The Phonoclone and VSPS PCB Help Desk

Hopefully we'll arrive at some sort of answer to that in the next little while, when people including myself have a chance to compare the two versions of the phonoclone.

If you want to test it out yourself (it would be an interesting experiment), I can send you both regulator boards as a 2-for-1 deal.


Hi Richard,

Yes, I'm interested in this deal and experiment. I sent you a private message regarding payment details, etc. I will report back with result on my existed builds once I have everything put together b/w 2 reg for a compare test!

In fairness I thought I should throw out the regulator deal to anyone who might be interested,

1 ea. of the S, X, and Z reg boards for $15 US.

Since almost all my projects have regulators built in to the boards already these regulators are expected to be used for other things, though you can defeat the on board regulation on the VSPS and Phonoclone boards to try these out - its not too hard if you know what you are doing.



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I thought "steampunk" involved hot-glueing screws and watch parts to the outer surfaces?

Kaidanovsky's construction methods - minus the blue cable - is what almost all my builds look like, thanks to the Hammondmfg 1590 series.

I bet you wouldn't want to see the inside! There always comes a point where my best-laid plans start to look like a dog's breakfast. Certainly not up to steampunk wiring, if that means the beautiful looms one finds in teak-framed galvanometer boxes!

That particular size of box (perfect for the bell type transformer I was using) seems to be terribly hard to get hold of through them discontinuing it or something silly. I'd love to use them again. This is my first foray into solid state stuff and I'd like more excuses to use these fine with screw on bottoms.
MM on Phonoclone?

Im building up another phonoclone on a pcb Ive had laying around. I dont have a MC cartridge at the moment and was wondering if using a voltage divider on the input would be acceptable for testing purposes. I need to drop down from about 4mv. My question is that although I can calculate resistors that will work, I have no idea how to pick the optimal values in regard to the output impedance of the divider. Is there a better way. I dont want to play with the gain btw.
You just hook it up to the cartridge directly. The phonoclone gain is self-adjusting, compensating automatically. Since the MM cart has a much higher output impedance (Zout ~500 ohms) the phonoclone first stage gain naturally falls as R2/Zout.

This will be fine for testing, but the problem for serious listening is the Zout of the MM cart is not usually constant with frequency, introducing unwanted response variation.
You just hook it up to the cartridge directly. The phonoclone gain is self-adjusting, compensating automatically. Since the MM cart has a much higher output impedance (Zout ~500 ohms) the phonoclone first stage gain naturally falls as R2/Zout.

This will be fine for testing, but the problem for serious listening is the Zout of the MM cart is not usually constant with frequency, introducing unwanted response variation.

Ah...Perhaps this could be useful given my particular combination - electronics noob wielding expensive cartridge? Might get myself a cheap used MM just to double check everything is ok before I plug the precious MC in.