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Thanks, Zia

a Hypex UcD180HG amp

Now we are talking, how are you liking the extra headroom this module supplies compared to your tube amps? Did you use Hypex's PSU or make your own? Unregulated or Regulated? You know me an all my questions! :D

I missed these the first time you mentioned them, as I typed in "Hypex" and got a totally different 50 watt class-D amp. Thanks for the link, as I will keep these in mind as a possiblity. The exchange rate is what kills us here in the US and I am guessing the "excluding VAT" is some kind of tax???

Namaste, Allen
Now we are talking, how are you liking the extra headroom this module supplies compared to your tube amps? Did you use Hypex's PSU or make your own? Unregulated or Regulated? You know me an all my questions! :D

I missed these the first time you mentioned them, as I typed in "Hypex" and got a totally different 50 watt class-D amp. Thanks for the link, as I will keep these in mind as a possiblity. The exchange rate is what kills us here in the US and I am guessing the "excluding VAT" is some kind of tax???

Namaste, Allen

VAT = Value Added Tax = one more layer of Sales Tax

hereabouts ( BC) our beloved H(for Harmonized) ST is presently at 12% - pretty much no escaping it, but at least we can be comforted that the money's being put to good use

Hypex is based in Holland - Convert. Control. Amplify.

If they ship outside EU, then IIRC you are not charged the EU VAT. The modules, SMPS power supply, connecting cables - I ordered everything from Hypex.

When it comes to listening impressions - these are very subjective things :). I feel that the sound is very transparent. Highs and mids are detailed but sweet. Sound is open and spacious, very good seperation of instruments. I use a Xonar STX on my PC as source, and the bass definition was ahead vs the tube amps I have. More bass weight to compared to other Class D or SS amps I've tried. Switching back to mp3 player as source, I missed some of the detail and punch - so clearly the amp is doing it's job.

I need to listen more, but initial impressions are very good. I am currently puttig the finishing touches and veneer on the A12 DBR boxes. Decided these are the preferred "form factor" for my room side, listening tastes, and system. I guess the Mar-Ken12T would have been probably even better, but that looks quite difficult to build! :)

Hypex is in the running

12% - but at least we can be comforted that the money's being put to good use

:rolleyes: I dare not go down that rabbit hole!!! :rolleyes:

When it comes to listening impressions - these are very subjective things :).

Yes they are, but I am a subjective audiophile, and the bottom line is how things sound. I do see measurements as a great tool to help us figure out in a sciencetific way why an amp sounds "open" or "more detailed" esp compared to another amp. Rod Elliot's article above addresses this. I have quite alot to learn as I am not an electrical engineer. But, when all is plotted and documented, the bottom line is the sound.

I read this thread last night:


It sounds to me, that many people are experiencing similiar impressions, esp compared to their other mosfet and tube amps, although I do not know the power output of these rival amps.

It was good to see a comparison in that thread to a Sure T2050 2X100 watt board, becuase that is the one I had. In reality, it is really 50 watt/ch at best with the meanwell SMPS. He liked his Sure better then the older ST version of the Hypex, however, his Sure was modified. I did not modify mine, the components on that board were too small for my liking. I liked to sound, but much like the chipamps, I was clipping them into harshness... Going with active cross-over and tri-amplification fixed this for all but ear spliting levels, which by that time the drivers themselves were compressing also.

Anyway, I degress, sort of - time to bring the point home:

Zia, the attributes you mention, esp bass authority, are the traits of a good amp with POWER. In other words, you are enjoying a clip free sound. Please correct me if my gut is wrong on this. Rod Elliot's article made a lot of sense, in this regards. Do not get me wrong, there are a lot of high power amps that sound horrible, but I do not gather that from your impressions or others. Bass authority is a must with Avebury, becuase the bass is so present with this system. Lack of power in the bass is where most of my distortion occurs, and some occurs on intense vocal and solo pieces. I used to think that this subtlely distorted sound needs to be turned up to bring out the soundstage! Of course that makes things worse! No, what I am looking for is a good amp with enough power to control the bass and allow the mid-range to remain "open". I may even consider the UcD400HG just to make sure. I am looking into the H2R regulators too.

