Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I've just installed TR7 and the first thing I've noticed is, that every time I restart the system - my /etc/resolv.conf is reset to default (overwritten with original content), thus I'm loosing the DNS setting and most of the radio stations doesn' twork.
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Moode 2.6 Test Release 7 (TR7) is available for download at under the TEST CODE button. This TR is based on 2016-03-18 Jessie Lite and Linux kernel 4.4.8 and includes fixes and updates from all previous TR's.



Thank you very much Sir. On my way to install it and test it with a PAM8403 little amplifier and a raspberry zero I just received :)
I've just installed TR7 and the first thing I've noticed is, that every time I restart the system - my /etc/resolv.conf is reset to default (overwritten with original content), thus I'm loosing the DNS setting and most of the radio stations doesn' twork.

Hi Marek,

Moode does not touch /etc/resolv.conf so I'm not sure what might be happening in your case.

Here is what the file looks like on my 6 test Pi's.

# Generated by resolvconf
domain home.local

Hi Marek,

Moode does not touch /etc/resolv.conf so I'm not sure what might be happening in your case.

Here is what the file looks like on my 6 test Pi's.

# Generated by resolvconf
domain home.local


Hello Tim,

this is my first post here (after reading many years).
the linux-scripts are modifying the /etc/resolv.conf every time the network gets a new dhcp address. This should not be done if a static ip is configured!

here before pulling the network cable:
pi@moode:~ $ ls -lsa /etc/resolv.conf
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95 Jun 3 19:28 /etc/resolv.conf

and after network reconnected:
pi@moode:~ $ ls -lsa /etc/resolv.conf
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95 Jun 3 21:44 /etc/resolv.conf

I also made a test with inserting a blank line into the resolv.conf. After network reconnect that line was removed.

And many, many thanks for the great work!
I used runeaudio and volumio for a long time, but moodeaudio is the best audio distribution for raspberry.

I'm using manual config via
I'm using PiZero and my usb wifi didn't work in ap mode, so I've had to use the "old way" :)
However, I can try and configure the network via MoOde interface now and see what happens.


B sure to use TR7 because TR6 had a bad config file that caused AP mode to fail in certain scenarios.

Also the WiFi adapter has to be capable of AP mode. There is a list in Moode Setup guide :)

Hello Tim,

this is my first post here (after reading many years).
the linux-scripts are modifying the /etc/resolv.conf every time the network gets a new dhcp address. This should not be done if a static ip is configured!

here before pulling the network cable:
pi@moode:~ $ ls -lsa /etc/resolv.conf
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95 Jun 3 19:28 /etc/resolv.conf

and after network reconnected:
pi@moode:~ $ ls -lsa /etc/resolv.conf
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 95 Jun 3 21:44 /etc/resolv.conf

I also made a test with inserting a blank line into the resolv.conf. After network reconnect that line was removed.

And many, many thanks for the great work!
I used runeaudio and volumio for a long time, but moodeaudio is the best audio distribution for raspberry.


Hi Friedemann,

Thanks for the nice compliment! I really appreciate it :)

Correct, Linux is managing resolv.conf

Yeah, as I've said earlier: it's TR7 :D

And I'm using static IP.
This is my /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

In TR3 my resolv.conf wasn't overwritten. In TR7 it is.

UPDATE: Configuring network via the MoOde interface fixed the problem. Anyway, still strange, because my manual config was working perfectly in TR3.
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Hello all,

First of all a huge thank you to Tim and everyone here for making this possible.

Second, I wanted Moode to startup in "true random" mode so I modified (for better or worse, but it is working :)) /var/www/command/worker.php (code at end).

Third, my endgame here is to have a simple phone interface to an RPI running in my car. All of Tim's work and this minor tweak have got me a good ways there. If I can suggest an idea,...

I want to be able to inject "artist", "album" or maybe even "genre" into the playlist with a single button press (based on tag data from currently playing track, a kind of "Yeah, that sounds good, I want more" button). If there were a minimal or customizable UI that us simple folk could setup an "mpc add" command against that would finish off my "perfect" playback machine. Just a thought. Thanks again, Chris

// reset consume mode to off
$sock = openMpdSock('localhost', 6600);
//sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 0');
sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 1');

sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 1');
$resp = readMpdResp($sock);
workerLog('worker: MPD consume reset to off');
// auto-play last played item if indicated
if ($_SESSION['autoplay'] == '1') {
        $status = parseStatus(getMpdStatus($sock));
        sendMpdCmd($sock, 'playid ' . $status['songid']);
        $resp = readMpdResp($sock);
        workerLog('worker: Autoplay on');
} else {
        sendMpdCmd($sock, 'stop');
        $resp = readMpdResp($sock);

playerSession('write', 'ashuffle', '1');
sysCmd('ashuffle > /dev/null 2>&1 &');
Hello all,

First of all a huge thank you to Tim and everyone here for making this possible.

