What is The Meaning of Life?

Joined 2010
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To play a song and get that rush in the brain... "Oh... I love this this song".. .and then just kick back and let happiness flow over you.

Listening to 10,000 Maniacs, Stockton Gala Days, Our Time In Eden. Tidal HiFi, Master. On the home computer system...
What is the meaning of Life?
To me it seems life has no real meaning.
asking the question puts you on a path I reckon.

my belief of the meaning to life is to figure out how not to come back to this world, unless by choice, to help others.

to do this I believe we have to create/become aware of, another body/garment that is not physical. This body can then house our consciousness/awareness when the physical body dies.

not many people are ready for this because there is still much fun to be had, or so it seems. But finding life has no real meaning is one way to help guide and reassess priorities.
asking the question puts you on a path I reckon.

my belief of the meaning to life is to figure out how not to come back to this world, unless by choice, to help others.

to do this I believe we have to create/become aware of, another body/garment that is not physical. This body can then house our consciousness/awareness when the physical body dies.

not many people are ready for this because there is still much fun to be had, or so it seems. But finding life has no real meaning is one way to help guide and reassess priorities.
Its a made up believe. The feel good factor is through the sky. Its feel good to be relavent even after death. apes and there insecurities. Oh God .
Ops wait a minute. did I say God.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
What is the meaning of Life?
To me it seems life has no real meaning.

What do you think?
What are your goals here in life?
Other than surfing diyaudio.com :D
The capacity of using the energy of other sources than our self, in other words, everything we do strives to attain the lowest possible level of energy.
For example, we eat and thereby take advantage of the energy we take from other creatures.
We reproduce because it is more energy efficient than repairing a with time more and more detoriating system.
Look at how we behave, lowest level of energy, use the energy of other energy sources that nature, flora and fauna, other societies, or other people provide.
Luckely, the closer we feel we are to those "sources" the easier it becomes for us to be not that selfish.
But in the end, even this behaviour is steered by selfishness.
The meaning of life is a very selfish one, driven by our creators, the bacteries that "created" us for theyr own selfish purpose to provide them the perfect enviroment where they can flourish, food services, transportation, sanitation, funeral services, just about everything taken care for them, by us!!!
And after we are done and suffer the total system break down they still liv, feeding on our remains....
There you have it, meaning of our life...serve your bacteries and recreate and do all you can to make sure your offspring carry on what you did all your life, serve the bacteries....
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Leonard Cohen was a seriously sensible, if gloomy, Man. I liked him.

I liken him to Harry Styles:

TBH, a poor Actor:

Hope this works. Sorry about the Adayar connection. Don't know how that happened. :(


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What is the meaning of Life?
To me it seems life has no real meaning.

What do you think?
What are your goals here in life?
Other than surfing diyaudio.com :D

My (not particularly unique) perspective is that we / I am here today as the result of evolution and thus Life's meaning or purpose is to continue to do so. Which leads to....

The side-effect of our evolution is that we have the capability to question such things, to think abstractly, to wonder, to learn, to create, to invent, to communicate and work collectively, etc. We are now gaining the capability to steer our own evolution.

Hence it seems to me that our purpose is to be good stewards of our evolution, including avoidance of evolutionary dead-ends.