My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

Gents, is there any specific requirements for placement of off board parts ?

I assume you are referring to C13. Bob has graciously offered to let me borrow some caps to try a few different orientations. I will go into these in more detail when the caps arrive and I get them in place. Stay tuned. I will say though Dario has not had any issues with the way he has mounted the caps offboard, so following his suggestion should work.
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Another successful build

For those that have yet to start their build:

This is my 5th Fremen Edition successfull build, no hum, not a single problem, working and singing from first power on.

DC offset is 25mV with open input, as usual it will lower between 5-10mV after the first tens of hours of use.

So be confident. :)



Gents, is there any specific requirements for placement of off board parts ?

As you can see, since this build will have off board caps, I've shorted C13 position, so boards are DC coupled.

I will report any problem or suggestion as I procced with this build.


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1. Is jumper mandatory then doing so ?

No, simply a design choice.

You can do differently if you think it's better.

2. Is caps being connected from two furthermost apart dedicated pcb holes or there is another method I do not understand ?

The amp module become DC coupled. The input cap will be between the RCA connector and the molex connector on board.

RCA->cable -> input cap -> cable -> molex -> PCB
Sure, sorry. Are you running the signal ground along side of the input cap, separate, twisted around it, etc. How are you connecting the cap to the wire? Are you just soldering the leads to wire, or are you using some kind of connectors? Thanks

I've tested modules DC coupled with my actual cabling, I've yet to realize cabling (which includes coupling cap).

My intention (setup includes a TKD 2CP-2511 volume pot) is to solder caps directly on pot outputs and on hot of the balanced cable I'll use, the ground of the balanced cable will go directly to pot also.

So there will be input RCAs, balanced cable to pot input, caps on pot output, balanced cable to molex plug which will be branched to the molex connector on PCBs.

I hope it's clear, btw when I'll realize it and I'll post pics it will be clear... ;)
For the power switch are you using a switch driver and a relay? If you are a momentary will work if not you need a switch that latches. I used a schurter pushbutton dpst on my integrated, its nice but there is switch bounce if im not careful. I used a bulgin switch for the fe that is lighted and the amb driver/ relay little project and really nice compared to the bare switch. Allied had some of the switches on sale a while back.
Thx for advice guys
I am looking for passive selector with no sound degradation. Ultimate one would be uriah's optical s/selector. But probably would opt for something like shown on amb website.

P.S. I use my b1 as a testing platform , not scared of ruining it. Was planning to do mesmerize but instead I am removing b1 (or analogue) altogether. Lighter note is due to be installed into FE. Buffer stage is going to be JG Buffer for Subbu dac.

And dantimax server is down :D