Spawn of Frugel-Horn

It did in the original version (passably), but the latest revisions unfortunately mean the SP200X is no longer a good match to the cabinet. Sorry.

FWIW, I've been thinking about a Chang variation for the Monacor, as it's basically our equivalent of the B20 (which is too expensive over here to bother with) -a cheap 8in WR unit with respectable performance.
I do like it when things like this happen (makes life so much easier):

Monacor SP200X in Tommy Chang, with the slot-vent length reduced to the 18mm thickness of the build material. As ever, this is only approximate, but it should perform decently for what it is. Damp things to taste is the motto & enjoy experimenting. Even as-is, without a curved front, it should still be better than the typical small-vent BR box anyway.


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What's the news from anyone running the Harvey w. FE127e?

With all the other builds going on I don't know who built this.

Anyway I am getting ready to cut some wood for a winter project.

Have any things been done for a Chang style FE127? I just checked the Frugel pages and didn't see anything.

Maybe I missed where this driver wouldn't work for it. I like the build style on the Chang but the CC looks altogether different.
planet10 said:
(and hopefully may give me a chance to catch up)


I've done a couple of 127 variations already actually when I first started fooling around with this sort of geometry. I'll see if I can dig them off the HDD.

Problem with the 127 is the highish Fs, and more particularly the limited excursion as I try not to push drivers too hard. That means the reflex / MLTL box can't be too large (and particularly long), which would in turn affect on any possible future curved-front version, as the baffle wouldn't be large enough to support the wavefront properly. That said, the 127 can take a fair amount when asked.

I have an evil idea. :devilr:
Scottmoose said:
I do like it when things like this happen (makes life so much easier):

Monacor SP200X in Tommy Chang, with the slot-vent length reduced to the 18mm thickness of the build material. As ever, this is only approximate, but it should perform decently for what it is. Damp things to taste is the motto & enjoy experimenting. Even as-is, without a curved front, it should still be better than the typical small-vent BR box anyway.

Forgive me for asking this(i think my brain stoped att idle this morning) slot-vent length, that would be the 4" messurement in the plans...right?:scratch:
Ok, good.

All I really want to do at this stage is get some general
(maximum) dimensions cut and then mess around with the particulars.

The goal is to use ply on the back and sides and particle board
on the internals-- except for things like that 45d wedge thingie on the inside.

Jeez, when you said "I have an evil idea" I thought it had something to do with pomegranates. I'm so relieved.

Joined 2001
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Yes, 3 variations in my mailbox this AM.

The one based on the (proven) Fonken GR is the most interesting. The other is based on the Fonken floorstander and will be quite ZigmaHornet shaped, so it could be interesting too...

The bipole idea came from an Italian 2.5 way, but as 1st presented violates the latest suggestions that a bipoles width should be at least 3 times its depth... i've sent that one back for re-evaluation -- if it was turned 90 degrees and the drivers mounted on the "sides" (ie side firing mouth) it would come closer to that guidline....

drawings are in queue behind mFonken beta3 and the µFonken (drivers arrived yesterday for what i hope will be a 2 litre beauty)

For me the zigmahornet shaped enclosure for the fe127 is very exciting. I was going to start experimenting and increase the size of the original zigmahornet to try to get it to work with a friends fe127 drivers but if you have a similar one designed by the pro's then all the better.