Jim Griffin's JX92S designs

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For some time i have been on the verge of building Jim's Jordan / ribbon monitor and the renewed excitement for Jordan generated by the group buy has got me reading JX92 threads again.
I had originally built the VTL transmission line enclosure. My enclosures have sat in the basement since i pulled the drivers and moved to other speakers a few years ago, having been entirely unsatisfied with the treble response of the VTL's.
Has anyone tried to insert a ribbon into the VTL enclosure and design a cross over for it. I would love to try to reuse the cabinets that i have but have no idea how one might go about designing the crossover and placement of the ribbon tweeter.
neil_kaye said:

Has anyone tried to insert a ribbon into the VTL enclosure and design a cross over for it.

I was wondering the same thing just the other day. I know that Jim's design accounts for BSC so it wouldn't be a drop in replacement. However, I'm sure it could be done. I just have no idea how to design a crossover.

In addition, Jim states he doesn't like dome tweeters while there are others that do. Zaph has remarked a number of low distortion tweeters that are considerably less than the G2si. I'm curious how those might work with the Jordan.
FWIW, while ribbons can make for some really spacious highs, at the same DIY event where JG debuted? the Jordan/ribbon monitors there was another monitor loaded with a Vifa? aluminum dome tweeter that while the woofer/box combo was just another 'me too' gutless waste of $$, the tweeter 'knocked my socks off' with the kind of drop dead smooth, yet heart attack 'fast' (exceedingly well damped) response I know and love from ultralight aluminum dome compression horn drivers, so to my way of thinking it would be a synergistic mate to the Jordan's aluminum radiator.

Unfortunately, I don't remember which model it was and although I did note it for future reference, I now can't find it in my many gigs of reference data. :bawling:, so in browsing Vifa literature my best guess is D25AG-35-06.

I guess what i am pushing for is to find a way to take the VTL which has decent bass response and stunning mids packaged into a gorgeous cabinet and find a way to add a tweeter whether it be a ribbon or something else.
Perhaps all it needs is a super tweeter ala Zu's...
Just trying to start the conversation here and find a way to re-use those cabinets
Well, of course you can add a tweeter of your choice to the VTL, though due to the wide baffle the XO will be different than JG's if you use his ribbon of choice and will have to be designed for any other unit if someone hasn't already posted one.

Jordan JX92S/Aurum Cantus G2si/G2i Mini-monitor Design


This is my first post, I am a physics student working in an acoustics lab and the professor I work for would like me to build Jim Griffin's Jordan JX92S/Aurum Cantus G2si/G2i Mini-monitor Design. Seeing as how I have never built a box for speakers, I am looking for a little help. I have downloaded Jim's design pak, however I am having trouble locating 1 inch thick MDF. The professor I work for has also asked me to inquire about the baffles inside if any and any acoustics dampening material used. I would appreciate any and all help offered.

Matt R.
Well, of course you can add a tweeter of your choice to the VTL, though due to the wide baffle the XO will be different than JG's if you use his ribbon of choice and will have to be designed for any other unit if someone hasn't already posted one.

I would gladly built it if someone would model / design it. Either a ribbon or Scan-Speak 7000 or 6600

Anyone... please

You can use 0.75" thick material (MDF or low void plywood--perhaps Baltic Birch). Use the baffle layout in the design package pdf (12" H x 7.5" W x ? D external dimensions) and change the depth to accommodate an enclosed volume of 7-8 liters. The important thing is to use the front baffle dimensions AS SPECIFIED as the measurements/computer simulations for the crossover are for that specific layout.

The Parts Express' (P-E) 0.25 cu. ft. (7 liters) curved back cabinets are wood class and would only need holes for the JX92S, the tweeters, and the port tube. They cost $135 per pair but you could not duplicate them for less. You'll earn a gold star with those cabinets.

The size of these cabinet and the use of 0.75" or 1" thick material are adequate without additional bracing in most cases if you have a good box. I used P-E's 1.5" convoluted egg shell foam on the rear, top, bottom and side walls and their 1.375" inside dia. port tube in mine.

Good luck and let us hear how you proceed.


Port Tube Length


I was wondering what length port tube you used in your design. We purchased the adjustable one but were wondering if you could suggest a starting point. I have made some deviations from your design as per the professor I work for requests. First we did not get the curved back speaker boxes, due to a miscommunication, but we are still using your design as a base. We are also testing the output at different stages so all I have added so far is the speakers and the port tubes.

JX92S designs - Line Array?

Wondering if anyone has modeled or built a line array with the JX92S?

Would it make sense to build a modified double mltl 31 with one enclosure inverted over the other and the drivers adjusted so that they are aligned closer?

I've built a slightly modified version of GM's 48 mltl. They perform well in my office. However, not as well in my living room. I've been considering building a line array of 2 to 3 JX92S for the much larger space.

I've seen this question appear on other postings but they haven't gained any traction so I thought I'd give it another go.

Thanks any input in advance.
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