Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Re DAC wars, I find it instructive to read vendors' new product announcements to see what they do to improve sound quality. As an example, the changes in the Marantz CD6006 over the 6005 included revised signal paths, better shielding, and PSU improvements.

I'd expect a Pi DAC which paid attention to the quality of capacitors and power supply smoothing would sound better than a generic reference design build using run of the mill components.
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This is because few people here are dealing with WiFi connection dropping and trying everything in desperation. Problematic setup is RPi3 (built in WiFi) + Hifiberry DAC+PRO - mentioned few times before on pages 396/397 by myself and G PAYNE and on page 399 by SLAUKAS.
I am not sure if it is something to do with the kernel Moode is currently usng as SLAUKAS suggested.
For time being tho I will switch to RPi2+WiFi dongle following TheOldPresbyope thinking.


AFAIR there are Moode 2.6 users running Pi3 and DAC+Pro with no issues, WiFi or otherwise.

I have a Hifiberry DAC+ but not a DAC+Pro so not possible for me to replicate the config exactly but these two DAC's use the same I2S driver and when I tested Pi3 and DAC+ I did not experience any issues. A quick scan of Hifiberry forums does not show any posts for similar issue.

If someone wants to donate a DAC+Pro I'll be happy to run some tests.

Hi Tim and "BartR"

i have now tested MoodeAudio with fresh Image inkl. latest 2.6-Updates and RP-Kernel 4.4.15 with PI2 and PI3 Hardware for using with WiFi-Dongle:

- MoodeAudio on PI2 is running Wifi in Master Mode and also as AP Mode (for Airplay) without problems (WiFi-Dongle: Edimax 7811 and others).

- MoodeAudio on PI3 with internal WiFi is running Wifi only in AP Mode (for Airplay). In Master-Mode for connecting to other AP, the internal new WiFI Adapter is very unstable and connecting is 1 of 20 ok. I have now disable the internal WiFi-Adapter and use an external USB-WiFI-Dongle for the PI3 - and all is running ok (like an PI2).

- In using with an fresh Rasp-Jessie Image, all WiFi Modes (as Master-Mode or AP -Mode) run ok (example as AirPrint Server) - internal WiFI or external USB-Dongle is equal.

Fazit: For me it's interresting to see, it's different in using with WiFi between MoodeAudio Image and Rasp-Jessie Image.

Wll, as we've come back around to WIFI issues, I'll update my situation now.
I have my set up running great on the lan cable. No issues at all with set up or loading the update. I tried the WIFI connection set up in "configure networks" with my home ssid and password, power down, disconnect lan and reboot. No wifi link to the pi and no access point to the pi. plug in the lan cable, everything works great again. It is very repeatable that once the Hifiberry dac+pro is selected, the wifi no longer operates.
I have bought an external wifi dongle to try but have not hade time to play with that yet.
I sent $5, but couldn't work out how the heck to make it recurring... and paypal's help is up to it's usual level - i.e. fkn useless.

Tells you how to set up recurring donations as a payee, but not as a payer.

Well done. I should of added if you click the paypal icon on the page it gives you the option for recurring there, so makes it easy.
Burr Brown PCM5122 options

What filter should I select for the best sound?


  • Capture.PNG
    40.9 KB · Views: 214
Hi Tim and "BartR"

i have now tested MoodeAudio with fresh Image inkl. latest 2.6-Updates and RP-Kernel 4.4.15 with PI2 and PI3 Hardware for using with WiFi-Dongle:

- MoodeAudio on PI2 is running Wifi in Master Mode and also as AP Mode (for Airplay) without problems (WiFi-Dongle: Edimax 7811 and others).

- MoodeAudio on PI3 with internal WiFi is running Wifi only in AP Mode (for Airplay). In Master-Mode for connecting to other AP, the internal new WiFI Adapter is very unstable and connecting is 1 of 20 ok. I have now disable the internal WiFi-Adapter and use an external USB-WiFI-Dongle for the PI3 - and all is running ok (like an PI2).

- In using with an fresh Rasp-Jessie Image, all WiFi Modes (as Master-Mode or AP -Mode) run ok (example as AirPrint Server) - internal WiFI or external USB-Dongle is equal.

