The food thread

So a few after a few months of aging it's now ready for bottling. Some of my 'customers' prefer it straight while others like it filtered. I don't have a preference. As the 'Dad' I like them equally. This is hotter than the green Tabasco version but not volcano.


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They get down to $5 a lb. here at some stores.
At that price I might consider going vegetarian for the season.
They also supply the tiny wild low bush blueberries, a real seasonal treat.
You're gettin' me reminiscin'. I love the blueberries, Saskatoon berries and the strawberries. Up in our Cariboo region you get up while there's still mist on the lake and by the time it's burnt off, you have gathered enough berries to top a couple bowls of cereal. They're scarce but by golly, they're the best.
Just informed Im in for a big dinner after work, hmm. And for lunch I had this nan pizza on pita bread with pemeal bacon peppers strips mushrooms and mixed shredded cheese that was leftover from breakfast yesterday, excellent stuff and she works. I picked a winner with this one guys lol