Sonic Impact Gen 2 T-Amp ?

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I just received a reply from Sonic Impact to my request for a schematic for the Gen 2. They told that it was private property. This is my first posting. I am currently in the process of modding the Gen 2. I will post info and pictures regarding my mod if I am successful. I will be using Mod 3.

Best Regards to all of you.
I did notice that Sonic no longer shows them in the "Amp" section of the site--they only show the sound card with the "T amp" chip on it. On the other hand the people at PE indicate that they expect two major shipments to arrive on or after 6/30.

Don't think I'll sell my Gainclone just yet!javascript:smilie(':xeye:')

Just go for a Sure TA2024 Eval. Board....$22 from Hong Kong in a week...Do the standard Cap & Resistor Mods, plus it has (2) V+ & Grnd. inputs plus a standard 12v input jack. So you can easily screw in as much Cap across the Screw in Power inputs as you want, I have 2900uf on each, and it sounds very Tube Like into 6" RS Single Driver Speakers... Way better & easier than the SI..Plus all the other goodies that come with it makes it pretty much Plug & Play.. (Banana Jacks, RCA Inputs, Patch Cable, Power Plug, Wire...) All you have to do is put it a case of your liking, or not, it stands on its own quite nicely. Also, it does not get hot at all..
Parts Express has SI Gen 2 T-Amps in stock

I noticed that Parts Express has the SI Gen 2 T-amps in stock again:

The price has gone up to $69.00. I have a slightly modded SI Gen 2 T-amp and I have been comparing them to dweekie's Sure Electronics TA2024 board:

Frankly, dweekie's modded Sure Electronics board tramples the SI Gen 2 T-amp in terms of low and high frequency extension and definition. The midrange is smooth and liquid like a tube amp and the soundstage is more expansive. It just sounds more transparent and solid than the SI gen 2 T-amp.

Right now, I am using the Radio Shack 1.0uF (x 2) metal film caps for the input caps, but I will also try a pair of Black Gate N 4.7uF bypassed with 1.0uF, and a pair of Epcos MKV B25834 3.3uF film/oil bypassed with some Russian Teflon caps.

I would definitely recommend saving some money and trying the Sure Electronics board before buying an SI Gen 2 T-amp.


  • dweekie's sure t-amp 2.jpg
    dweekie's sure t-amp 2.jpg
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Hi everybody, sorry for dropping in like this! I've been lurking around here for quite some time and decided to finally post here. I've modded my t-amp gen2 according to the instructions given here and I have to say it works like a charm. Especially considering I wasn't *to* careful with the board in retrospect (I haven't soldered a thing in 10 years).

The only thing that's amiss is the nasty hum on the left channel, it intensifies when I touch the left channel in capacitor. Could this be because I touched on of the caps on the board by accident with the soldering iron (a bit of the plastic outside is melted but thats it)?

Apologies beforehand if I went the wrong way about posting this!


Re: Parts Express has SI Gen 2 T-Amps in stock

rhing said:
Right now, I am using the Radio Shack 1.0uF (x 2) metal film caps for the input caps, but I will also try a pair of Black Gate N 4.7uF bypassed with 1.0uF, and a pair of Epcos MKV B25834 3.3uF film/oil bypassed with some Russian Teflon caps.

I just changed input caps to 4.7uf and can testify that it made an improvement for me. However I dont think that you need just as high if you keep the 20k input resistors supplied on that amp.

I made an online calculator that works out the gain and cutoff frequency for the Tripath amps, you can input your cap values to see how that affects the frequency of the high pass frequency.

TA2024 Gain and High pass Filter calculator

I have mislabeled the HPF LPF on the calculator which I will correct when I get a minute.
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