The food thread

Yesterday i wanted some meatless food, so i marinated some tofu in soysauce and chinese red wine stuff, added some sesame seed with an egg and it was very yummy with some sweet and soursauce from the bottle, and some stirred veggies with oystersauce . Had a nice wine also :D


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A good Veetables plate is la Soupe au Chou (cabbage soap) ! It's with lard but you can remove it if you want. (notice the lard is not eated but reused in the next soup preparation : so no cuted in dices ! It was like that because people were poors)

It was the only vegetable we had in Europe before the comming of potatoes ! No cheese into it please (it's not an oinions soap !). I didn't find in English the true receipe, but this one in french shows the genuine and simple one. As it's a secular one, some added the potatoes after, but glucids were coming from the bread which was very good (not so today with crappy industrial wheat flour.) :

Recette : la bréjaude, soupe traditionnelle Limousine

This link is the first exrta terristrian contact we add in France thank to it (Did you believe guys they come to ear flute like in the Close encounters on the third kind ? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
(Al Saud saw it too, I think)

They know how to make money in US :D ! Also in the planes of Air France : a lot of sexual females abused just before landing in USA by gay steewarts :D !

PS : I believe because the food is bad in those planes, so they trap the steewarts to pay herselves a good restaurant at NYC after the court:D.
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Unsurprisingly I don't have any vegetarian friends...anymore.

Things were different 15-20 years ago.
Back then I had quite a few but over the years they all started eating meat again, some on their own and some while at mine for dinner.

Here we have a joke for that : "do you know how is the word for naming someone who don't eat meat ?

............ a poor !

(btw, no more than two meat dinner per week for health is fine, and with the difference you can eat a true meat, not a crappy one comming from old cows they sold in suppermarkett with hormonal coktails, salt and water to winn on the weight !)

PS : Guys I have to leave you to go to Mac Donald for my lunch !
Creme Brulée is very subtil and hard to do : it has not to be too hot in the top nore cold in the middle ! Ask more savoir faire than expected !

Have to try it with Douro Muscat one day ! Some alcohool are so good all that they sublime all the food mixed with it :) !

I would say than a sota Crème brulée and Tirramissu are very rare ! I know a portugese woman who manage at the state of the art this delicious dessert (the tirramissu) ! I find it funny as she knew it before to be married with an italian friend of mine ! (Btw Portugal is a good country to eat to the restaurent, better than France today !)
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