The new "My Ref" Rev C thread

Hi Jack,

.....from pinkmouse on the equipment thread:

"Although lots of people will swear you need an expensive Fluke or similar, what can actually be more useful for amp building is one half decent one with true RMS measurement, and a couple of el cheepo £5 jobbies as well - quite often in amp building it's useful to be able to measure two or three things at the same time, such as offset voltage, bias and input current."

The longer I work in this hobby the larger my tool chest and my ancillary knowledge become. I don't want to stray too far off topic but would appreciate your DMM recommendations in a PM or email.

Has anyone used an outboard AC power conditioner for any perceivable improvement in the MyRef-C sound quality?

Not sure about that, but using a hair conditioner generally improves the harmonics that linger around the ears. :p

On a more serious note - what improvements can one expect with a PC? Texture? Silence? Dynamics? Realism? Slam and Snap?

My 1.3 Myref is dead quiet - can't hear a thing even with the ear touching the speakers/tweeters. I use an R-Core made locally, with no PC, and the power in India can be assumed to be dirty.

For texture and realism I guess caps and speakers would matter more?
Slam and Snap - I've heard improve myself with factory terminated banana plugs on the same speaker cable. PCs are known to kill dynamics and make the music sound flat. At least I've heard this from more than one first-hand sources.

Thanks Guys,

I asked cause I'm starting a new enclosure design and am selecting ins and outs for the box. A member posted a build with this:

MOD PWR INLET IEC FILTER 2.5A - FN1393-2.5-05-11

If that's all that's really necessary, that's great. I've used Furman and Monster Power units on other systems with multiple components, but if they don't improve sonics here I'll stick with a good IEC socket.
When I had the opportunity to hear my amps in a system with Eggleston Andra speakers, we tried inserting a PS Audio power conditioner (can't remember model). It absolutely destroyed the three dimensional aspects of the sound image, removing all air around the instruments and space between them. Made the MyRef sound like any other merely decent SS amp, negating many of its special qualities.

Out came the conditioner, and the musicians were back in the room.

I have stated here several times that power cord quality (not the wire as much as the connectors) is critical to this amp. I have not experimented with premium or filtered IEC inlets, but I suspect it would have same impact as better cords. Some day when I have the bucks, perhaps. Right now I use the cheapest Schurter IEC.

Tom E
When I had the opportunity to hear my amps in a system with Eggleston Andra speakers, we tried inserting a PS Audio power conditioner (can't remember model). It absolutely destroyed the three dimensional aspects of the sound image, removing all air around the instruments and space between them. Made the MyRef sound like any other merely decent SS amp, negating many of its special qualities.

Out came the conditioner, and the musicians were back in the room.

I have stated here several times that power cord quality (not the wire as much as the connectors) is critical to this amp. I have not experimented with premium or filtered IEC inlets, but I suspect it would have same impact as better cords. Some day when I have the bucks, perhaps. Right now I use the cheapest Schurter IEC.

Tom E

you know thats how i feel about my pairs right now. i know it's gonna explode with gush of air when i put back in fkp2 in c21 but the time smear was just something i couldn't compromise with. i'm wondering if blackgates would do the same thing without the smear since it's just a single cap, at which case would be truly incredible. (still haven't wired my payment to partsconnexion...) btw, weak bass was solved by rolling in a fresh pair of op-amps which makes it the most well rounded amp i've owned so far.
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it's gonna explode with gush of air when i put back in fkp2 in c21.

PreSapain, I'm not clear what you mean here. It is my understanding C-21 is populated only when the amp sounds overly bright. I may have missed it but did you ever try leaving that spot open. I've never had anything in there.

On the Black Gates for C9 - called my Colorado source yesterday and he says "Not a one to be found". So, as I have two extra I'll put them up for bids starting at $500 each.:D

a(+) sounds like a winner. But with all the swapping you have reported (that's a good thing) what did you have at C9 and C13 with C21 installed? I have the Sonicap and Black Gate combo and fear adding C21 may be either a conflict or we have two roads to the same destination.
you know thats how i feel about my pairs right now. i know it's gonna explode with gush of air when i put back in fkp2 in c21 but the time smear was just something i couldn't compromise with. i'm wondering if blackgates would do the same thing without the smear since it's just a single cap, at which case would be truly incredible.

BG Std sounds, alone, as good as the Silmic with bypass but with a better timbre and slightly more 'clean' .

Probably a BG FK/PK with same or higher capacitance (voltage is less important a 16V one is plenty) is even better (more harmonics)

PreSapain, I'm not clear what you mean here. It is my understanding C-21 is populated only when the amp sounds overly bright. I may have missed it but did you ever try leaving that spot open. I've never had anything in there.

I have the Sonicap and Black Gate combo and fear adding C21 may be either a conflict or we have two roads to the same destination.

With Blackgates in C9, C21 should be left void. Any bypass is detrimental for the BG.
hehe bob you're already a step ahead of me with the bg installed. i'm sure you know more than i do how magnificent this amp can sound.

oh by the way, mundorf silver/gold & supreme for c5 & 11. could they top k72n? we'll see next week... (i got them for dirt cheap off of korean craigslist- $2 a pop. whoop!)
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If you folks can indulge me one more time :eek: I'd like to hear about some real world experiences on using single or dual transformers with two MyRefs. I have two of each of these I can use. So far I've only used the small one in discrete 1:1. Using one Antek AN-2222 would be my preference. I can incorporate two in this new box if thats advisable but suspect that may be overkill.

AN-2222 115/22V ..5"dia............................................ ILP T2424A 120/24V...3.5" dia

There will be three additional transformers (2.5" - 3" dia.}for DAC, Pre and L Note in the chassis and I would like to conserve space as much as possible. There may be a way to multi-purpose some of these transformers with sub-regulators, but that's beyond my scope of knowledge at the moment.

My thought in cramming all this stuff in one box is an attempt to keep wires short and eliminate external interconnects where possible.

So what say ye all? 1 or 2 :confused:
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