Switching back to mp3 player as source, I missed some of the detail and punch - so clearly the amp is doing it's job.

I am guessing becuase you experienced less "detail" you also experienced less "open-ness"? I am attempting to discern in my mind if there is a relationship between "detail" or "resolution" and "open-ness" or "transparenty" Can you have "open-ness" without "detail"?

I guess the Mar-Ken12T would have been probably even better, but that looks quite difficult to build! :)

Zia, the only difficulty here is justifying the time! Yes, the Mar-Ken12T has more pieces and takes more steps to build, but that in and of itself is not "difficult". Will it take more time? yes! Will you need more patience? Most certainly a resounding YES! That, my freind, is the difficulty! Please, for the sake of your own inner peace, do not leave yourself wondering if the Mar-Ken12T would even possibly be better then what you have. That will linger in your mind like a plague. Satisfy that wonderment and atleast research it! The reason I did the open baffle experiment in post #287 and the "quicky" sealed box above, so I could elimate any doubts in my mind to focus my attention on Avebury. This is also why I built Avebury the way I did, so I would not wonder if the sound would have been better if I had only built it better. Do not get my wrong, I have a few "air leaks" to fix on Avebury, but the foundation is solid. Get rid of the "probably"

Oh, and in case you missed it, Zia, in my long winded post - Thanks for your review!

Class-D research

I been doing some research into possible class-D options.

At the moment, I am thinking of going with the Hypex UcD400HG with the HxR regulators in dual mono with SMPS, all from Hypex. I could squeeze by with the UcD180, but prefer to make sure I have enough power.

I have been looking into the HiFimediy T4 that Zia mentioned earlier. I am not sure if it has enough power, I just know some people prefer that amps' mid-range presentation. It uses the same chip that my Sure amps did, although this looks like a much nicer board.

So, Zia, I would really appreciate your subjective listening impressions between the T4 and the UcD180, esp in reguards to power output. We both well know that Alpair 12 does not hide an amp gasping for power!

Now, back to Lightspeed....


Thanks Zia,

The Hypex sounds like a win win all the way around. Rare to find in audio but possible!

The Hypex stretches the budget a bit, audio has a way of doing that too, greatness has a price! Atleast I have a target. I do not want to push my luck, with some minor medical bills on the way and a new job pending. Nothing is set in stone, but things do look promising.

Dream Big

Good question...

Anybody know the difference between UcD180ST and UcD180HG?

What I have gathered from the reading I have done, is that the HG version was developed in response to the diy market's tweaking. It has better components and a slightly different layout. What all this does, I have no clue. Most people claim that the HG sounds better, but not all! So...

Here is Jan-Peter's contact information. I have seen him post on some of these threads.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Dave, you have a good sense for the techincal, so keep us posted on your discoveries.
So far...

This is what I have so far with the Lightspeed. Soldering farsighted is a whole new experience! I am going to need to get some reading glasses with higher magnifiation, not becuase I can not see, but becuase everything is so clearly small! I keep taking my glasses off thinking I can hold the board 3" from my nose to "zoom in" - That don't work anymore! It is really weird! There are some deeply rooted habits that do not apply. I am undergoing a nuero network redesign at the moment. As I said in my earlier post, all great things come with a price, at least on planet Earth! :cool:

Anyway, I am going to make a proto type box for this tomorrow. I am not sure if this unit will end up in a pre-amp or something, so I do not want to build a fancy box yet.


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Lightspeed working!

Got a higher magnification of reading glasses, glad I did, as there was some flux residue bridging a couple of contacts.

As you can see, certainly not a "final" enclosure. I wanted to:

#1 - make sure I put it together right as the kit I got on sale followed a diferent lay out from the original schematic and appart from the matched pairs of optocouplers, it was a mosh posh of mixed "make it work" parts.

#2 - decide if I want to add an input selecter using the six position knob pictured below.