Fazit: For me it's interresting to see, it's different in using with WiFi between MoodeAudio Image and Rasp-Jessie Image.


Hi Seigbert,

Couple things:

- Airplay does not work in Access Point (AP) mode
- Unstable PI-3 WiFi could be due to the issue described in link below

moodeOS is based on 2016-03-18 Raspbian Jessie Lite release and 4.4.8 Linux kernel.

Which Raspbian release are u using and how were u able to get AP mode networking running on it?

Wll, as we've come back around to WIFI issues, I'll update my situation now.
I have my set up running great on the lan cable. No issues at all with set up or loading the update. I tried the WIFI connection set up in "configure networks" with my home ssid and password, power down, disconnect lan and reboot. No wifi link to the pi and no access point to the pi. plug in the lan cable, everything works great again. It is very repeatable that once the Hifiberry dac+pro is selected, the wifi no longer operates.
I have bought an external wifi dongle to try but have not hade time to play with that yet.

Hi Graham,

This is very odd that selection of DAC+Pro would kill WiFi. What happens when u select DAC+ instead? They both result in same I2S driver being loaded.

Before trying this, post the Moode startup log when connected via Ethernet (./

I believe I tried that driver previously with the same results, but I'm not 100% sure, I'll try it again.
I found the link you posted above about the dual band WIFI issue earlier this week and dismissed it as my Pi connects to my WIFI first time, every time , until I add the DAC, but I'll go back and revisit it as well.
Thanks Tim I'll try to post the start up log this evening.
Hi Graham,

This is very odd that selection of DAC+Pro would kill WiFi. What happens when u select DAC+ instead? They both result in same I2S driver being loaded.



Looking at the hifiberry/linux repo on github and quoting from the commit "Add Support for the HiFiberry DAC+ Pro" on the rpi-4.1.y branch (HiFiBerry announced in Oct 2015 that their driver including this commit was merged into the Official Raspberry Linux kernel):

The HiFiBerry DAC+ and DAC+ Pro products both use the existing bcm sound driver with the DAC+ Pro having a special clock device driver representing the two high precision oscillators.

I can't test propositions regarding the DAC+Pro because I don't have one (yet?) but I wonder if this difference regarding a special clock device driver could play a role in the issue being reported? As you say, most of the software chain is the same.

I do have the HiFiBerry DAC+ here, which has worked flawlessly with Moode Player r2.6 on my RPI2B with external WiFi adapter and RPi3B with either internal or external WiFi adapter. I'm running an ASUS RT66U Dualband Access Point/Router with related but different SSIDs for the two bands: target24 and target50. Of course, target isn't the actual ID but you get the idea.

Moode Player users,

Has anyone compared the audio performance of I2S DACs in the US$40-200 range ---HiFiBerry products seem like a good start here---vs USB DACs in the same price range---Audio Quest's DragonFly Black and Red DACs seem like a good start here. Any recommendations or caveats about one approach vs the other in the context of Moode Player?

Thanks for the responses to my query.

I've decided that worrying about choosing a better USB DAC which I could transfer to some unknown future system is silly given the very reasonable cost of a number of good-performing, RPi-compatible I2S DACs. Whatever I get will be permanently part of a RPi-based player I build *now*. I'm using your comments to winnow down my choices.

If and when I get around to building a system based on a different SBC, then I'll worry about some other DAC.

Hi Tim.
Here is a cut and paste of the start log currently.
My router recognizes moode as a client for both lan and wifi (has assigned two different IP's) currently the wifi one is inactive. If I unplug the lan cable the wifi becomes active but I still do not get an access point broadcasting from the pi, or access to the player in my browser (chrome) or access to the pi through putty using the router assigned IP.

login as: pi
pi@'s password:
Linux 4.4.8-v7+ J-Lite Core, armv7l Architecture
__ ____ ____
__ _ ___ ___ ___/ /__ / __ \/ __/
/ ' \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ / -_) /_/ /\ \

moodeOS Version 1.0
(C) 2016 Tim Curtis

moodeOS is based on Debian GNU/Linux and is custom
factored for Moode Audio Player. moodeOS and Moode
Audio Player are provided for free by the copyright
holders and contributors and come with no expressed
or implied warranties or any other guarantees.

