The Weather

The flurries they called for this afternoon never materialized.

We had a very slow snow fall most of the afternoon yesterday along with a strong wind. By late last night the yard was still green.

This morning the yard is white, and it looks like maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch accumulation on the deck. It's 29 F with a few flakes still falling. It looks like the areas 20 miles north of here got a bit more though.

I broke out the balsa supply and some old airplane plans (One Nite 28). Let the winter hobbies begin.

I built a Falcon 56 with a 0.29 on it maybe 45 years ago when the radios ran on 27 MHz if at all. It took me about a week to total it, so the engine wound up in the Heathkit RC car (Spectre). If I remember right, that thing had a steel chassis and handled like a tank, so I crashed it too. Got an aluminum one from the local hobby shop. It would fly without wings!
No Christmas talk until the Macy Parade is done.

Our "Christmas parade" down the 3/4 mile long "main street" was yesterday. It was moved from mid December 50 something years ago because the weather in December is too unpredictable, and likely not conducive to kids marching down the street.

Still most people were bundled up like Eskimos and some of the marching kids and adults were visibly shivering. It was about 40 degrees with a strong wind and a few random snow flakes.

Had to stuff the two whining grandkids that were in the parade into the car and crank the heater to thaw them out while we watched the rest of the parade from the top of a nearby hill.......and they were born in Seattle.

Got down to 55F overnight. Brrrrr

Today's high is predicted to be 36F. That's in town, out here, maybe 33. (Edited.....I just rechecked my iPAD weather, it's the most accurate I've found)

I will admit that there have been a few times in my life where I was shivering cold......they all happened in Florida.
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Joined 2004
Paid Member
No snow here yet, precipitation for the year is far below average and 98% of the state is classified as under drought conditions of one level or another. It's been a very dry year.

Yesterday was cold and blustery with a strong onshore wind (20mph+/ 32km/h) today it is currently 42 °F (
5.5 °C) with those same strong winds. Amy and I walked along our neighborhood beach mid afternoon, while we weren't the only ones out walking it was pretty quiet.


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We have had air alerts for the past week due to fires burning in NC and TN.

Air quality has been very bad.

The cold front brought a little rain and cleaner air, but I expect more smoke by early week. Last week there were days of 1 mile visibility due to the smoke.

There is a burn ban in effect for the next week or so until we get more rain and they can get the fires under control.
That's Ontario for you, one day summer, next day winter.

Same here....we are about 200 miles due south of Waterloo. Friday I was walking an outdoor Flea Market in northern Ohio in shorts, flip flops and a tank top. Yesterday I was standing on a hill watching a parade in a 20 MPH wind from the north with mild snow. The snow continued all day long today, but thankfully hasn't accumulated much.

Today it was just not a day to be I wasn't. Still sorting through stuff from two whole house moves two years ago.

Tonight the snow will end.....that means the real cold will come. As of dusk my remote sensor outside reported 30F (about -1C) with 90% RH. It quit working shortly after that.

At dusk there were 8 deer in the yard foraging for food. Tomorrow starts hunting season. Bad luck for the deer. It's already been a bad year for road kills. They are not smart enough to stay out of the road. The area near the houses is the safest place. No cars, no shooting.

We have surplus freezing fog if you want some

Ours turns to snow. The Ohio river runs about a half mile west of us. There is a ridge about 200 feet high between the river and us. The river water is much warmer than the air in winter, unless it freezes over which is rare. If there cold air from the west it will blow the river fog up the ridge on the west side slightly compressing it while freezing the moisture. As this mixture flows over the ridge and down our side there is sometimes enough of a pressure drop to create some very fine powdered snow.
We have surplus freezing fog if you want some, big discount for large volume sales (buyer collects).

I was in Scotland back in August, and I believe I was there for all 7 sunny days of the summer. To be fair we hit some rain between Oban and Mull, but it cleared off by the time we got to Iona, and it was very foggy in Wick one morning, but by afternoon there wasn't a cloud in the sky.