#3 - keep the option open to use this in a pre-amp.

I will say, this device is worth housing in a nice enclosure, and it is worthy of being a volume pot in a pre-amp.


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Listening impressions

Now the fun part!

The first comparison was pretty subjective, as in computer Realtek audio -vs- Lightspeed and the Pioneer CLD-3070. No volume matching. I will not go into much, as this is by no means a "fair" comparison. The main thing I noticed was when I listened to the Lightspeed CLD-3070 combination, is that I wanted to listen more. I could turn the measuring mind off and listen. Isn't that what this is all about? It was three o'clock in the morning by that time, so I figured I would retire on a good note...

Now for the more sceincetific comparisons:

The first one I done was the computer Realtek audio -vs- the Lightspeed and computer Realtek audio. In other words, the first one uses the kernel mixer in the computer as a volume, and the second one has the computer at 100% and the Lightspeed as a volume. I done this test as I have heard that some poeple experience better dynamics and signal to noise ratio. I volume matched using the tone generator (a 120 Hz tone) as a source to match the output voltage at the speaker terminals of the amps. No one can argue 120 Hz at 17.56 volts. Yes, I set for the loudest unclipped level! Naturally I had to switch wires between comparisons, so consider a 30 second lag time between "A" and "B". I could perceive a diference, but it was so subtle, I think I was hearing more of the difference of the MIT 2 interconnect I was using. The sound was more "etched" with the computer alone, so either the Lightspeed and/or MIT 2 interconnect are smoothing the edges of the realtek audio. Like I say, this difference is so subtle that I would not rush out to buy a Lightspeed to improve the Realtek audio, becuase it is as good as it gets. I will say this now too, I would not pay $400 for an interconnect (MIT 2) again either! I compared that to many of the "basic" cables I have here and I like it better, as it seems to have "smoother" sound, but not $400 worth! I keep it as a reminder, as I have had it for 15 years!

Anyway, the next comparison I done was between the T.V. preamp and the Lightspeed. The soucre was the CLD-3070. I used a test CD with a 1K tone to set the matched levels. I enjoyed this comparison becuase there was a percievible diference for the better. Thru the T.V. the sound had more "slam" which I thought I liked. A drum would go "bam - here I am". It feels as if this pre-amp is "forcing" the music thru, compared to Lightspeed. Lightspeed "lets" the music come thru. That same drum goes bam as part of an overall soundscape of music. The music draws you in instead of saying , "Hey, listen to me! The details are not drawing attention to themselves, they are being a "background" to the music. I am not hearing any diference in the loud peaks, but instead the back drop to the music revealing itself. This really brings greater satifaction to lower listening levels, and that is a good thing! I guess a lot gets lost in the noise of the TV pre-amp! Not to mention, is the extra gain really needed? The Lightspeed was an all out winner on this comparison.

The last comparison was between the Realtek audio and the Lightspeed and CLD-3070. Volume levels where set using the test CD. The tone and soundscape between these two components is diferent. The computer has a smoother, more present high, while shooting the soundstage at you, were as the CLD-3070 creates a deeper space around you. For sure I like the tonal balance and space created by the CLD-3070, yet like the smoother high of the computer. Much like the comparison above, I found the computer had a more forceful presentation and the CLD-3070 creating a musical space around the instruments that draws me in. There is just "more" to listen to. The computer sounds like sinewaves going thru amps and speakers, where as with the Lightspeed and CLD-3070 combo we are starting to hear the music come thru. The CLD-3070 is 20 years old, it skips CD's, crackles once and while and has a slight edge to its otherwise laid back high. I wonder what something new would sound like?

So all and all, the Lightspeed is a step in the right direction. It points out the potential yet awaiting us in Avebury!

