The Incredible Technics SP-10 Thread

So has everyone given up on the "new improved" platter? Are plans available? We have a machine shop here in Hawaii that does aerospace work that probably could produce.

Anyone else have any updates to their builds? Hard to learn anything new if nobody speaks!

I have been spending some time learning the adjustments for my 312S arm. Still using my $100 Ortofon Red cart for practice. Since this is my first turntable I don't know any better, but I can tell improvements as I dial in the arm/cart. Just ordered an Andonstar 2 MP USB Digital Microscope Camera to really dial in a cart.

I think we're still waiting on platter drawings to move forward.

I know 6L6 and I are waiting for stacked birch plinths to get done, and I've a joint plinth project underway that I'm waiting on someone for mold creation. That's the universe exacting payback upon me on behalf of the other folks I've made wait on me in this project. :D

I've been playing with tweaking an AT150MLX to get better channel balance than what I've found out of the box, and I just got in a Tascam DA-3000 for rips in the spirit of conserving my better styli and for convenience. All pretty far OT for this thread, though.
Just finished reading through the whole thread,very interesting.

The family of a friend who has just died have given me his Mk2 deck,which I want to check out before using.Looks like new.Had a tech look at it this morning and he reckoned the caps in the deck itself look great.He suggested just doing the power supply ones.

Can I ask Dave....In post 431 you mention that "on the SP-10 MKII there are only three capacitors that need changing, all others are just perfect. Changing them all needs thorough testing afterwards, so why bother ?"

Can you please tell me which ones you think need doing.And would changing them throw the settings?
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Not sure about that yet! But I've just made a new plinth for the 401/FR64fx out of bamboo ply,3 layers of 35mm ea, and the bass is certainly more defined and cleaner,mid and tops cleaner as well.I'm really chuffed with it.
Mind you it was in an 18mm mdf board before,so anything would be an improvement!
Thanks again.
Just an aside on SME which may be of interest:

About 20 years ago I tried to order a Bogdan salmon fly reel but found that there was then a 3 year waiting list. So I decided to use the basic design with a few mods and have the work put out to machine rooms. I visited SME and saw their facility - which was the most up to date and complete facility I had seen. They told me that the greater part of their workload was for military contracts and that the tonearm business was but a very small part of their revenue. As they (TAs) were a very important step on their road to prominence in their field, they kept that work as a tribute to the past!

The shop had the most up to date multi centre tools imaginable, tumble polishers, multi metal finishing facilites for plating and anodising, etc etc. ALL work was executed under one roof. The whole place was as clean and tidy as a surgery theatre!!

They were however too expensive for my need as I required no more than a dozen items!
I'm new this this thread. When i read some of the lengths some of us go to to use what we consider on of the worlds great turntables.It brings home to me a comment by a fellow audiophile who is a close friend.

He is a Garrard 301/401, Thorens 124 user. When i suggested using the SP10, his response "was you can, but i won't" his reasons were that if, in 25 years time his Garrards or Thorens fail, any good machine shop or basic electrician can fix anything excepting total destruction.

Whereas the SP10 would need a technical wizard to fix any simple electronic failure, not necessarily because the failed component could not be found. but that it is no longer available, finding equivalents is an inaccurate science. They are there or nearly there about

I still feel that its worth the struggle, but think that unless we find a way to modernise and simplify without lowering the quality of the present control electronics, we may be sitting, admiring something that is completely static

Any thoughts??