TPA3116D2 Amp

Judging from their good track records on the 3118 and 7498 , I would suggest the Sanwu 3116 boards. I personally have used this one and I like the sound

as compare to the few others that I have used.

That's not a Sanwu board. This is. I have two. They are well made, and seem to work well.

When I dug through this thread a few months ago, it seemed that this YJ clone of the Advance Control/Audiobra green board was considered good without mods. I haven't tried it.

This board also seemed to get favorable mentions unmodded.

It seems to me like the newer offerings are getting less scrutiny these days. Hard for me to tell if that's because there are already enough good-enough options for unmodded boards, or because the community designed group-buy boards have sated those with the strongest appetite.

I'm pretty sure that board comes from a different designer/source.

On the other hand, this board, and supporting images, has a lot of similarities (similar style diagrams, similar arrangement of option solder-bridges, both have v-out pads, both have mute pads on the sides) to the one LoTse linked to. Interestingly though, the inductors values are different.
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I have a green Audiobah clone that I got about a year or so ago. Most of my hi-fi friends have not heard it, but some of my friends who have had no qualms with the quality or volume.

I am powering it with an XBox360 power supply, and have found it to be very nice. I have not tried a laptop PSU or anything like that. I will try my Pyramid PSU soon as well.

If one were considering ordering about $50 in boards to test and evaluate, would there be any specific ones that I should steer clear of? There have been plenty of suggestions and am considering some of the ones in the previous few posts. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'll be interested in impressions.

I thought of picking one up to investigate as a ready-to-go board to reccommend to friends, but didn't really like the control and connector layout. Sanwu's ready-to-go TDA7498 boards are more sensible: power and speakers on the back, RCA inputs and volume control on the front. Nothing on the other two sides.
It seems to me like the newer offerings are getting less scrutiny these days. Hard for me to tell if that's because there are already enough good-enough options for unmodded boards, or because the community designed group-buy boards have sated those with the strongest appetite.

Hi Easp, most of the boards listed on this page (newer boards) do not appear to have the bootstrap snubber in place.
The sun might also be setting on the mass produced 3116 boards with the 3251 becoming available.
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In case anyone is interested, this is what it looks like under the heatsink of the Sanwu TPA3116 board. No bootstrap snubber hiding under there.


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Is that using pads intended for PBTL? From the datasheet schematic, they should be connected to the same point in the circuit as the bootstrap snubbers. If so, the Sanwu board does have pads that could be easily exploited to fit bootstrap snubbers.


JP3 and JP4.


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Hello, i'm new here an d I've tried to read this discussion, I really tried but it's just too long.
I was wondering which of the tpa3116 boards you guys suggest, I only need the board for a boombox project of mine and was wondering if there are any differences between them.
I have next to none experience in soldering / desoldering, but I can get away with replacing a potentiometer like suggested on other websites...
I think this kind of board is perfect because i'm building a 2 way component system with a subwoofer, low power cheap stuff, but should pump out alot of music.
Now, is this whole noise thing noticeable or only when no audio sources are connected?
That's not a Sanwu board. This is. I have two. They are well made, and seem to work well.

When I dug through this thread a few months ago, it seemed that this YJ clone of the Advance Control/Audiobra green board was considered good without mods. I haven't tried it.

This board also seemed to get favorable mentions unmodded.

It seems to me like the newer offerings are getting less scrutiny these days. Hard for me to tell if that's because there are already enough good-enough options for unmodded boards, or because the community designed group-buy boards have sated those with the strongest appetite.

First of all, my apology. I re-read by message and realized that it was misleading. The link that I posted is for the SAMN 3116, not a Sanwu board. It has a lot of features and it sounded fine unmodded. The only feature that I do not like was the power-on LED , very bright.

You are right, in the early days before the 3116 chip became popular, whenever a board popped up at EBAY or Aliexpress, someone would picked it up, tried it and report opinions. Not anymore. I guess the interest on 3116 has subsided.

I personally have used this one and I like the sound

Lo Tse,

Note the one one you pointed out has a volume pot, and the questioner wanted one without. Although it looks to be a nice board nonetheless.


I actually used a TVC in front of the amp to control volume and keep the volume pot on max (shorting it essentially) when I play the amp. An advantage of the volume pot is that I typically turned it all the way down before I turned off the amp. Therefore, there are no on and off pop ;)