exact meaning but listing several likely meanings:

1. I do not wish to learn
2. I do not wish to grow in knowledge and understanding
3. I know and understand all there is to know and understand
4. I am Knowledge Incarnate.

Well, that helped a lot :cool:

rdf - Without wading too deep into that swamp - fair enough. While having enjoyed my own flirtations and assignations with hollow state devices over the past decade and half, my most favorable impressions of late have been of a range of SS and hybrid devices - some of the latter still of the DIY Franken-Amp school of design and construction.

With cables that pretty, it wouldn't be right to hide them behind your speakers! I dig the colors.

Thanks for liking them :), The new one's look even more........

Very unfair
YOU post statements contrary to common knowledge (although shared by a few) but FORBID answering?
Unless we 110% agree with you, that is

Well my friend contrary in what terms ? I have tested it exclusively and have been doing it for the last decade or so,So you cannot just make such blanket statement.

Also that is very reason I don't post anything here as instead of trying to understand or comprehend the truth people just are so damn adamant to prove the rest of us wrong by whatever means necessary !

Finally I never forbade anything or anyone from doing anything,I merely stated the obvious fact that if someone does not agree then this thread is perhaps not for him/her and he/she has tonnes of other thread which might have all action that they are looking for,So instead of wasting time proving what is not,Just move on to one's fav thread let everyone live happily ever after:cheers:

Ok Moving on,To the others who do like,Here are some of my other works.

The New Speaker Cable ( 6 X 12gauge Silver Coated Copper with Teflon)

The measurements are as follows :

L : 0.01mh ( for 3Mtrs)
C : 100nf (for 3Mtrs)
R: 0.00 (unmeasurable)

Next is the Power cable with the same configuration ( 6 X 14Gauge Silver coated Copper with Teflon)



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SoundsGreat said:
Finally I never forbade anything or anyone from doing anything,I merely stated the obvious fact that if someone does not agree then this thread is perhaps not for him/her and he/she has tonnes of other thread which might have all action that they are looking for,So instead of wasting time proving what is not,Just move on to one's fav thread let everyone live happily ever after
This thread started as a question about why/where on cable threads. Some of us explained what happens in cable threads. Thanks for demonstrating that we were right, by offering recipes and putting your hands over your ears.

I have tested it exclusively
I think this means "nobody else has tested it". That is true of most DIY items.

The measurements are as follows :

L : 0.01mh ( for 3Mtrs)
C : 100nf (for 3Mtrs)
R: 0.00 (unmeasurable)
I think you meant to say R not measured, or not measurable with my limited equipment. Pity, as R is by far the most important parameter for a speaker cable. Assuming you meant L in mH and C in nF, those values look wrong. 33nF per meter is very unlikely unless you have added parallel capacitors to the cable in a misguided attempt to achieve an RF characteristic impedance of around 8 ohms.
Assuming you mean nF instead of nf; and mH instead of mh. Those values are almost certainly incorrect; either your meter is broken or you really haven't measured it.


~10nF a foot would be difficult. I made "Litz" wire with a giant spool of #26 PTFE wire wrap wire twisted in 4's with a drill and counter-twisted in groups of 3 for 12 total. A harmless endeavor certainly not flawed compared to #16 hookup wire and it looked and harnessed nice. Cutting and shaping each piece while heat stripping all the ends and soldering them into a termination added a little ritual to the build.

The resistance can be calculated BTW, easily looked up, historically copper has remained the same.
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