Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi Kent,

What happens if you clear your Browser cache?


Hi Tim,

My Beta10 also does not show the album art. It says "Cover art not found".
I had cleared the Moode cache. My cover art is jpg stored in the same directory of the music. My folder org. is singer names/albums.

It worked fine on both Volumio and a very early version of Moode 4.0 beta.

Btw, what does the Library tab do? Everything is blank as was earlier beta (for me).



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Hi Tim,

My Beta10 also does not show the album art. It says "Cover art not found".
I had cleared the Moode cache. My cover art is jpg stored in the same directory of the music. My folder org. is singer names/albums.

It worked fine on both Volumio and a very early version of Moode 4.0 beta.

Btw, what does the Library tab do? Everything is blank as was earlier beta (for me).



Zip up a directory of songs and the cover image file and send me a download link. I'll be happy to try and repro :)


Zip up a directory of songs and the cover image file and send me a download link. I'll be happy to try and repro :)


Hi Tim,

Upon further testing, some albums the art work is working fine but the one used to work does not work.

Is there a size limitation on the jpg? The non-working one is 598x578.

Btw, what does the Library tab do or how do I enable it? Thx.
That depends on the stand you are using. At first I bought the official one, and was surprised to see the image upside down.

While the orientation is easily fixed with that little configuration, I found a bigger problem: the screen has a narrow viewing angle on the vertical plane, and is designed to be looked at directly or from above. Because it is mounted upside down, you are looking at it from below, and the viewing quality is not great...

I ended up buying a different case (SmartiPi), where the screen is mounted correctly, I don’t need that parameter and, most importantly, the image is much better.

True, but in my setup I would like to have a HAT DAC attached on to the RPi. The particular DAC I have has the RCA outputs attached perpendicular to the USB/ETHERNET ports. If I don't invert the screen, they would end up facing downwards, with not much elevation to plug my thick RCA cables, so I want them facing upwards instead. I like the design of the Audiophonics DAC which have the RCA facing in the same direction as the USB/ETHERNET ports.
Some feedback regarding the b10 recipe:

L192: # SR1
L193: sudo poweroff

Shouldn't this be sudo reboot?

L380: // STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
L421: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/interfaces.default /etc/network/interfaces
L422: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/wpa_supplicant.conf.default /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
L423: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/dhcpcd.conf.default /etc/dhcpcd.conf
L424: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/hostapd.conf.default /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

This will make the moode bootup in hostap mode, so you have to reconfigure it already from the webinterface. It's OK, but it should be noted to the user here:

L499: # SR5
L500: sudo reboot

Otherwise the build went OK. If you don't install all the components, the webUI doesn't complain when you try to turn them on. That might be a bug in the future that will cause people some confusion why airplay isn't working ;)

Thank you for moode!
True, but in my setup I would like to have a HAT DAC attached on to the RPi. The particular DAC I have has the RCA outputs attached perpendicular to the USB/ETHERNET ports. If I don't invert the screen, they would end up facing downwards, with not much elevation to plug my thick RCA cables, so I want them facing upwards instead. I like the design of the Audiophonics DAC which have the RCA facing in the same direction as the USB/ETHERNET ports.


Ok, I get it now. I can add the param as a YES/NO setting "Rotate 180 deg", thanks :)

Some feedback regarding the b10 recipe:

L192: # SR1
L193: sudo poweroff

Shouldn't this be sudo reboot?

L380: // STEP 7 - Create moOde runtime environment
L421: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/interfaces.default /etc/network/interfaces
L422: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/wpa_supplicant.conf.default /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
L423: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/dhcpcd.conf.default /etc/dhcpcd.conf
L424: sudo cp ./rel-stretch/network/hostapd.conf.default /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

This will make the moode bootup in hostap mode, so you have to reconfigure it already from the webinterface. It's OK, but it should be noted to the user here:

L499: # SR5
L500: sudo reboot

Otherwise the build went OK. If you don't install all the components, the webUI doesn't complain when you try to turn them on. That might be a bug in the future that will cause people some confusion why airplay isn't working ;)

Thank you for moode!

Hi Matt,

That probably should be a reboot. I'll make the change.

Those files shouldn't make moOde start in AP mode. AP mode is activated during moOde startup under the following conditions:

No Ethernet Connection and
(SSID blank or
SSID not blank but no IP address assigned to wlan0)

cat /var/log/moode.log and examine the entries for eth0 and wlan0.

Hi @bigbear2003,

I assume your songs are tagged with Genre, Artist and Album. If not then the Library Panel will be blank.
Is there a Genre named "Unknown" in the Library panel?
Is the Browse panel populated with your collection?


Hi Tim,

Pls refer to the screen cap. Moode vs. Volumio pointing to the same NAS share.


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Hi, Tim.

I uncommented all the workerlog lines in coverart.php. Rebooted.

In a fresh browser, I navigated to the Library Panel and selected my test album: James and the Giant Peach ...

Got the tracks but no coverart.

Looking at /var/log/moode.log, I see
20171201 073915 coverart: a - /var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/01 Overture.mp3
20171201 073915 coverart: c - /var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/
20171201 073915 coverart: 1 - //NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/Folder.jpg

This looks good to me. There's actually a number of images in the directory and the function parseFolder picked the first one in its array of default covers names.

Now to see who calls coverart.php

Hi, Tim.

I uncommented all the workerlog lines in coverart.php. Rebooted.

In a fresh browser, I navigated to the Library Panel and selected my test album: James and the Giant Peach ...

Got the tracks but no coverart.

Looking at /var/log/moode.log, I see
20171201 073915 coverart: a - /var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/01 Overture.mp3
20171201 073915 coverart: c - /var/lib/mpd/music/NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/
20171201 073915 coverart: 1 - //NAS/OMV-HC1/James and the Giant Peach Album/Folder.jpg

This looks good to me. There's actually a number of images in the directory and the function parseFolder picked the first one in its array of default covers names.

Now to see who calls coverart.php


Hi Kent,

@swizzle sent me some test files and I found a regression in coverart.php. I'll email you the file and you can test.

@swizzle sent me some test files and I found a regression in coverart.php. I'll email you the file and you can test.
Yep, seems fixed on my end, just a few hours after Tim got the files to reproduce it.

This is the kind of above and beyond effort that helps makes moode special, we should all be sure to let Tim know via the donate page how much it means to us. :)