Last login: Wed Jul 27 19:04:11 2016 from
pi@moode:~ $ ./
20160727 075912 worker: Startup
20160727 075914 worker: Host (moode)
20160727 075914 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB)
20160727 075914 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20160727 075914 worker: Krnl (4.4.8-v7+)
20160727 075914 worker: OS (moodeOS 1.0)
20160727 075914 worker: Rel (Moode 2.6 2016-06-07)
20160727 075914 worker: Upd (2016-07-10)
20160727 075914 worker: MPD (0.19.15)
20160727 075914 worker: Session loaded
20160727 075914 worker: Debug logging (off)
20160727 075914 worker: File check...
20160727 075915 worker: File check ok
20160727 075915 worker: Auto-shuffle deactivated
20160727 075915 worker: USB sources (My Passport)
20160727 075916 worker: MPD started
20160727 075916 worker: wlan0 exists
20160727 075916 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (wireless563)
20160727 075916 worker: Audio (I2S audio device)
20160727 075916 worker: Audio (HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro)
20160727 075916 worker: PCM5122 chip options applied
20160727 075917 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20160727 075917 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20160727 075917 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20160727 075917 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20160727 075917 worker: Volume level (40) restored
20160727 075917 worker: wlan0 wait 1 for address
20160727 075920 worker: wlan0 wait 2 for address
20160727 075923 worker: wlan0 wait 3 for address
20160727 075926 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20160727 075926 worker: eth0 exists
20160727 075926 worker: eth0 (
20160727 075926 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20160727 075926 worker: MPD consume reset to off
20160727 075926 worker: Watchdog started
20160727 075926 worker: End startup
20160727 075926 worker: Ready
Hi Tim, Was there ever a fix for this other than setting a static address ?

I have the same errors with my PiB and i2s PlainDac.... no autoplay on restart , no playlist or time and when I click on Play I get the NaN NaN then a random item from the playlist starts.
All functions work fine after that.

Hi Bob,

The issue in the post appeared to be caused by Router taking a long time to hand out DHCP address. Moode startup waits up to 3 secs for eth0 addr and up to 9 secs for wlan0 addr to be assigned, then continues with startup sequence. If addresses not assigned within these timings then the remaining startup processes including NAS mounts, Autoplay, etc will fail. Moode log shows whether ip addresses were assigned within the timings.

Followup post below.

You could try bumping the timings by editing /var/www/command/worker.php. email me if u want to try this.

Hi Tim.
Here is a cut and paste of the start log currently.
My router recognizes moode as a client for both lan and wifi (has assigned two different IP's) currently the wifi one is inactive. If I unplug the lan cable the wifi becomes active but I still do not get an access point broadcasting from the pi, or access to the player in my browser (chrome) or access to the pi through putty using the router assigned IP.

login as: pi
pi@'s password:
Linux 4.4.8-v7+ J-Lite Core, armv7l Architecture
__ ____ ____
__ _ ___ ___ ___/ /__ / __ \/ __/
/ ' \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ / -_) /_/ /\ \

moodeOS Version 1.0
(C) 2016 Tim Curtis

moodeOS is based on Debian GNU/Linux and is custom
factored for Moode Audio Player. moodeOS and Moode
Audio Player are provided for free by the copyright
holders and contributors and come with no expressed
or implied warranties or any other guarantees.

