Test & Measurement interface for Soundcard

I was forced... :( I switched jobs (I started working as a freelancer), so I had to buy new pc's and licences. As it is almost impossible to buy new pc with XP preinstalled (only some very $$$ models), I bough a pc and laptop with win7.

I started out with 64bit, but I had to chane to 32 bit because a lot of software confilct with old automation software programs. 32bit is ok for most of them.
some problems with different Display

i got my pcb the other day in the mail, THANKS Pete!
I spent last sunday populating the board, and it looks like everything is working apart from the digit points.
they are all on:confused:
i used a different Panel, its from a local supplier here in Germany, and it looks like the bpn pin delivers only 2.6V.
if i understand the function of the logic gates, 2.6V is not "high" enough to switch the output of the gate to 0V if the second input on the gate is taken to 0V by the switch.
would a different Logic IC help (one with a lower min VH than the original with VH min>3,2V)?
Thanks for your help,

i've got the datasheet of the panel attached, and the datasheet of the oiginal IC is here: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74hc86.pdf


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I bought the EMU 1212 pcie and have excellent results with it (still running Win 7 pro 32 bit )... Only remark so far is the sound card control panel is a bit hard to figure out (you really have to read the manual..)

Gee, I have the 1212m PCI (not PCIe) - never got it to work properly, but I wasn't using ARTA. My results were never that good! Windows 7, 32-bit.

I will have to try again!
I bought the EMU 1212 pcie and have excellent results with it (still running Win 7 pro 32 bit )... Only remark so far is the sound card control panel is a bit hard to figure out (you really have to read the manual..)

Hey _Wim_,

Have you tried this with AudioTester? Seriously thinking about the 1212 after seeing your results and given the fact I am short on PCI slots but have plenty of PCIe.


Thanks Wim and Andrew,
this was the right direction.
I set the sample rate in the "M-Audio" Controlpanel, but when you start the Measurement, Audiotester overwrites the settings,
Thanks again

I do not know for audio tester, but for ARTA you need to set the sample rate in ARTA (and it also overwrites the settings in the control panel)

Remark: with the EMU 1212 you have to select the same sample rate in the EMU-patchMix DSP panel also, no autoselection here...


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I think you may need to fix them so they are all the same. In Audio Tester there's one menu, last one of the right, I think (don't have it handy) where you can set sample rates. I recall this being hard to get correct but not what I did.

Come to think of it, perhaps there's an order to it, open AT set it to what you want, close AT, then set window's panel to the same values, then open AT. Worth trying?

Thanks for your help!
i adjusted the sample rate in both and tried my first pc based measurements

i used arta/steps to measure the bandwidth of my own valve amp, pic attached.
the dip @ 35kHz is sometimes visible on the soundcard output as well,



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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hey there,
i had some success using ARTA and Autdiotester, but my soundcard drivers seem to be limited to 22kHz, how can i get the card to work with more bandwidth ? its the same with the M.Audio 192 and the onboard card
Greetings from Munich

I'm assuming you installed the proper M Audio driver. Try using the alternate sound DLL and select ASIO.. Note that I had to disable the onboard sound and uninstall its drivers on one of my boards before the 24192 would work properly and then manually install the 24192 driver. [Windows XP PRO SP3 32 bit]