The food thread

Hah! No, sorry.
Not intending to drag OT into this pristine thread, just a picture for clarification.
Tried the fit, not glued yet. Know you like speakers of some size so hopefully you'll let it slide ;)

Intending to make a proper thread soon, want to get the process started a bit more before posting.


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Magnus, have a safe and uneventful flight.

You know what Cal, when I arrive at Munich airport on Friday to continue with another flight to Sweden, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Swedish airports had been shut down ...

However, I may have time for some Bavarian wursts and Bavarian beer. Lets hope the Easter beer s beeing served. It’s a strong (12%) beer with great names like Emperator, Triumphator etc ... to honor J C.
Since we are avoiding going shopping as much, it's turning out good for the freezers. It means we are beginning to empty them. Close your eyes and pull out 1, 2 or 3 items and see what can be done. Last night I found some turkey stuffing and squid bibs. Put one into the other, bake for a while and voila! They're actually quite good. Mildly reminiscent of oyster dressing. Just the beginning of our ventures.
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Found a package of precooked tripe and some beef digital muscle. Used it for Pho this morning for breakfast. It's very beefy tasting so excellent in assisting the broth.

Had some 30 day salted chicken eggs in the fridge, found some dried shrimp and smoked salmon belly flaps and made congee.

Hey, what else are you supposed to do as you watch your investments collapse around you? I know, I'ma gonna eat and drink. That's what I'ma gonna do!
I picked up the book they had on hand at the public library. I think it's a greatest hits sort of thing. I tried the "Braised Pork Roast with Sweet Potatoes."

boneless pork shoulder butt 3 lb, (I got the shoulder cut, bone in 3.5 lb)
2 cups water
2 Tbl soy sauce
0.5 tsp tobacco
2 Tbl red wine vinegar, or cider vinegar
2 Tbl honey
1 tsp cumin

2 lb sweet potatoes
1 pound onions
6 large garlic cloves

is that smoked tobacco, or regular unsmoked?
is that smoked tobacco, or regular unsmoked?

tabasco sauce :eek:

I'm baking a yellow layer cake with a coffee buttercream frosting. I'm trying it with duck eggs this time instead of the large chicken eggs I'd normally use. The vendor that sells eggs at the market talked me into the duck eggs. She claims that they taste better.

I've baked the cake and it's cooling right now. 4 duck eggs weighed 9oz while 4 chicken eggs were 8 oz. So I just subbed them in. I noticed the yolks were very large and a darker, richer yellow colour.


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You know those rooster figths? No tourists there, but I've been to a couple of the traditional type, like after having those long ceremonies at the temples. My father in law brought me, also been to see the social aspect of it around the neighborhood etc. It's very nice actually. The guys sitting around, smoking and having a coffee or beer, all the roosters standing in their own hand woven baskets. Colorful feathers gleaming like perfection, a lot of boosting the rooster egoes, petting, massaging, a bit of exercise. They seem to want to keep them calm out of fights.

The roosters get treated very nice for the most part, they actually have very good lives until the somewhat brutal fights.

A lot of the roosters get shots that contain nicotine and a sort of optimalized vitamin mix. My father in law have sometimes negotiated to buy specific roosters that lost. They have to gently simmer for a long time, tough creatures. Very tasty, sort of a tiny hint of tobacco flavour, and you feel a bit "peppy" after the meal. So good.
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