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this was a couple of days after even he had used the words murder, rape and torture and I hadn't replied he sent me a private message in a far more understanding tone and we had a reasonable chat. All very depressing to be honest.

What's wrong with using the words "murder, rape and torture" to talk about the killing, forced insemination and violent ill-treatment of animals. I assume you think there is something wrong with hearing those words otherwise I doubt you'd mention it as something to judge the guy's character by... If it were humans being treated the same iit would definately be murder, rape and torture so why not call it that for animals in a philosphical and civil discussion?

Can I ask what your motivation was for going on there? And did it not occur to you that many of people go on vegan forums exactly to start arguments whilst falsely pretending to be "just asking a question! My god, I didn't expect it to be met with such violent language and extremism! [Whilst actually I did want to goad you into that reaction to get a rise and troll you all] "

I'm sure you were just being naive and innocent but surely it's a basic thing to know?

I'm not vegan but even just peope asking about me being vegetarian, you can quickly tell the genuine interest and the "what's your problem with the things I do?" line of enquiry!
What's wrong with using the words "murder, rape and torture" to talk about the killing, forced insemination and violent ill-treatment of animals. I assume you think there is something wrong with hearing those words otherwise I doubt you'd mention it as something to judge the guy's character by... If it were humans being treated the same iit would definately be murder, rape and torture so why not call it that for animals in a philosphical and civil discussion?
That (bold) is if humans and animals are equal. I'm not certain about yours but in some people's mind, the two species are equal.
I'm not vegan but even just peope asking about me being vegetarian, you can quickly tell the genuine interest and the "what's your problem with the things I do?" line of enquiry!
I think it's more about what you say. I don't see how your own diet in your own domain would trigger such interest.
The use of those words is a very calculated, obviously. The end justifies the means again, rather predictable though. I think the activist's record is stuck now, they need to come up with new ideas like cooperation rather than confrontation, although, confrontation is probably more financially lucrative.
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If it were humans being treated the same iit would definately be murder, rape and torture so why not call it that for animals in a philosphical and civil discussion?

Because than w would have to go all the way and call it that when it occurs between different animal species.

If I'm being called a murderer when I eat venison than a pack of wolves must also be called murderers when they eat a deer.
Just ask the deer and while you've got his ear ask him if he'd rather be shot when he least suspects it or if he likes to be run ragged and be partially eaten before he dies better.
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