System Pictures & Description


A new project dedicated to my daughter. Apsolut project is an original and DIY made.USHER 9950-20, VIFA P13W-00-08, Visaton GF200.
About sound-first impressions are detailed, friendly, warm, full body,
the design was used for measuring microphone and many simulators.


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DIY System

My system

DIY Turntable, magnetic suspension, Shroeder inspired tonearms, Carbon armtube and wood armtube. Maxon motor-motor controller.
DIY 12BH7A tube preamplifier.
DIY Ultimate Gainclones
EAD CD-1000 as CD Transport
Aragon DA converter (modified)
Aragon 47K Phono Stage (modified)
DIY Wide Baffle Speakers with Seas Paper cones (Troels Graeversen's PMS)
DIY Jordan JX92S Full Range, Crosoverless, Transmission Line Wide baffle speakers.


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Re: My first DIY project

bmansz said:
Here is my first DIY speaker project. It's a 2 way using a Pioneer 8" woofer (B20GR30-51F-Q) and Vifa 1" tweeter (D26TG-35-06).

The drivers were originally purchased to upgrade an old set of two way speakers and after I learned a bit about box design, I made my own boxes that you see here. According to WinISD Pro, the -3dB point is around 40 Hz. Not terribly low, but good enough for most music.

Uummm, sounds like a real nice driver combo... how do they sound together? How about vocals? Any close up pics!
Excellent design/build!!:)

TTYL, kyrie
My new composite speakers:

6 drivers inside:

As the result, sensitivity is something above 110 dB/W/M, so very little power is needed to drive them, also distortions are very low because of very small displacement of cones needed, plus stiff heavy body made of a composite stone-like material adds no non-linearities.

Before that I made woofers of solid concrete. Being impressed, I decided to try the same approach for higher frequencies and got the result I did not even expect...
Here is the first 2-way I've built in a few years.

I usually reside in the UK but have come back to Australia for an extended holiday. I picked up the drivers (Peerless 830875 & Seas 27TFFC) from another diyAudio member for a great price, and had time over the Christmas holiday to build some boxes. I very much like Zaph's SR71 design and wanted something similar that has high power handling using a woofer with low distortion. I am happy with the results as I invested less than half the money I would have for the SR71.

The box follows nearly exactly the same dimensions as the SR71 (Madisound MD14B) Enclosure, and same centered points for the mid and tweeter, port and terminal cup. I used a 50mm diameter port with a length of ~ 155mm to give a tuning frequency of ~ 46hz. I may reduce the length after some listening tests.

The filter was designed by madisound and was very easy given they just had to model with one of their boxes. The only comment might be that the front side edges have a 45 degree chamfer at 12mm, which I doubt would have much effect on baffle step. See attached the pdf sent to me by Madisound giving freq and impedance responses and the filter design.

The boxes still need to be finished. I went for ash veneer sides, top, bottom and back, and black baffle. You might be able to see the copper painted side edges, I have done this the whole way around. I feel this is an effective cosmetic approach to dealing with the look of the cut sides Peerless drivers, as it gives the effect that the sides acutally line up with a feature of the enclosure, I'm trying to think of better words to describe this...


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