Infact I got a taste of that potential last night. As the CLD-3070 is a Laser disc player, I was able to play some anolog source material. "What" you say? Before Laser disc added digital audio, it had optical anolog audio. Later they developed a CX encoding system to expand the dynamics of this audio. So there is an archivel anolog system out there. When I compare this audio to the digital audio, I have found that there is a little more hiss, and slightly less dynamic, but boy is it "open", esp the midrange. The digital sounds like too much noise reduction. There is no air in the room, no space around things. The tone is the same (except the analog has a better high), yet there are more sounds with-in the sounds on the analog tracks. Things have space around them and can breathe. I watched part of "Return of the Jedi" and could have done the whole thing, as I was caught, I was drawn in! Very theatrical. Today, I watched part of Pink Floyd "the Wall" to get a musical perspective. I can see why some people love their records, becuase there is just "more" there. Digital is a lot better now, can I get the audio on these discs to sound as good as or better then their anolog counterparts with a better DAC? That is the goal.

So do I get the DAC or new amps first? I do find listening at lower levels more satifying with Lightspeed, so...

May the force be with you.

Decisions, decisions II

I have been enjoying the Pioneer CLD-3070 thru the lightspeed, especially the analog sound tracks off Laser disk. Music CDs sound better for sure. The mid-range depth is better, yet there is something in my gut knowing that this is just the tip of the iceberg of what Avebury has it store for me. I have been researching different amps people use with Alpairs and I found this quote by Dave: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/full-range/150267-tang-bang-w8-1772-impressions-36.html

downward dynamic range is the ability of an audio device to play very low level information in the presence of much higher level signal.

It is critical to imaging, to the harmonics & subtlies of instruments & voice.

The "need" to keep turning a system up to make it sound right is a big symptom of lack of DDR.


This is what Lightspeed does for my system, it reveals the low level information and as a result, I do find that I do not have to play my music and movies as loud, eventhough I still enjoy to! This helps with the whole clipping thing with the chip amps, which sound quite good when kept with-in their abilities. Do not get me wrong, I definately want a higher powered amp that will use the full capacity of Alpair 12. Most "with-in reason" class-A is underpowered. It seems the Hypex is the direction I am heading. The UcD 180 would be sufficent power wise, the UcD 400 may be overkill, but it is only about $100 more to have that extra headroom. I would really like the Ncore, but $$$$ on that one, eventhough I believe it would be worth every penny.

But quite honestly, given the DDR concept Dave explains above, I am thinking the DAC is my weakest link in this system. The Realtek audio is just not happening, and the CLD-3070 crackles, pops, and skips. That is not the kind of DDR Dave is refering to! The AMB Gamma y2 is still in the running, unless I can get a Buffalo II for the right price. I am playing it safe with the $$$ until all the medical tidbits are paid and my new contract starts a month from now at work (a good thing even I did not see coming!)

All and all, I have been enjoying the colors of spring with my new eye and preparing myself for some much needed soul searching in the next couple of weeks... Part of this includes finishing the Avebury cabinets. As you all know, I have been considering covering the cabinets with solid maple, yet many of you and people I know here feel that it would be a shame to cover the joinery, so I have come up with a comprimise, actually a win win: I will only cover up the fronts with solid maple (and oak) and leave the sides as birch with the joinery showing. That way, I get the smooth dispersion front baffle with the "deep" wood look, and still keep the Industrial Arts look on the sides. I will need to do some color matching with stain on the sides. What are your thoughts? I will show patterns for the fronts soon. They certainly are not as complecated as the ones posted on #176!

Things are starting to move forward once again.

God Bless

How is that amp sounding?



Hope things are good!

You mean the Hypex UcD180HG? It's sounding very nice thank you. It's the best Class D amp I've listened too. Detailed highs and mids, impressive bass authority and bass weight. A good match with the Alp 12. I've played this combination with my Xonar STX and have been happy with the results.

Need to listen to the Hifimediy T4 again. It was also nice, but not as smooth in the treble range, didn't have as much bass as the Hypex if I remember my earlier listening impressions. Also not as much airiness.

Now actually doinf FAST with the Hypex driving the mid-tweet (A12 and a friend's A7.3 alternately), Tangband W6-1139 as subs being driven by the T4. Will be sharing listening impressions in one of the ongoing FAST threads.

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