Paging Dr. Art Welter, B Low Rider


This is a bit extreme, but put this in ‘wizard’ and observe what happens as you move the driver around in the ‘conical pipe shape’? (Keep the ‘s2’ on auto so the size/shape remains the ‘same’ )

‘path’ is @ zero, so the driver is interacting fully with the vent, like a tapped horn, etc)

next, put that driver in a 300cm pipe 1066.66cm2 in size and compare it to the original 600cm pipe example …. Weird
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If I had the choice of making the TH18 , I prefer the FT30 (crescendo thread ) a modified TH18 that hits flat to 30hz ,
But that if I had some BC 18SW115's, right now I can't afford those drivers , what I have is 15SW2000's ,those sims nice In the dual 15" ART cabinet (b low rider)

So maybe a pair of those , but that will have to wait at least to 1st quarter of 2025 if any, I have family hardship right now , so my priorities shifted.

But I can still help if you need to convert your pen and napkin cabinet doodles in to SketchUp models.

There are some people around here who have nice AutoCAD chops or fusion360 and coax nice cabinet plans and 3d images.

I don't have AutoCAD chops nor F360

I tried freecad but could not join 3d panels to make a cabinet, I always got errors (too many constraints, missing constraints) arggg...

Anyway SketchUp clicked on my head so I decided to go that route.

Since I have the last free version V17 of SketchUp make , it only let you save in .skp format, no DXF or DWG or .STEP files support.

Freecad can import SketchUp files and export in DWG ,DXF and .step , I want to test if the exports are ok.

Hope some body will volunteer to test my freecad converted files.
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