John Curl amp

Thanks dimitri, I guess I have some work to do.


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wow, too bad.
hope you didn't loose the jfets!
do you know what went wrong? maybe starting up with the bias pot fully opened?

btw, by tying the 80k feedback resistor to one side of the bias generator, and leaving the output devices out, you could check the general functionality of the input and VAS stages.


MikeW said:
I turned on this amp tonight. Blew up a few parts. I will have to rebuild it next week and get some more fuses.:hot:
Thanks for the support. I took the outputs out of the circuit. I must have blown up one of the BD 139"s or 140"s. I was trying to trouble shoot and Q1 melted it's solder. At least I know thw power supply will put out plenty of current. I am sure it will work sooner or later. I have more parts. This is the fun part.:bigeyes: :hot: :clown:
Some note from test 2.
The power supply is +/- 26
R 25 should be 50 ohms or higher or heatsinks will be needed for Q1 and Q10.
The emitter output resisters are .51 ohms. Bias is set to 1 amp.
Values wrong on the schematic. (R5,R17 are 10 K and R14 is 1 ohm)
I added C10 and C11 (130 pf.) because of an high frequency oscillation.
I need to clean this up and build the other channel.

dimitri, did your get your parts?


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