Something to lighten the mood

That bit of punched sheet metal is a bit more impressive than it seems at first glance. The ghosts can be punched with three normal punches. One the basic round hole, the second a small square punch to clean up the bottom sides and a third small round one to make the skirt.

The pac man one could be done with a custom punch, but my feel is such a punch would wear quickly and possibly jam. Another way to punch it would be to use a “D” shaped punch in tool that allows the punch and die to rotate. Then punch, rotate and second punch. My close look supports that hole was done with two punch strikes.

The other bit is the material looks like stainless steel. One of the tougher materials. But as the holes are small and the material thin, that isn’t much of a problem.

I did once have a punch get to the program step where it was to punch a three inch slot in a piece of .187 304 stainless. All it did was make a very loud funny noise and trip the fault detector. I did re-profile the punch to get the load down and got it to work.

But a nicely done example of sheet metal work.
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