Mic, Line, EQ... Preamps

Dear Mile regards to post #102 for components what I should use for 0u22, 0u10 and 10u what volt rate do you prefer for it if I use input from LM3886 preamp?
sorry if it silly question but as you know I'm not pro yet.

Use 0u22, 0u1 and 10u for 50V or 63V, and this circuit can help.


  • APEX LM3886+Sub X-Over.jpg
    APEX LM3886+Sub X-Over.jpg
    345.2 KB · Views: 4,254
thx for these information I'll try to build now both x-over and LM and I'll post the result as picture as I hope when everything works.
my final project for diy AMP almost done I'll post as surprise in new post and hope everyone give me opinion or notes to improve it after everything is finish.