If you allready have an mcu for volume control than you no need to rebuild Levetop mcu, just use mcu binary from attachment and make your own UI trought ui editor. Levetop LT268 have inside ic an mcu, and mcu is responsible for comunication trought uart to an external mcu, for example when you move knob it produce something trought uart which you need to catch by an external mcu. Also you can send comands to knob via aurt for example to change ui things. But internal mcu can work on your own way, for example if you modify mcu source code, but problem is you can't get mcu code, its propretiary and private, you should ask person from Aliexpres before you buy knob and if you are lucky you will get them! Ui is programable trought UI_Editor-II_V2.30, and you will need also to program your external mcu to catch all that uart commands, not very flexible! But it work very good when you figure out all the things. Making ui trought UI_Editor-II_V2.30 is not that hard, just folow datasheet -> https://www.levetop.cn/uploadfiles/...b61f5Fzf5FzSR&file=UI_Editor-II_ENG_V2.10.pdf . Inside ui editor you can see emulator and all the uart bytes structure your ui produce.
Here is mcu binary if you need it. To program knob use LT_Vcom_GUI_V2.6-2021-10-20
Here is mcu binary if you need it. To program knob use LT_Vcom_GUI_V2.6-2021-10-20
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Think also about this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007261678442.html I will try them when I get some free time for new knob, want something more flexible than Levetop, even I will think to change internal pcb with my owm stm32 based and add more pins in case that one do not have what I need. : )
Done! Those who want to build, here you go -> https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/isolated-dsc2-dac.418617/
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