Last login: Wed Jul 27 19:04:11 2016 from
pi@moode:~ $ ./
20160727 075912 worker: Startup
20160727 075914 worker: Host (moode)
20160727 075914 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB)
20160727 075914 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20160727 075914 worker: Krnl (4.4.8-v7+)
20160727 075914 worker: OS (moodeOS 1.0)
20160727 075914 worker: Rel (Moode 2.6 2016-06-07)
20160727 075914 worker: Upd (2016-07-10)
20160727 075914 worker: MPD (0.19.15)
20160727 075914 worker: Session loaded
20160727 075914 worker: Debug logging (off)
20160727 075914 worker: File check...
20160727 075915 worker: File check ok
20160727 075915 worker: Auto-shuffle deactivated
20160727 075915 worker: USB sources (My Passport)
20160727 075916 worker: MPD started
20160727 075916 worker: wlan0 exists
20160727 075916 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (wireless563)
20160727 075916 worker: Audio (I2S audio device)
20160727 075916 worker: Audio (HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro)
20160727 075916 worker: PCM5122 chip options applied
20160727 075917 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20160727 075917 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20160727 075917 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20160727 075917 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20160727 075917 worker: Volume level (40) restored
20160727 075917 worker: wlan0 wait 1 for address
20160727 075920 worker: wlan0 wait 2 for address
20160727 075923 worker: wlan0 wait 3 for address
20160727 075926 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20160727 075926 worker: eth0 exists
20160727 075926 worker: eth0 (
20160727 075926 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20160727 075926 worker: MPD consume reset to off
20160727 075926 worker: Watchdog started
20160727 075926 worker: End startup
20160727 075926 worker: Ready

Hi Graham,

Access Point (AP) mode is only activated if WiFi SSID is blank. Log shows ...trying SSID (wireless563).

Log also shows that after 3 checks (total of 9 secs) wlan0 was not assigned an ip address.

Its possible that this is similar to issue where Router is not providing an ip address in a timely manner which causes some Moode startup processes to fail.

Hi Bob,

The issue in the post appeared to be caused by Router taking a long time to hand out DHCP address. Moode startup waits up to 3 secs for eth0 addr and up to 9 secs for wlan0 addr to be assigned, then continues with startup sequence. If addresses not assigned within these timings then the remaining startup processes including NAS mounts, Autoplay, etc will fail.
You could try bumping the timings by editing /var/www/command/worker.php. email me if u want to try this.


Thanks ! Edited /var/www/command/worker.php and set eth0 'sleep(1)' to 'sleep(3)' and that seems to have fixed it. :)

(I guess each 1=(one unit of 3 seconds) ? as the wlan setting was 'sleep(3)' and the eth0 was 'sleep(1)' being the 9 seconds and 3 seconds you quoted..?)
Re; Which DAC is better sounding ??

I started with IQ Audio Pi-DAC, which was surprisingly good. I like the idea of small units, reduced to the minimum - this is why I use the RasPi. I found out, that the smallest OS often offers the biggest sound. In my experience with windows I ended up with a complicated version of win server, that is barely naked, stripped down to the absolute minimum. I cant use it for any other purpose but playing music - so why not choose an OS, that is up from the beginning designed to play music: MoOde. In consequence, I chosed the appropriate DAC available at that time, the IQ Audio DAC with very good results. I guess this is because of I2s transportation instead of USB. This enables the unit to get rid of unnecessary processing steps. Last year I purchased a Hifiberry DAC+ Pro. Its concept of two clocks for 44100 khz and 48000 khz and their multiples is even better for my purpose and my ears. I almost forgot to say that good PSU is essential for both RasPi and DAC. I use two different PSUs and I can tell that nothing sounds better than sheer batterypower. This does not mean powerbank, because their often poor electronics cannot provide a real dc! I´m still looking for a smart, cheap analog PSU.

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Thanks ! Edited /var/www/command/worker.php and set eth0 'sleep(1)' to 'sleep(3)' and that seems to have fixed it. :)

(I guess each 1=(one unit of 3 seconds) ? as the wlan setting was 'sleep(3)' and the eth0 was 'sleep(1)' being the 9 seconds and 3 seconds you quoted..?)

Hi Bob,

Thanks for confirming the increased wait time works :) I'll bump eth0 to 3 which would allow up to 9 secs for that interface to get ip address before Worker finishes startup. That should cover most "slow DHCP" scenarios without bogging down the startup time too much Looking at the code I can see one other startup task that should probably happen after the interface checks. I think its this particular task that if there is no ip address present when it runs it causes the NaN (Not a Number) error in the time knob when client tries to connect.

Yes, "Wait 1... etc." in the log corresponds to the loop count. Each interface check loops 3 times, sleeping for N secs each iteration.
