Signalyst DSC1

In second DSC3 i have combo384SE and i search for some information and i got it ... so : not pin compatybile?
the one with no sound and 3v3 from u13 u24 ..... not 1,6v like in the first one ....


My first DSC3 only works with CPLD 1080 and FW 96 etc. (old amanero combo) only DSD256
i change the pid to _023a ant still same ... hqp dosent recognize when I flash it to CPLD 1081 and 2006 FW with proper bit configuration

I cant compare because I gave the first one working to my friend but he wants DSD512 :D


Tomorrow I will have Xmos u30 meaby this will work with my second DSC3... I just need to remove crystals and resistor and make jumpres thats right?...(to use with DSDit


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    Różnice wejść stare nowe Amanero.png
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You really need to invest in a scope. What you are doing now is liking trying to land a plane with ice all over the windshield so you can't see where you are going. Air traffic control is trying to tell you how to steer the plane since you are blind to what's right in front you. That's a bad position to be in, and maybe even somewhat stupid if you got into it knowing better.
Yeap. But I think this is problem with my PC ....
I cannot setup the Xmos in my PC i try a lot of drivers right now. When I open a software for the Xmos and click connet then "No device found"
In normal mode and in configuration mode.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... time to sleep

Xmos u30 have resistor removed and crystals (like in pdf from DSDit)
I solved the noise problem by giving the master clock some extra delay. The U7 74LVC157 Mux had a spare 3rd channel with inputs connected to ground. I removed the connection to ground and connected the master clock coming from the DAC to it. Master clock signal is taken from Jumper 1. The output of the Mux channel is routed back to Jumper 1. Normally the used Jumper 1 pads were connected directly. Now through the mux.
View attachment 1208573
Now the DSD'it also works flawlessly with DSD input coming from HQPlayer. Direct comparison between the AKM4137 modulator and HQPlayer modulator is easy now. And yes, with recordings were it really matters (such as good classical recordings), HQPlayer is better with a rather large margin. But with mainstream stuff, DSD'it modulator is already doing a very good job. But in direct comparison, a bit rough, less smooth and resolving, a bit further away from how instruments really sound. HQPlayer is still worth it when you do not need the ease of DSD'it which enables any USB streamer source.
In this case i need to pull up those legs on the IC and connect to the JP1?
In relation to post I decited to abandon clasic power button and command structure on touch screen and decided to add Smart Knob which will be the main control thing so that CM4 is now free for anything else for example for an media server or android or whatever I like, no need to care about gui implementation and things : )

Smart Knob will get also an diy rgb ilumination so that whole things look even better : )



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Done some work on modify front panel, hard work to make new hole and in the same time not broke anodized aluminium, done them and it look ok. Next time the transparent rgb ilumination panel will not have an edge that covers the irregularity of the drilling, but it will be without that edge, thinner, in the plane of the panel, it will look definitelly better. 3d printed and sandblasted, absorbs light very well, evenly, so I will only need 3 rgb diodes. Now time for finaly designing pcb with predregulators and power supply for cm4, some easy thiny push pull isolated regulators for smps on-off control... etc, and when it get done it will be time for designing inputs pcb, backplane and finaly aluminium cover. : )


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Pcb for the control panel, the most boring part, somehow I mustered up the will to finish it, it's going slowly, hope in next 30 days I finish front panel which will control our amplifer, I was bored doing it, a lot of work : )

This contain all the control things, soft start for main transformer, small print transformer to supply front panel electronics,, some iso push pull regulators, ir led, 4.3" display, smart knob, cm4 board... etc. After this get finished in our amplifier only remain back panel with optic inputs, usb, iso usb hub for cm4, bt antena... etc, the thing to design, and finaly top cover, those two things to the finish.


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  • Schematic_saviola_two_CM4board_2024-07-17.pdf
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Just finished dsc3 with latest puredsd firmware, the relay clicked continuously,
switched mute to pin27 solved the problem but both relay have no connectivity anymore (still clicks but weak),
so just hardwired with relay removed (tough)
never bothered by the pop sound with dsc2 so believe dsc3 can perform same without the relay.