UGLY Looking Amp! - but good working

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OK so here is a picture of my second ESP P101

....the only difference is a Avel toroid 50-0-50 instead of a Antek 50-0-50;)


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with that Supply
:att'n: it looks power :att'n:
.... like a Nelson Pass amplifier, actually
and this is what POWER amps is about:

handling big powers over to Loudspeakers
if they can not do this
they are bad or weak amplifiers

It is all about delivering ENERGY from MAINS to LOUDSPEAKER
with as low losses as possible.

See my info about POWER at my homepage:
Lineup Audio Amplifiers
Power Amplifier Class A

Power Source - of my amp

you may think my text in that page is A JOKE
- but it is Not At All
some guys really think an amplifier can deliver ENERGY

So if they buy 'an 300 Watt amplifier'
they think any watt can come from amplifier

Amplifier can only Handle Power.
As in a restuarant the waiter does not make the food.
not even the Cook does make the food.
It is produced by plants or animals, and we cut and kill those
in order to get food.
But the energy we use, to eat something,
is coming from SOLAR ENERGY, originally

so if sun disspears, we are lost.
How ever great Waiters and Cooks there are in our restuarants!

actually: amplifier can not handle more power
than what is supplied from Power Source

- in fact a bit less than this,
- as we have some losses in the amplifier itself.
And the same goes for Transformator and caps.
They do NOT produce any energy - they consume a little bit
and handles the rest to amplifier.

Igla said:
This how suppose to look not beautiful
but decent enough design to put on a hi-fi rack.

Tell what it is please. Not a power amplifier.
I guess it is DAC
or eventually another kind of pre amplifier.
I would not bother to paint and make such beautiful wooden things.
I would want to much to quickly try my stuff out
.. a bit like destroyer X, in fact

And if it works great, I would loose interest
and jump to next issue to SOLVE.
Once things are solved, work is over .. the fun is over.

You know the emptyness when something is finished.

When we are heading for something, a vision maybe
our work keeps us going and alive.
When we reach The Goal.. fullfill all our visions, we have nothing to HOPE for, to look forward to.

This thing is expressed by Paulus in new testmente:
As long as we hope it is good!
When we get everything fullfilled, we have no longer no hope :att'n:

:cool: And this is how lineup is.
Jump onto next project. Try next idea .. next vision!
Never stand still. Keep on moving along ..

Igla said:'s CS8412-TDA1543 NOS DAC.
Still not final version.
But if i get PCM1789 first to start a new projct...
TDA1543 will just have to vait.
lineup said:

Tell what it is please. Not a power amplifier.
I guess it is DAC

When we are heading for something, a vision maybe
our work keeps us going and alive.
When we reach The Goal.. fullfill all our visions, we have nothing to HOPE for, to look forward to.

This thing is expressed by Paulus in new testmente:

:cool: And this is how lineup is.
Jump onto next project. Try next idea .. next vision!
Never stand still. Keep on moving along ..

This is what Paulus express, in New Testamente.

The Bible, New Testamente
A post written by St Paul like 2.000 years ago.
At the Philippians Forum, Chapter 3 .....

"I do not have that life yet.

But I do one thing.

I forget everything that is behind me
and look forward to that which is ahead of me.

My eyes are on the prize. I want to win the race and get the prize ....

I think this is a good life.
Be looking ahead. Dream. Have some vision to live by.

What is already finished, what you have reached to
is no longer a hope, dream a vision to work for and long for.

It is a difference, to give your child everything it points at,
and to let your child fight for, work for and look forward to achieve that thing.

Many rich persons, that can buy whatever they want,
go where ever they want and get anything they want.
They can find life is without meaning.
They take to drugs, and alcohol.

Success Total.
Is this anything to want?

I say no.
I have a dream today!
And so in my mind, I may be more rich, than 'A Rockefeller Richie man'.

Because when you lost all your dreams and hope
you may not have many things left to do.
In life.
Try to take a pill, a drug to ease your pain
or even commit suicide.

lineup - looking forward for tomorrow and next visit at diyaudio
... and his next 'perfect amplifier circuit'
... next project and a new day!

After building the Pass A40 and loving I built this crippled
version. I made a few changes less voltage,less bias and
it still sounded good. Not as good as the full A40 but good.
Thanks again Nelson it was one grand experience building
the A40 !!


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Have I got an amp that fits the description of this thread title. This is the bridge amp I've been working on. Pretty ugly prototype...but if it will work this good with THIS layout, it should certainly work with a proper PCB. The TO-126 parts on the top of the heat sink bracket are the Vbe multiplier transistors, they also provide error correction for the Cheap-o output Mosfet transistors, mounted on the bottom. Vbe multipliers and output drivers are and

Hard to believe even for me that those waveforms come out of this ugly-@ss thing.:p


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