Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

The root cause of the free space issue is that moOde 3 series does not create Samba share blocks for each disk_label thats auto-mounted.

What ends up happening is Samba reports only the free space of the root partition where /media folder resides. Even if u expand SD card, Samba only reports this as max free space and not the actual free space available on the attached USB drive. This is fixed in moOde 4 :)

Great that the problem is pinned down and a fix is on the way. Thanks, Tim.

Looking forward to a Merry Christmas with version 4!

I think that is a grossly unfair accusation to throw about. :mad:

All those who have chipped in have been trying to help by sharing their own experiences in the hope of cracking your problem while you were waiting for Tim to have the time to look into it.

I am far from 'all knowing' but have had my fair share of frustrations trying to get software to work on the Pi and also learned a lot the hard way about some of the limitations that hardware can throw up.

You posted a couple of questions and other posters have responded - thats how forums work !!!

Quite honestly, at times you have been downright rude and insulting to people who were simply trying to help -- rather than showing at least some thanks for their efforts and respecting them for at least trying.

You are incorrect, there were helpful people and they know it but look at the trail and tell me from all these pages how many were just plain ignorant asking me to do stuff totally unrelated ,8 pages now of stuff that should be just one page of drive access info ,not condescending "I did not see your voltages on display "
Truth be told if I knew no one can really work with words, I should have plastered this info from the begining.

now I moved to picoreplayer, does the job out of the box for everything and will wait until one of these solutions moode or volumio are grown up enough to handle my unusual setup.
Spent almost a week to talk nonsense, half day to build all the hardware and no music.



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I use all you described to check file configs, etc.. if you mean for me to use these to get files transferred I think you miss the point of ease of use and you want to stick with making it useful only for people with good knowledge about these things.,

I also use a SFTP client from my Mac (Cyberduck). Insert credentials, it opens a window on my desktop to/from which I can drag files.

How I am rude when I am the customer in a way?!? I think some acknowledgment is in order.
Also as long as you are not annoyed as well can you tell me if there is a good ac wifi card I can use?
Also using USB sick the issue is still there so has nothing to do with hdd, power , etc.

"Can you spare some time to answer my questions?" sounded rude to me - not even taking into account the fact that it was a reply to the message where he mentioned he has licensing problems. Tim is very kind and helpful, in the worst case he may have just missed one of the thousands of the messages here, and replies to email quickly. Interacting with him is quite smooth, actually.

Using a computer to transfer files is definitely the best thing to do – it is also faster because on the raspberry ethernet and wifi are on the slow usb bus, which is shared with the interface to the DAC (if you have a USB DAC). This means that it can be slow. Over the network I get 4Mb/sec.

Remember, especially if the drive is NTFS formatter, to unmount it (this is an option that should be added to moOde) or turn the pi off from the user interface. Otherwise you may corrupt the drive (only in the case where you have written to it from the pi, though).


FYI it seems another user has exact same issue and gave up on a fix

Old Yesterday, 02:02 PM #10216
etimalandain is offline etimalandain France
diyAudio Member

Moode is a great piece of software and, as you said, the price is very reasonable.

However, same issue here with my pi3 and attached USB drive. Works perfectly with the other solutions I tested (Volumio, Runeaudio ...) but there's no way I can upload music to the HDD via my network with Moode.

Asked for help on this forum some time ago, appears my case was unknown and none of the suggested solutions worked. By the way, FTP uploading doesn't work either (probably for the same reasons).

Tried to modify the rights on the drive, without any success.

I got tired of spending more time on this than on listening to music, so now I just unplug the drive from the pi3 and plug it to my computer when I want to transfer new music (much faster transfer, anyway ...)

Not a totally satisfying solution but it's the only one I found. If you ever solve the problem, please tell us about it !

Using a computer to transfer files is definitely the best thing to do – it is also faster because on the raspberry ethernet and wifi are on the slow usb bus, which is shared with the interface to the DAC (if you have a USB DAC). This means that it can be slow. Over the network I get 4Mb/sec.

Remember, especially if the drive is NTFS formatter, to unmount it (this is an option that should be added to moOde) or turn the pi off from the user interface. Otherwise you may corrupt the drive (only in the case where you have written to it from the pi, though).


