What are you drinking?

I have been enjoying some Wiser's Deluxe (Canadian whisky) lately, I always seem to come back to it and think "Hey, that's pretty good!". This week I have been using it in Old Fashioneds because I have some Seville orange peel, and also Manhattans with a bit os Spanish red vermouth.
Finishing with a "Visigo", a 9% Brettanomyces Imperial Stout. Pretty good, only available in 10oz glass, no pints.

Talisker 10 year scotch, one of my favorites. Having that after a few sips of Aerstone Land Cask 10 year scotch (a new one for me). Both are smoky but Talisker includes a stronger and more refined peat flavor to which I'm partial. Drinking this while listening to the live Jackson Browne set on CD. Neither are quite a Lagavulin 16 year, but also not quite so rich...

All while under COVID-19 house arrest. New Hampshire (US) is relatively free of it, and there are no known cases in my county, but who knows? I suspect there are quite a few non-symptomatic people out there. Part of me just wants to get sick and get it over with. Then I hear about a 48 y.o. man without any obvious risk factors ending up on a ventilator, and I think twice about that wish...

Stay healthy and stay smart everyone!
BTW, it's the first time I've been able to listen in several days. I work from home and often listen, but now with 2 kids home from school and my lovely wife also home from work (teaching Montessori over the internet - is that ironic?), listening is a luxury. And scotch is an occasional indulgence, but it feels like as good a time as any.