Speaker Wires, analysis and results

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There are people who need evidence for everything. Even the most obvious things are that the sun is shining, and rain is made up of water. Apparently marketing tricks were created specifically for them. Just listen and compare the medieval violin with the one sold at the nearest music store. Medieval even sounds twice as loud! I will be silent about the sound quality, since I have no evidence recorded by the notary. :D
What's even better is to learn about the audio cable technology and use it for your future audio endeavor.
Fuses are skinnier
I am sure that there is another glamorous topic about audiophile fuses for a lot of money.:D
What's even better is to learn about the audio cable technology and use it for your future audio endeavor.
I have long developed and manufactured audio cables, but only for myself and my friends. And there really are a lot of subtle matters.


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I am sure that there is another glamorous topic about audiophile fuses for a lot of money.:D
I have long developed and manufactured audio cables, but only for myself and my friends. And there really are a lot of subtle matters.

From the Spice simulation one can see, they are outstanding cable with no inductance whatsoever.

@ ferret:
The "normal speaker cable" was litz;-? The DNM "solid core".
That is the answer;-)
Litz wire for speaker cable :rofl::rofl:
From the Spice simulation one can see, they are outstanding cable with no inductance whatsoever.
It depends on the type of resistors used and what you want to see. When everyone talks about cables, they usually don't take anything else into account. And you also really didn’t pay attention to it. In this particular model, I saw what I wanted, and that was enough for me.
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As some threads/discussions on various sites/subjects begin to become tedious, with continual debates over qualities that are infinitesimal, I've chosen to remove this from my subcriptions list as being one of them.
And so I'll go and relax, and listen to some music through my Advents, connected to my amplifier through coathanger wires, because someone said that they sound better that way. :rolleyes:
Those are the Large Advents with the nice wood cabs. I have a pair but took the screens off the fried eggs.
I listened with a friend of these speakers. He loves vintage. He has two pairs, one with sharp corners. But I like the sound of modern Cabasse Java MC40 speakers with synthetic diffusers.

I am using Acrolink 6N-S1000II speaker cable.
Technology without voltage (with pulling conductors through the die and the simultaneous exposure to electric current through the point of attraction). This technology ensures the preservation of the maximum length of ultrapure copper crystals. Made in Japan. Extremely musical and very inexpensive cable.
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Freedom of choice as an illusion

Quite the contrary, marketing tricks work mostly for people who don't know what good evidence is.
In any case, you choose only what they give you. Consequently, no evidence is actually required at all. In other words, you can only buy what is enough money or what is available for purchase at the nearest store. But you do not buy a centuries-old violin, even if marketers prove something to you.
And by the way, what kind of evidence do you need to just buy a piece of cable for $ 150-200?;)
I'm also not sure what could possibly be a problem with CCA cable, other than reduced malleablility, as the difference in resistance is small.
While that's true of the raw materials, note the Fry's & Best Buy wires in ASR's 12awg comparison. These "12awg" cables have about 3x the resistance of the other wires, excepting the Canare & coat hanger, obviously.

Call my cynical, but I don't trust the lowest priced Ebay wire to be more legit. It might be fine, but I'm not personally interested in taking the chance to save $5.

Aluminium cabling has been used rather successfully for electrical generation, transmission and distribution, so I'd love to the see the arguments against its use in somewhat less critical applications (hifi)- it should make for chuckles if nothing else.
Miles of uninsulated wire - hanging from towers & subject to wind, sun, rain & snow - might have slightly different requirements than 3m of wire inside my house. The electric utility definitely thinks more about the wire's weight than I do.
At the voltages the utility uses on their side of the transformer, the effects of inductance (at 60 Hz !) FAR exceed the effects of resistance. Even with a,uminum wire. So much so that in a 1st order power system analysis R is ignored in the transmission lines and transformers, but L is NOT.
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