Second, I wanted Moode to startup in "true random" mode so I modified (for better or worse, but it is working :)) /var/www/command/worker.php (code at end).

Third, my endgame here is to have a simple phone interface to an RPI running in my car. All of Tim's work and this minor tweak have got me a good ways there. If I can suggest an idea,...

I want to be able to inject "artist", "album" or maybe even "genre" into the playlist with a single button press (based on tag data from currently playing track, a kind of "Yeah, that sounds good, I want more" button). If there were a minimal or customizable UI that us simple folk could setup an "mpc add" command against that would finish off my "perfect" playback machine. Just a thought. Thanks again, Chris

// reset consume mode to off
$sock = openMpdSock('localhost', 6600);
//sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 0');
sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 1');

sendMpdCmd($sock, 'consume 1');
$resp = readMpdResp($sock);
workerLog('worker: MPD consume reset to off');
// auto-play last played item if indicated
if ($_SESSION['autoplay'] == '1') {
        $status = parseStatus(getMpdStatus($sock));
        sendMpdCmd($sock, 'playid ' . $status['songid']);
        $resp = readMpdResp($sock);
        workerLog('worker: Autoplay on');
} else {
        sendMpdCmd($sock, 'stop');
        $resp = readMpdResp($sock);

playerSession('write', 'ashuffle', '1');
sysCmd('ashuffle > /dev/null 2>&1 &');


Interesting. I had some issues trying to get Ashuffle and Auto-play to work together but don't recall exactly what was going on. I'll revisit for Moode 2.7.

Here is a link that was sent to me by IvanB for code that adds similar tracks to MPD Playlist.
MPD_sima homepage

I'm having problems with the display of information in Moode. Often it seems to get into a mode where the interface displays and responds to things like volume control, switching between panels and the like, but displays no track data. The Library shows "undefined" on everything, there are no tracks showing on the Playback panel and the drives and playlists don't show up on the Browse panel. Occasionally, however, the tracks do appear, especially after a fresh re-load, but then it goes back into this blank mode. All the panels from the upper RH pull-down load and seem to function except the "about."

Setup: Mac laptop and/or mini iPad (same issues on both) running Safari, Moode network, RPi3 w/Mamboberry, 2TB HD attached. v6TR5.

Thoughts, anybody?

I'm having problems with the display of information in Moode. Often it seems to get into a mode where the interface displays and responds to things like volume control, switching between panels and the like, but displays no track data. The Library shows "undefined" on everything, there are no tracks showing on the Playback panel and the drives and playlists don't show up on the Browse panel. Occasionally, however, the tracks do appear, especially after a fresh re-load, but then it goes back into this blank mode. All the panels from the upper RH pull-down load and seem to function except the "about."

Setup: Mac laptop and/or mini iPad (same issues on both) running Safari, Moode network, RPi3 w/Mamboberry, 2TB HD attached. v6TR5.

Thoughts, anybody?


I've had a weird display on Safari which normalised after I cleared the cache.
I'm having problems with the display of information in Moode. Often it seems to get into a mode where the interface displays and responds to things like volume control, switching between panels and the like, but displays no track data. The Library shows "undefined" on everything, there are no tracks showing on the Playback panel and the drives and playlists don't show up on the Browse panel. Occasionally, however, the tracks do appear, especially after a fresh re-load, but then it goes back into this blank mode. All the panels from the upper RH pull-down load and seem to function except the "about."

Setup: Mac laptop and/or mini iPad (same issues on both) running Safari, Moode network, RPi3 w/Mamboberry, 2TB HD attached. v6TR5.

Thoughts, anybody?


I've had a weird display on Safari which normalised after I cleared the cache.

The symptoms suggest stale Browser cache/history or a bad sd , something like that.

Also, I'd recommend TR7 because TR5 has some issues.

I swapped out the USB cable and now the tracks are displaying. So that's good.

However, there are still some things that don't quite make sense to me.

- Generally, it's very slow and balky. Wondering if this is just par for the course on web UIs like this one. Takes forever to switch between panels, for example.

- Playlists display incompletely. In the playback panel, sometimes just a small portion of the tracks show up, and sometimes all of them do. In the Browse panel, only a portion show up, so it's very confusing, and after some time spent loading tracks into a play list, kind of disturbing to fid them not showing up...until they do. The entire playlist should display in the Browse panel, right?

- Tim, it would be helpful if the current playlist loaded would display on the Playback panel, as the little window with the disk icon only says "save playlist."

Sorry to be a pain. Really want to get this thing working properly.
