What are you drinking?

A sip of High Coast single-malt Berg (mountain).
High Coast is a Swedish distillery making nice whiskey.

I appreciate that they are openly disclosing the time spent in each cask. I am often skeptical of startup distilleries making whiskey because it takes several years to age a decent one. There are lots of brands out there that use tricks to attempt to accelerate aging and add E150a to make the whiskey look darker than it is. Craft spirits are hot in the US after craft beer proved so successful, but a lot of the really young bourbons I have tasted were poor and honestly inferior to plain old Jim Beam. A Scotch-style malt is even trickier and takes longer to age using second-fill barrels and in a cooler climate.
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My heart doesn't appreciate booze anymore but is eager for a small bowl of greens every night, plus no hangovers.
Morning and evening,Kirkland Decaf coffee, lots of it.
At work, 1 litre organic matcha green tea. 3 litres of water.
After work, Starb..ks Vente decaf mocha 1/2 sweet no whip no foam whole milk...mmmmm.
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