Hi Roberto,

I'll have a look into the "unmount" option. I thought Linux flushed its write cache every 3 secs which would make corruption unlikely. The scenario would have to be that the disk is written to and then unplugged within 3 secs. Something like that.

I also use a SFTP client from my Mac (Cyberduck). Insert credentials, it opens a window on my desktop to/from which I can drag files.

How do you get it to copy TO the drive? I'm using WinSCP and the properties of the files / USB are only able to be written to by "root" not by login in. So I can SEE them and read them but not write to the disk
Hi @sureshm,

Dec or Jan, but I'm not offering pre-made distribution images anymore due to the HUGE workload for the GPL stuff. The new FOSS model is moOde Sources + Build Recipe for making an image. This requires a solid medium-level Linux expertise.

Other distros for example DietPi or LibreELEC may integrate moOde and thus provide an avenue for pre-made images.

If you want these other distros to integrate moOde then post to their Twitter feeds or on their forums. I'll be happy to work with them :)

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Joined 2007
Hi Roberto,

I'll have a look into the "unmount" option. I thought Linux flushed its write cache every 3 secs which would make corruption unlikely. The scenario would have to be that the disk is written to and then unplugged within 3 secs. Something like that.


Definitely it was more than 3 seconds since the last write. But the drive ended up first with a corruption flag, then files started to appear and disappear randomly (I would create a file, another 9 "lost" ones appeared, I created a second file, those 9 would disappear again...). NTFS is a steaming mound of brown stuff. I am sure not even linux can make i.e. better :)

can't get NAS source to work

I have a Pi 3b running the latest version of Moode that is connected to my network via ethernet, and Internet Radio is working fine thru my USB DAC. But I can't seem to get Moode to find an external SSD drive on another computer running windows 8.1 were my music files are located. I am not sure if this can work as it is a PC, not a NAS. If it won't work that way, will it work by setting up Storage Spaces in Windows 8.1 on the external SSD? I would rather not use USB as a source so the remote computer can do the heavy lifting.

I would appreciate any help on this, thanks.
I have the RPI 3 too, and a NAS box of sorts which I rarely use now as I have a 2 TB USB running from the RPI. Just telling you this in case you decide to give it a go as I had a lot of trouble getting the RPI to power the WD passport drive.

In the end I got a USB3 > Y lead. One end is plugged into the drive, the Power and date USB lead into the RPI and the other USB (power only) into a USB power walwart. It runs perfectly on this set up and is almost silent.
Hi Tim,
Yeah, I don't have a tracking dog either. And not super computer literate so I don't know how to do the screenshot. So,

Source name- FLAC ON LRPC

Fileshare protocol- SMB/CIFS

Host or IP address- ( I confirmed this on the remote PC)

Remote directory- Livingroompc/d/flac

no username or password ( Share with Everyone on the remote PC)

I also tried putting the extra phrase in at the beginning of the Mount flags followed by a comma.

The error message is : Last mount error username specified with no parameter

Thanks so much for your help and all the good work on this great software! If you need a screenshot or anything else I will figure it out.
Problem solved

Thanks to Tim Curtis and squadra. Moode required changing both the remote directory to d/flac and using a bogus username and password and now works perfectly. I'm a happy camper as the sound seems clearer and crisper. Now to learn how to make playlists; I imagine there is a tutorial for Moode. I am using MuPeace on my cellphone as control point and need to look at that tutorial.

One thing I did notice as I test played a few tracks from the browse window. The album covers shown for the song being played was usually wrong. Moode seemed to like the cover for Moondance (Van Morrison) a lot.

Thanks again,
Thanks to Tim Curtis and squadra. Moode required changing both the remote directory to d/flac and using a bogus username and password and now works perfectly. I'm a happy camper as the sound seems clearer and crisper. Now to learn how to make playlists; I imagine there is a tutorial for Moode. I am using MuPeace on my cellphone as control point and need to look at that tutorial.

One thing I did notice as I test played a few tracks from the browse window. The album covers shown for the song being played was usually wrong. Moode seemed to like the cover for Moondance (Van Morrison) a lot.

Thanks again,


Making playlists is simple:

Add the files to your existing playlist and tap the small inverted-caret shaped icon in the top-left corner. This will open the search field and, at the bottom, open the ‘save playlist field.

If you have persistent album art, you may need to flush your browser cache (ctrl+r, shift+ctrl+r, depending on browser)


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