Some kind of FAST / WAW

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Hmm, that analyses doesn't really say what the lowest notes are. The normalized average spectrum actually shows a dive towards 100hz, if I'm reading it right. That makes sense, because it's average. Kick drums are short duration so they make up a very small amount of the average. A snap shot of the content would be better. That's analyzing the entire song at once.

Regardless, if you feel you only need 30hz content, easily done in a FAST. Even if you have stringent size requirements. Which I'm still not sure what they are??? Any local distributors of diy speaker parts? I'd start with what is sold nearby. Feel free to run it by here and see if anyone has used the stuff you have access to.
That's the cone unloading below tuning. The frequencies in that track are well below the box tuning. Did your analyzer tell you what frequencies they are? That would help with suggestions. If they were 30hz, no biggie. If they were 20hz or possibly less, you need some powerful woofage.

I think you've received some good advice so far. I will again throw out the suggestion for the SB acoustics woofers. I will again (as much as I appreciate CrisB's opinions) disagree with a castle build. You're young, so am I, I know what you're looking for, and 4 EL70s won't bring it. I will again say that a sat sub with your existing speakers may be an excellent option. Particularly if that bass is lower 20s or teens. Then you SHOULD go with dedicated subs, or a very capable FAST.

Ryan - no worries - all of us grey (or no) - hairs were that age once, and I can vaguely remember fulfilling most of those appetites (yes there was some inhaling involved during the span of uh, a couple of , ah dude what were we talking about?)

Due to Niklas' room size and the numerous advantages of placement that multiple separates can provide, how about something like a pair of Ripoles with 8-10" drivers? It'll be pretty hard to find a smaller enclosure design that this (they can often take less space than the cardboard box in which the driver is shipped) and aren't that hard to build. I wouldn't spend much time or treasure chasing after output below 35Hz in a room this size - but relieving the EL70 (or whatever small "mains") of heavy lifting below 80-100 certainly can't hurt.

BTW - invitation still stands
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I don't know of any analyzers, just how to read them. Ever ran test tones ? Try some sine waves from 30 to 50hz. Careful. :D

The young comment wasnt a shot at you Chris :p Modern music has some stupid low frequencies on regular occurrences. Low frequencies aren't anything new though. I could be quite satisfied with a single pair of EL70s for 97% of my musical tastes. If you like house or drum and bass they'll die. :eek:

How about this. Drum up some stupid cheap used woofers from anything. Old pro gear or monkey coffins. Figure out how to cross over and all that. Jam them into any possible box you find sealed. And see what you get. The xo is going to introduce a lot of complexity. Get your head around all that before dumping $400 on woofers.
I've tried sine waves and therefore I know of the huge peak at listening position at around 50-55Hz and the very quick rolloff which starts at around 45Hz.

I have my cheapish 10" subwoofers and some 22mm particle board in the garage, also some wooden shelves which could be used...
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

That are the parameters. Should I just go with recommended cabinet from WinISD? Could use my dad's old Yamaha stereo amp from the 80's to power them, XO with my Reckhorn...
Good, got a project for the xmas holidays now :)
50l sealed cabinet.
XO at 65Hz gives an f3 of 36.6Hz, f6 at 29.7Hz.

I think the poor 2x52W Yamaha will have to work hard though...

Edit: I'm a little worried though, since the peak of the subs will be at 50-52Hz and that's my room peak too. But I could always try placing them in front of my stands to get them away from the wall and maybe move the room peak a little. Or I just XO them at 40-45Hz and have them take care of the very deepest bass.
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Excellent, use what you have and start working it out.


Edit: I'm a little worried though, since the peak of the subs will be at 50-52Hz and that's my room peak too. But I could always try placing them in front of my stands to get them away from the wall and maybe move the room peak a little. Or I just XO them at 40-45Hz and have them take care of the very deepest bass.

Ahaa, so you're already beginning the process of deciding what you need and what will work for yourself. Good. Now, how are you going to tame that peak? IF it ends up being there of course ;)
Excellent, use what you have and start working it out.

Ahaa, so you're already beginning the process of deciding what you need and what will work for yourself. Good. Now, how are you going to tame that peak? IF it ends up being there of course ;)

There are no doubt a variety of hard and software "solutions" for room correction, EQ, etc, that could deal with that, but often those cures are worse than the disease, and frequently relocating the woofer enclosure(s) can mitigate the problem to the point of an acceptable compromise by more evenly distributing things around the room. Then of course there's physical acoustical treatment, but in an already small room ..........
Sometimes even less than a foot can make a difference.

If it hasn't already been suggested, invest the time in this text, which may be available at local public or technical school library

while on the general subject of multi-channel audio reproduction, much time is spent discussing achieving balanced distribution of LF - no surprise that even for the single ".1" LF channel of home theatre playback, multiple woofers are involved

short synopsis:
chris, really?

I have a concern about folks who call my friends liars and such. Dr.Toole 's book maybe a good read, but his personality sux (just ask a mutual friend whom was labelled a liar by the esteemed Dr. Tool). I'll spend my $s someplace else. And Dr.Toole owes the Canadian taxpayers for his "expertise" at our expense, so maybe us canucks should hit him up for free copies of the book anyways.

'nuff said.
I have a concern about folks who call my friends liars and such. Dr.Toole 's book maybe a good read, but his personality sux (just ask a mutual friend whom was labelled a liar by the esteemed Dr. Tool). I'll spend my $s someplace else. And Dr.Toole owes the Canadian taxpayers for his "expertise" at our expense, so maybe us canucks should hit him up for free copies of the book anyways.

'nuff said.

I wouldn't pay $45 for a book I could get for free! :D That money could be better spent on drivers. You can get one CSS EL70 for $45 :)
Will start looking for material today if everything goes as expected.
Would a ported box be better?
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The ported box looks way better except for the group delay which becomes insanely high, high enough to become a real problem?

The excursion graph is with 120W input power, if I power them with my HK amp and let the Yamaha take care of the Mar-Kel70.

Both cabinets are 50l, the ported one tuned to 25Hz.
After spending some time finding the amplifier, cables and the right two subs out of four (one is a little different, the other one is broken) i'm running them open-air now and this might turn out well.
Got called in for work early today too so wont have time to do anything more right now, but tomorrow after work I'll probably start cutting some sheets :) 22mm particle board will be used, bracing them internally.

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