Transmission Line Modelling Software

Hi Schmeet,

Actually I am moddeling a brace in the last section of the TL down it's lenght. The last section has a constant CSA, sort of a long port at the end of the tapered section of the TL.

Added a crude paint drawing to show the idea.


  • TLdraw.jpg
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Hi Schmeet,

Yes, that is what I am trying to say, English is not my native langue so bear with me ;)

There is a small difference in the response, the first peak from the TL is a little bit smaller with the double port (~1dB), and I think it will make for a more rigid box.
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Hi, this is the enclosure that I reach to model using the program 1st version
internal measures are in meters
This is a modification of the Toby enclosure, object of another thread in this site.
It is intended to accomodate a 6 X 9 , highish Qts, fullrange driver.
Now I don't have a clue on how to reproduce the same design, with this new program release.
Can anyone show, with a practical example, how to simulate a very simple enclosure , like the one posted, in order to understand the new functionalities?
Many thanks in advance


  • Nueva imagen.gif
    Nueva imagen.gif
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Looking at your design, this is how I would model it in the latest version:

First of all, at the moment the driver is always at the 'beginning' of the enclosure as the model sees it. So from the driver there is a branch straight away:

There is the part above the driver and the part below the driver, so the first thing you would do is click on the first element '0' and clikc the 'Add Branch' button.

the new element '0.0' is then the bit above the driver so this has the following properties:
Length: 0.290
Areas: 0.267x0.290 = 0.07743m²

The element '0' is then the bit below the driver. Your design shows another split part of the way down the enclosure, so element '0' will be the bit from the driver to the split:

Length: 0.6825 - 0.290 = 0.3925
Areas = 0.290 x 0.267 = 0.07743m²

ok, so we have another split as you have a piece splitting the bottom of the enclosure into two halves (or branches). One is open and one is closed.

So click 'Add' to add another element (element '1').
Then click on element '1' and click add branch to create element '1.0'

Lets make element '1.0' the closed ended bit:

Length: 0.345
Areas: 0.125 x 0.290 = 0.03625m²
Boundary: Closed

So then, element '1' is the port, or open ended branch:

Length: 0.345
Areas: 0.123 x 0.290 = 0.03567m²
Boundary: Open

There is then also the bit of the port which is the thickness of your wood, which you could add on for extra detail, but its probably not needed here.

The images below show the geometry of the design...

I have a feeling this is not what you intended when you did this design. You probably wanted one large element 1.02m long and then a smaller port element?


  • TLExample.png
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Hi Schmeet, by first, many thanks
No, what I wanted is a big element 0.68xx meters lenght, a sort of pre-chamber, and then a long narrower element, (folded) that is 0.345X2 meters lenght and then, an output port, that is 0.1175 X 0.290 meters in surface, and 19mm (0.019 meters) long.
(probably there is some "end correction" to take in account, air viscosity, etc, the port acting like a bit longer one, than the actual 19mm fisical measure.)
I think You nailed it, in post 146 picture.
Attachment included is the original design that inspired me to do this..
Thanks again


  • Tower1.jpg
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Hi guys,

Another small update:

I have added a new button to the enclosure geometry window. 'Split Element'.
This button enables you split an element into two parts whilst maintaining the same geometry. This should make it easier to retrospectively add a branch to an enclosure.

I am aiming to add a few buttons like this to make the geometry input a bit easier.
Hi Schmeet, by first, many thanks
No, what I wanted is a big element 0.68xx meters lenght, a sort of pre-chamber, and then a long narrower element, (folded) that is 0.345X2 meters lenght and then, an output port, that is 0.1175 X 0.290 meters in surface, and 19mm (0.019 meters) long.

Ok, well you have this. But you also have the long narrow element with a closed end that is going to be doing a bit of filtering to the enclosure.

What driver is it for? Have you managed to get a working model?
Hi guys,

Another small update:

I have added a new button to the enclosure geometry window. 'Split Element'.
The first problem is, on the window that pops up, "Cancel" doesn't work. :)

The second problem is the values displayed in the "Enclosure" window for '0' don't change when the new '1' element appears. This is a problem because if one clicks "Edit", then "Update", as all other operations require, the unchanged values of '0' are saved by the update. Note that even clicking "Update" doesn't change the values displayed, for that to happen you have to click away to '1' and then come back to '0'. This runs contrary to the habit of clicking "Edit" before changing elements.

Your friendly Consistency Hobgoblin,
What driver is it for? Have you managed to get a working model?

The driver is an old oval 6 by 9 inches, not a car audio unit, but 8 ohms Parameters and simulated behaviour are in post 107 of this same thread.

Once I get confidence with the new program release, I'll try a quick and cheap prototype made of chipboard, just to see if it works, or not.
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I can't Load App. Error

Is it my PC or source? Thx

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [30/10/2012 8:02:31 PM] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (ManifestLoad)
- Exception occurred loading manifest from file Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll: the manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.AssemblyManifest.LoadFromInternalManifestFile(String filePath)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.ProcessDownloadedFile(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.DownloadModifiedEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadAllFiles()
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
--- Inner Exception ---
System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (InvalidManifest)
- Cannot load internal manifest from component file.
- Source:
- Stack trace:

No transaction information is available.